Show PIQUE IN FAVOR FOR S PRING 4 14 4 L 5 aa THE HE chic chit of pique for the spring ault and ensemble ii is ungues cloned while way many of the new pique piques are made of silk or cotton just as many nod equally as 11 kau cital tyres types are woven of min made fiber bich bleh ti Is wonderfully interest ing when you come to think thick of it because of its soft silky texture and III scope bof f adorable colorings modern processed fiber pique merits all the flattering nattering attention which stylists are according to IL it A pleading besig rif ulness Is achieved by playing up a vertical ver ticul nod horizontal striping of the bem berg pique which fashions the hire three piece sports inse tri nihle pictured the color scheme adopted for this co 4 turne tume ii ery iery at attract he the blou te Is in 10 bo lo new bittersweet shade which mikes m ikas an contrast to the champagne tint of the pique jacket and skirt the suit in the modern tation of the word does not mean a mannish tal tailored loreI costume of stereotyped Filho silhouette uette on the con arary the new spring suits are df de light rightfully fully feminine 1 glun varl ety to the mode because b of their er styling amdi guiol Ini olvea re all sorts of dressmaker maker touches of self fabric such as details the frock pictured the necklines klines as also do cape collars many a frock of lustrous colorful pique Is mail made sleeveless but with a it cipe cire which being abeln detachable may be worn at hlll will athe the bolero suit Is also successfully tilled of the new colorful soft nod silken pique smart etile style also cilia for very simply styled suits maie of brown broun or black pique these depend on tin blouse worn alth TV ith them for cohr effect the late batet latet tt adventure in color mide by 0 tie e blouse Is to in the lm 1 of lovely pastel f hades shades for losli tice with lie the fult still of black pique a bloate of either baby blue or pale pate pink b ba speaks a lat last word trend of the mode the scentless Ele euless less blouse of silk print Is also registered on the a nea style program A 1930 wistern newspaper union |