Show former price pric e people I 1 in nations Nation 9 capital T prisident ident of the utah att go clety at Us tuu D 1 C tl 0 on o of the patroni ibur fur the th annul dinner and ree reception eption i of that organization which wai wa held hold february 22 it the culton carlton ben ml hundred som re siding in washington were in att red anre anet at the file fite mr hilltop a deputy in tie 04 office of the vit bon county lerk clerk at price Ate to word rocil ved dy by r in pric mr nir up aid frank ollon jr ion of mayo V Y I 1 iliin will return to in lift july i ii il na bihy ay to plead the lh summer mr air hilling illings It reports that mr and mr mrs II 11 nry dry 0 olson and mr and mr mrs aa all living at the nation nations capital mr lit olson ia i at tending school to tom an onri e pring Dx course und ona ii Is also all working for the bureau of aeronautic aeronautics mr is i lu lh tho the coast and and anti will in ilk tho the near cost undergo n I 1 elsa hu service iral examination for examiner exi niner miner |