Show father gim Oae tody cf of him nia yr old son sol Clay buria A gemay of albertt alberta caluda wai wu giliard custody of af kil his ain year old eon son williaa wiiiiam in a de do cislon handed a by judge dilworth wooly la in the emery county court at katle dale the youth will frith with till his aunt mrs melva nielsen and grandfather joseph B meeks of huntington until juc june ao so thit be he may finish tile his schooling acho oling grundy testimony barriat mar riat 1 rachel B meek meeks ia in 1913 1918 end nd moved her to canada they astr return ed to lh here the child ro born vit lue ue mother refused to tn 0 o baeli bacat to canada to live brundy left her bet in utah and an the child nai has resided nuh with hi his relatives ever rinee since MM mrs grundy did died emeral mouth aeo |