Show NOTIA FOR department of the interior V U 13 land office at t SH galt lale lake allty utah february 12 1930 notice is I 1 cereby riven oven that david alvin 1 of wellington uth who on hiir li 28 1925 mude ito 9 homestead ostry nc 0 for lot lots 3 md add 4 see i 4 lati lots 1 11 2 3 sebe 7 afee 5 WW section 9 13 booth hange range 13 halt last salt ball lake ten hai bas filed notice of in teton lo 10 make final proof to e belh claim to the land hod ab q d before H C V helth not ary public at prie almb on the ath day of V vieb cb C 1930 ClAi claimant mint mamel aa its wi taiMe jamas liddell of price utah P F 11 Worl ejr W A thayn and george dasya au of wellington utah EM F TAYLOR register Be gister first pub feb 20 last mar 20 1930 |