Show P PRICE ra C E 0 T TO 0 LET COUNTY TAKE HOSPITAL COBOL CONTROL new building can B be e constructed for mayor W dirik and ana LIMI bernardi Ber head of tie hospital hoi pit de part ament ment of the tit I 1 council met with the carbon commissioners thursday day to offer a proposition whereby the th buu would be put under county supervision mayor uloa olson pointed out that the business of the hospital had reached such proportion proportions thit that it could cot not be ac it commo tommo dated in the present quarter quarters and urged tit me county to a new and larger bu building illing the ne rea tea tons on giten given fot for discontinuing a city managed hospital are thit that price lk ih laboring under ft a heavy due to specht improvement work an and d that 80 per cent of the patient patients admitted come from outside of prie the board informed the council del delegates that if a petition signed by 20 0 per cent of the taxpayer taxpayers was wal submitted the county was compelled by law to call calet k epe lalond election mayor olson lod and probably the entire city council will go to bait balt dike city ognjen in mil prove next eek to place the mater before befort the coal aed railroad operator operators they may be by a group from the price Ch chamber aniber of commeree Comm ree while there they elo intend to look O per oer er ner pipeline and arid to consider con suler a new electrical system eyt teni mayor olson is confident that the people will fiver the plan to meet requirements the city official officials be hive that I 1 hospital Lo spital with accod moda tiona ions for 50 persons ls Is necessary and could coald be established with present equipment at a cost of only 21 beds are contained in the wards at the present time mayor olson report reports tatt the hospital Is I 1 equipped with about worth of surgical eurg ical instrument instruments und furnish tag ings be ted by the ac county bince it vs was established four years yeara ago the price hospital has his taken care are of patient patients frota from Duche ducheane Due nene ani um ulu lab tah or grand and san juan emery carbon ind and utah counties over 2500 pa fa bit been admitted alzo lioe e judnary a 19 1927 11 when the institution was d to the public |