Show ITYs FASHIONS EDICT 4 V f TIIE THE powers that be are certainly A doing the thing thoroughly down to the slightest detail that of fern InIz Irs the mode modo one of the latest esi evidences dences of this Is the revival of th elaborated found atlon blip slip of course with such filmy frocks of lace chiffon chilton or of net ns are now in fish fashion loo the fin cari costume slip Is inevitable the dainty frock of diamond mesh bem berg net in the file picture owe owes injia of its enchantment to the urr ery lovely bow trimmed satin and lace slip over which it Is 1 posca the costume Is carried out lo 10 rose beige tones cap cup sleeves ti eeves a ery cry bullat full at jhc thc hemline skirt ad a cape back contribute effin live style features fa tures to this beguiling party aroch bitet in white black fad end especially bially in dainty colors Is among th tho moat roo fought sought to for media of the pres ent fashion fas lilon era in fact all liny see ti roligh materials are having their day and night too for that matter as transparent tram parent effects are the call of the evening mode aln tills in mind estyl lets atre fa f ti toning the new lingerie slips accordingly that Is to elaborating them with lace lam ribbon and cm em brol dery it t Is even hinted that because of the return of be peek a boo cloures of washable net the lace laden beribboned camisole day may be revved however Ilo speaking of the new sheer frocks nothing prettier appears in lie evening style scene than those fashioned of pale pink or flesh colored net over satin foundations some there are who are to the future as a pink season owen to fie im accent placed ro r a all pink tone tones by fasli ion fort applies not oily olly oi ly to eye evening triodes tri ides for sports wear ear also Is made up of to i large extent of pale dinv p jersey flit fl innels inels crepps cr epa and Able silks As to the sheerness of the mod modo even hats listii leflett its influence for r or instance many of the widened picture p to brims are of straw lace this tills being a new note into millinery this season and one which Is being highlighted with enthusiasm these hats alth tra parent briens top the wispy flowery chiffon ensembles to per faction fec tion JULIA nOI 06 union |