Show DOG ORDINANCE CHAPTER IX sec bee 0 LU 1917 section 77 to be regist re gistard erd an anal tax penalty it hall shall be im un awful for any hemn to own or keep a dog witla the haiti limits of the ity city without making application to the city recorder for that purpose and ahall shall pa jr to atil aj recorder for the benefit of the city an 11 annual tax of four dollan dollars for a female dog and two dollars for zor a 4 male dog do the re corder ahal register gitter re the dpn applicant name ard description of the dog and an give the said applicant a berti of registry regi itry aay any person vio rio hiting toil this section hill shall be lilaa e to a fine in aay any sum urn not leu less thin three nor mor more then than ten dollars 1 for each eath section 78 collan collars and number all AH doy so 10 registered hall ball wear a suitable editable collar wibb ii metallic plate or of cheek check attached thereto tb th treto having a sumber umber with the of registry try thereon and all dog dogs not lettered ered and eol tol lared as aforesaid mil be liable to be killed the lame same ai As unregistered dogs the marihill mari hall ii Is hereby auth prized to kill or cause to be killed all dog dogs not rey regis rewired ired tea according to tie the provision of this chapter the ownen owners of uch such dogs shall be liable to a fine in tiny buy iun uri not exceeding ten dollar dollars enaw BAlha tyse 9 V U 30 r section 79 female doge dogs in heat kest an any jr female dog running it at t I 1 large a rge while in heat beat hall shall be liable to be b killed and the owner or isor hereof thereof hall shall be liable to a fine in any sum not dot exceeding fifteen dol lan ir section so 80 permitting in place of worship any owner or cessor pcs sor of a dog the ame same tv to ent enter er or ie be in any place of worship dariel public serlee be liable to a fine in am an tum sum not exceeding fue dolan for each often offense 81 dangerous dogs at large if any amy exber or of fierce dangerous danger oua or dog permit permits the to go at large he be hal ball be ajab liable to be ficci fire f a any um turn not exceeding fifteen dollare dollars and nd the city marscall mari mars hall ball ahll dimmed lately cause aid said dog to be killed section 81 82 penalty for imag ellred dog any person who shall kill aj or daso to be killed any dog as herein provided except a female dog la in heat beat without the co reent of the owner or possessor thereof or deprive a registered regi terel dog of iti its collar or it put a registry tag on oil any dog not registered hall shall be halle liable to a in say sum oot not ex beeding twenty five fire dollar dollars or to imprisonment ia in the city jail not at exceeding ding tea ten duj bys or to both ch oreb fin fine and imprisonment |