Show THE T H E GENIUS G E IUS OF MAY M AY TAG presents ts a WAS E R ad AO now WW present ita ito law til td FOR THE FIRST TIME 1 a h product the a el NEW quiet lifetime oil cd packed drive A unmatched maytag resource reao NEW handy autotype auto type adt for atut product of the AM and ad bg fi an uil I 1 topping stopping the water action and assy may worms ir orid finest fined washer ciffa other new feature give new convenience M em world worlds urged walba veni ence and nd greater efficiency to toil the on akew NEW MAYUS mumma an latest maytag 9 triumph as PHOY E you m w wah A with th t thae h P have cuned aa the de afta 0 of 4 P c 1 t P zo for a taj dithing ta in your own be bony if tt R doat lea stielf dont kop keep tt it per a F FIRST TIME TM a washa ie zisl laats never di NEW on one plo pw cacha c t aae THE MAYTAG COMPANY MW TIME offers newton jowe low maytag a IF ion banwer mewed poll po st tic drain PV 1144 how d na aal kwil maw t roller ovet L lif or wa TO 7 W L 4 IV alra tab 4 E I 1 N cat 3 tit ot A 11 0 0 pv 0 D U C T i lie e maytag shop PHONE PRONE AT DUO MOAB DALE AND af LW 14 tam 0 0 V badoa to suta aw taw were la january L t 41 4 1 antes not ild ANDREW W DOWD X D mif Dl nM of ryk by ar no and ad throat 1177 utah mul ka Arr ATTORNEY ORNEY AT LAW WS bosnac building HALT LAKE OITT CITY UTAH uv I 1 utah OLIVES K CLAY MAY adorney atlow at law electric prie pries utah J W HAMMOND bondt boda IS 15 allva gul arke utah DR J 8 lud burgeon office boun hours eastern uth utah 2 to p an beetris Elec trie ald officer phona be 23 I 1 0 lawyer elmeric UTAH DL FM a ud surp prie price utia pt dr 7 8 1 THOMB TIONE daw omert SALT RT TA LAKE aff with union DW co 00 mall 1 oil fit photo wu wal draw dr ORD DW DWA A sura bide ma IMP bak 1399 a 0 JU W Is RUTH MAN fdA prie pries ufa IAN D north first eat but A A vior a lime we are offering th women of ibb community bou jovag yona and old CLUB of 3 permanent davez for 1800 ir this ay any 7 three stir lillei may eita together toBt ther and luh uh receive 1 a beautiful 1 wave at a pries never heard of before 11 otties SPECIAL BATES WILL BB IM ani ADI ranger u JO MAWS BEAUTY taby ALLRED operator 27 E main 1 street 0 see our line of spring dresses Drew rones and girls 44 r iresa at WASATCH STORE STOR CO CLEAR OLEAR GATZ b JE thursday march 1 1 arf 31 th ve we start a sp cici 9 afa day demonstration i ton of 0 f tile fhe 1 new ew F giai 0 i re 4 4 H 1 R desserts and salads 7 J A W hii li be serve a 4 inow vow oo 00 recipe boob books will w be 0 amin away be ura surn to 0 o afkend 0 ERES 5 your to find out all an about the marvel mmel ous new hydrator on thursday march much we st start a special 9 day dem 0 nitration one 0 f the most interesting will ill also be demonstrated you ever held in our showroom will be shown how this device freezes we will WW show te the e hydrator in actual ic cubes faster faste hw it permits you to ashl ayou would vw it ia your mike make scores of unusual desserts dess ertil thit that home ume you will see hova leface is made quire extreme cold tender and brittle by the Hydra hydrators tots wll you be our guest moist reviving cold YC will see bow how SPECIAL OF FER celery celety and rw radishes lishes take on added until unta saturday march crispness haw tomatoes are improved W are gre to waki a d in texture tere and flavor bejer to r 4 who buy dbrig tvr r aay let us tell about you and that is not all you will see ti u caffer 0 let us ms tell you yom about wr eidly cabinets in household the latest went plan corns at lit your first jint OPP steel will be on display W we will be opta until tm the ne famous Fri daire cold control ochika every day vi the carbon arbon C electric appliance co 14 V I 1 ai price ut N 0 14 maw 73 st A Z fp f p w W v |