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Show CASH RATES: 10c per lino llrst Insertion- j 5c per lino each subsequent insertion. Ho ad to occupy lesa spaca than two lines. Your "wnnt ad" "will he ac-I ac-I ceptcd and 'phoned to The Salt I Iiako Trlbuno ofilco at regular rates by the following agents: BRANCH OFFICES. Godbe-Pitts Drug Co. ; 101 MAIN STREET. W. H. DAYTON DRUG CO., ' corner Second South and State. S3LERW00D PHAEMAOY, 002 South Stnto. LEAVER DRUG CO., Grand Pacific . Hotel, corner Third West ruid South Temple. VIRInjLLLION'S PEAEr 3VIACY, 511 West Second South. 'Phone 1838. WASATCH DRUG- STORE, j corner Second South and Tlilrd I East. W. R. CLARK DRUG STORE, 1 1 Eleventh East and Twelfth, j j J South, Sugar Houbo. J w1-1 "' ' $ I! MONUIffENTS AND TOMBSTONES. R. M'KENZIE, REMOVED TO 422 S. State. Largo stock to oelcct from. r0 FLORISTS AND SEEDSMEN. TEXAS JASMINE BUDS. Most beautiful nnd fragrant flowers, pure white. Lovely for wcddlngH, par-tins, par-tins, decoration day and commencements. Packed to arrive In perfect condition; evergreen foliage. II.G0 per 100; ?2.C0 por 200. express prepaid. $10 por thousand. Season closs Juno 15th. Send postal or express order, Tho Pudor Jasmmo com- pany. drawer 197. Houston, Texas. vl3GG GRASS. GARDEN AND ALFALFA I Feed nro the beat. S3 E. 2nd So. U2S2-5 ' SCHWARZ & HEINC&E, FLORISTS. secdmcn. 04 E. 2nd So. Tel. C05. rSOl j FIORAL DESIGNS A SPECIALTY. Richard E. Evans, 3S Main st Tel. SGI. I MONEY TO LOAN. F. G. WOOD. 143 MAIN ST.. ROO,M 310. loans 510 to ?500 on furniture, horses, vohi- cics, eta, etc; privato, easy payments. U2743 ; ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. ETC; nny quantity; easy torms. 210 Atlas blk. u2C7l ! CHEAP MONEY! CHEAP MONEY! i Any amount on furniture, pianos, valuables valu-ables or any good security. Sco us If you need money; lowest rates In city; easy J terms. 129 KcIth-O'Brlen bldg. t2623 MONEY THE DAY YOU WANT IT; no red-tape; no delays, partial paymonta I allowed any tlmo; any amount without I notice. Tho Home Trust &. Savings Co., 0 j West First- South, j ON CHATTELS: ANY AMOUNT. O. J F, Peterson. &3 W. 2nd South. ul230 , ON MORTGAGE; NO COMMISSION. Pomeroy, 36 W. 1st North; 'phone 23S1-V. uSSl j ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. 1 Thos. W. Partridge, 56 Commercial block; j tolaphonc 743-x. u&93 j CITY AND FARM PROPERTY: LOW-I LOW-I 'St rates. P. Ij. Porkes, room G Masonic J block, West Temple. t220 1 DON'T BORROW TROUBLE; BOR-row BOR-row money. Salaried men or women accommodated ac-commodated on their note, without mort-I mort-I r:ac or mdorser; easy payments; confidential. confi-dential. Cherry. 407 D. F. Walker bldg. C1517 ! 110 TO S2S.OO0 ON CHATTELS OR REAL ! estate, private. Equitable Loan and In-I In-I vest. Co., C2Vj W. 2nd So. p742 I ON ANY PROPERTY: YOU RETAIN j possession. Tho Stringer Co., 70 W. 2nd S. i ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS. EL-I EL-I mer E. Darlln & Co.. C W. 2nd So. , $1000 to S50.00O. ONE TO FIVE YEARS: farm or city property. James K. Shaw, under Walkor Bros, bank, pf9 ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS Miller & Vellc, 03 McCornlck bldg. r ON FURNITURE, PIANOS OR GOOD I pecurlty, without removal; private. E F Stolzenberger, 16 W. 2nd So., room 23. R. L. TRACY. 11 E. 1ST SO., LENDS money; no commission, expense or dolny. ! WE LEND MONEY TO BUILD honMB. It la not necessary to havo tlin hous built rtrst. Wo will ndvanco the money as tho houso progresses. Lowest ; rates. Part payment any time, and Interest Inter-est reduced accordingly. McGurrln & Co S2 and 31 Main ctreot mlSSS ACCORDION PLEATING. SUNBURST AND ACCORDION pleating. Mrs. Jonnons. 47 E. let So. m412 FANCY WORK. PRnrATB LESSONS IN DRAWN ",TOr and Battenberg. C5 So. 3rd E. w7G7 PATENTS. PA'-CENTB FREE. CONSULTATION gffloe, 23 Eagle blk.. 2nd floor. dl040 ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS. WARNER & POWELL, ROOMS 1C and 17, over Walltor's bank. wltC2 l - SAFES. NHW OR 2ND-HAND, CASH, TRADE or terms. Borenacn-Stoatt Co- 42 E. 2nd a WANTED. 9 i8ECOND-rAND POOL IAND BIL-llartt BIL-llartt tabic; will pay cah. Gregory's Cigar Ci-gar Store, 69 W. 1st South. wHU GOOD SECOND-HAND PONT BUGGY or Kiirroy; must bo cheap. Add. M 1. Tribune. W1472 A SCAVENGER WANTED AT ONCE nt 604 South Urd East W1424 BY A COUPLE AND 3 CinLDREN. room nnd board In privato family. Ad-drea Ad-drea M- 2J, Tribune. wlCCO TO BUY A DELIVERY HOR8E; must be cheap. Inq. Monday. Druohl & Franken. wlfdC I ADVERTISING WORLD, COLUMBU3, j Obfo, a monthly Journal of Information, plans, suggestions and Idcan for advertising. advertis-ing. Send today for free sample, or 10c for four months' trial. rlS57 AN EARNEST YOUNG MAN, ANX-lous ANX-lous for a good business education; must bo willing to work. AddrS3 M 20. Tribune. Trib-une. W1102 TWO OR THBEB UNFURNISHED rooms. If furnished will buy furniture. Positively close In with electric lights. Address M 19, Trlbuno. BIDS AT ONCE TO TEAR DOWN old adobe, excavalo GOO yards earth, put in wall 18 cords rock and 80,0 brick. Call 140 Main st. wl292 8MALL FURNISHED HOUSE FOR tho summer, or three or four detrlrablo housekeeping roomn centrally located; reliable- party; no children. Address, with complete Information, M 14, Tribune. TO BUY A CARLOAD OF GOOD SEC-ond-hand furniluro lo rlilp to now mining!) camp. Address L 57, Trlbuno. wl070 BY LADY, CHILD TO TAKE HOME and caro for. 42J So. 9th E. wlOOl TO RENT. FOR A YEAR. MODERN house, f or C rooms, oast aldo. Address L CO. Trlbuno. tv&1 HORSES AND CATTLE FOR GOOD pasturo. at Church fam. Tel. 219. WH3 YOUNG LADY TO ROOM AND board, with use of piano; reasonable; prl-vato prl-vato family. Call ISO E. Brlgham. u2Stp J YOU TO GIVE YOUR CAST-OFF clothing, etc.. to the Salvation Army . lioclal-rolief dept., for use in Its salvago room. Call 'phono 13S3-X, or sond- postal to Stafr-Capt. David Miller, S3 Franklin ave., whoso signature will bo on card car-rled car-rled by our collector. t2S UNCLE SAM LOANS THE MOST MO-ncy MO-ncy on diamonds, watches. Jewelry, guns, instruments, tools, clothing, seal skins, etc.. nt U rato Interest Phone 217C-"i ; SO E. 1st South. Also groat bargains In unredeemed diamonds, watches, rings nnd musical instruments. H!?2 HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR MEN'S cast-off clothing, bats and shoes; send postal. 65 Commercial at. Tel. 212S-X. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE AND Jitovea. See Matren, lt3 State. 'Phone 21?3-IC. h974 FURNITURE OR ANYTHING SEC-ond-hand; nothing too larKe or fine. I, X. L. 2nd-hand store. Tel. 4?b-3. 203 S. State. m3470 SECOND-HAND FURNITURE AND eloves. S. L. Furniture Co.. 22S S. State. tsU&O WANTED SITUATION. YOUNG LADY WANTS WORK BY the day. Add. 452 So. West Temple. wl25S 2 JAPANESE COOKS. FIRST AND socond. want situation in camp. Address M 13, Tribune wl203 AS TEAMSTER OR CARE OF horses; can givo good reference. Tribune, M 11. wllS BY RELIABLE " YOUNG JAPANESE, having best reference; city or country: address ad-dress M 12, Tribune wl20S BY YOUNG WOMAN TO CLEAN OF-flces. OF-flces. Add. L 53, Tribune. w5C0 WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS MAKING LESS THAN 33. CO day JnveHtignto our wlner. Room 25, 25 Enst First South 3t. " BEGIN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF; slop working for others. We Btart you in protltablo mail-order business at your home. Pleasant work; Immense profits; unlimited possibilities. Full Information for stamp. Franklin-Howard Co., Denver Colo. tD-li AGENTS. ON SALARY OR COMmTeT slon. The greatest agents' seller ever produced; every usor of pen and Ink buys It on sight; ,C00 to MO per cont profit; one agent's sale's amounted to $620 In six day; another 2 In two hours. Monroo Mfg. Co., X-G2, La Crosse, Wis. W1364 AGENTS $S0 A WEEK GUARAN-teed. GUARAN-teed. Automatic Washers sell themselves. Agent writes: "Exhibited pamplo to ten women; took ten orders." Time, 45 mjn-utos; mjn-utos; profit over ?50; guaranteed to do a washing In SO minutes; furnishes Its own power; requires no labor; costs loss than any other machine; free sample and ex-clusivo ex-clusivo territory furnished. Automatic Waeher Co.. Station L". Chicago. wl3G5 CHANCE OF LIFETIME TO ONE man only In each Stato with a few hundred hun-dred dollars and references; monopoly of logltlmato . business: enormous profits, without risk; highest Indorsements. Hull, 15; East Twenty-third st., N. Y. wl33S AGENTS WANTED, K V E RYW n E RE, to sell our watches; a J10.CO sample free and liberal commission. If you want profltablo employment for sparo moments mo-ments send for samplo and terms now. Union Watch Co., Dopt C-11S, Chicago, I1K wiatl , TO SELL THE IDEAL SHIRT WAIST and skirt supporter; tho best on tho market. mar-ket. Geo. N. Scccte, 1203 Graos st, Chicago Chi-cago W1345 WANTED AGENTS TO SELL A"SUC-cessful A"SUC-cessful J.V00 typewriter, forty per cont commission. Coftman Mfg. Co., CIO Spruco St.. St. Louis. Mo. W134S "COUNTY AGENTS. CALL OR write. Axents' Supply Co., 169 S. Stato. Salt Lake. Utah. wl26l CLAIRVOYANT. THIS WEEK ONLY. Wo give a full reading for half price. Remenber wo tell everything, namo included in-cluded Free unless correct. Arnold-Dickson's. Arnold-Dickson's. 159J Muln ft. W14S2 SPIRITUALISTIC MATERIALIZING seance tonlsht. All can see nnd talk with their ypirlt fnends. 1596 Mnln st All invited. in-vited. Will remain In tho city. w!4K MADAM LYNN. RELIABLE PALM-lst PALM-lst and Astrologlst. 64 W. 2nd So. WALL PAPER CLEANING. LEAVE ORDERS AT THE SMITH Drug company. 'Phono 233. uS93 UPRIGHT PIANO; N, EARLY NEW; cheap. S3 E. 6th South. U1649 OAK APOLLO. 5135; SLIGHTLY USED. Sea at one. Cicort nuislo Co., ICO Main t. 2409 TURF AND SPORTING. iG OPERATED BY MY SYSTEM WON $14.49o in three montliB at Oakland, Cal. I can prove It by business men hero who Sartlolpcted. Full partlcnlara freo. Vance ystem Co., 2ZO Parrott Bldg, San Francisco. Fran-cisco. vi247 WA17TED HELP. ONE GOOD MILLWRIGHT; CALL TO-day TO-day at n o'clock. Strock's Employment oftlco. 55 W. 2nd So. GIRL FOR GHNJ5RAL HOUSEWORK; 2 In family; must be good cook: refcrencos required; good wnscs. fi27 E. 1st South. W1513 SOLICITOR OF GOOD ADDRESS TO canvass a now and novel article of extensive exten-sive use. A permanent position to tho rlfdit parly. Address L 55, Tribune. wl515 EXPERIENCED CHAMBERMAID. 15 E. 2nd South. wlBTi GIRL WANTED FOR LIGHT H0U8E-koeplng. H0U8E-koeplng. Apply S3 So. 1st W. W1510 AN EXPERIENCED SAIJESLADY for Suit DepU GIvo references. Add. M 5, Tribune. KANSAS CITY BARBER COLLEX3H; largest and best: Uachos tho trade; shortest short-est time at small expense. Wrlto for free catalogue. F. C Brtdgoford, 603 Dolawaro Bt.. Kansas City., Mo. u2289 SALESMEN WVNTTDD SIDE LINE of high-grado art advertising calendars, fans and blottorp. Copyrighted subjects hv famous artists; frwih Ideas and a winning win-ning lino. Our good men aro clearing HO to 560 per week. AddroE Manufacturers, lock box 413. Chicago, 111. w6 LADIES: SEVERAL VACANCIES. opn to complete list, easy sowing at homo for us. 115 weekly. Addressed envelop for laco Bamplc. Majestic Laco Co., Nw York. W1S57 WANTED TEN MEN IN EACH Stato to travel, tack signs and distribute circulars nnd samples of our goods; JW.00 per month. 33.00 per day for expenses. Kuhlman Co., Dcpt S-0, Atlas block. Chicago. Chi-cago. W1338 CAPABLE SALESMAN TO COVER Utah with staplo lino. High commissions, with ndvanco of tlOO.CO monthly. Permanent Perma-nent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co.. Dotrolt, Mich wl3fi0 TRAVELING SALESMEN TO SELL all classes retail trado. Technical knowledge knowl-edge unnecessary, but simply all-round hustlers. Established, well rated houne. High-priced men investigate, for wo mean business. Box 453, Dotrolt, Mich. W13C3 , HELP WANTED CIRCULAR AND 'sample distributers wanted overj"whnre; no. canvassing; good pay. Co-operative Adv. Co., N. Y. W13G3 WANTED MEN, EVERYWHERE ; good paj ; to rilstributo droularsJ adv. matter, tack signs, etc. No canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. W1366 DETECTIVES EVERY LOCALITY, good, salary: experlenco unnecessary. International In-ternational Detectlvo Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. W136S SALESMEN WANTED LIBERAL proposition. No triflors need apply. Brown Bros. Co., Nurserymen. Rochester, N. T. W1369 CANVASSERS AND GENERAL agents. Our magnifying photograph frames are great sellers; no fnko; flno novelty. nov-elty. Sold only by canvassers. Send for circular or 35 cents for sample. Postpaid. Baltimore Novelty Works. 072 Falls Road. Baltimore. Md. wl870 WANTED. EVERYWHERE HUST-lers. HUST-lers. to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, otc. ; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. W1371 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. i7?7 4th Pt. ( wl3K WANTED EVERYWHERE MEN willing to distribute samples, tack signs, at $3.00 dally. No canvassing. Continental Continen-tal Distributing Servico, Chlcugo. wll03 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; must bo good cnok city reference ; call mornings. Mrs. S. B. Mllner, W5 2nd st wl379 SOLICITORS FOR SPLENDID PROP-osltlon, PROP-osltlon, nono but men of experience and business ability need apply, call between 9 and 10 a. m. Monday and Tuesday. 205 and G Atlas block. Ewlng, Supt, Agts. wl3S0 C TEACHERS TO TRAVEL DURING vacation 'for well known firm. No canvassing, can-vassing, 21.00 per week. Expenses paid. Two travel together any direction. Call 53 West Gth So. wl392 570.00 A WEEK AND A FREE TRIP to St Louis fulr. No money required; pleasant omploymont at homo for every one. Write today and we will engage yr.u. Now Life Pub. Co., 27 William nt.. New York. W13C6 LADIES: PLEASANT LOCAL WORK at home; $20.00 paid weekly. This Is no deception. Write today. Manager, 00 Como block. Chicago wl240 SS0 A THOUSAND COPYING LET-ters. LET-ters. No mulling to friends or furnishing addresses. Particulars stamped envclopo. Solect Toilet Co. Dept. C9, Chicago. wli43 WANTED CLOTI 1 1 NG SALESMEN to open sales agencies for "America's Greatest Tailors." tho proper facilities given to tho right parties; woolens in tho piece furnished for display purposes. This is a rare opportunity to ongago In a good paying business without any Investment. A number of our sales agonls are making from J1200 to $3500 per year. Write for torms and full Information to Dept 7, 199 Market st. Fifth Floor. Clilcago. wl34 LADIES TO SELL PREPARATIONS of merit. Writo for particulars. South Soa Mcdlclno Co.. SOI Fell St, San Francisco. Fran-cisco. W13I6 LADY T6 REPRESENT EASTERN firm on salary, wholf or part time; suitable suita-ble to widow or teacher, but not necessary. neces-sary. Call between 9 and 12, No. 129 First North. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work. HOUSE-work. Apply 54-1 South 2nd East wl250 RELIABLE PERSON TO CARE FOR 19-mo. child at home. 223 W. 1st So., rm. 7. wl257 UNCLE SAM WANTS HELP-14.000 Appointments Ap-pointments last year: free examination paper pa-per and catalogue giving positions and salaries. sal-aries. Dept. S. Western Correspondence University. 923 Golden Gate ave., San Francisco. Fran-cisco. U335 MOLER'S BARBER COLLEGES OF Los Angoles. Cal.. Salt Lako City. Utah, Dallas, Tex., or Denver, Colo., will pay railroad faro for a limited number of students stu-dents as tho demand for our barbers Is greator than the supply: wo toach tho trado In S week3 and guarantee positions. posi-tions. Write nearest branch for particulars. particu-lars. wl201 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: good wages. 6TS So. State. wllSS COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER FOR good position; stato experlenco and salary expected. M 9, Tribune. - wll92 A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply C24 E, 3rd South. wl076 ARE YOU COMPETENT TO FILL A high-grade executive, clerical, technical or salesman position paying J1000 to JSCO0T Call or write. Hapgoods Ins., 916 Cbeuil-cal Cbeuil-cal Bldg,, St. Louis. Mo. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 342 S. 3rd East. w5$s A GOOD GIRL FOR COOKING. GEN-eral GEN-eral housework. 152 WoBt 3rd South. w423 BARBER. AT LINCOLN HQUSE. will GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; omall family; good wages. 2C0 Sixth East. GOOD NURSEGIRL. CALL AT 45 G st -wsyi STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Hotel, restaurant and household help. Headquarters for laborers. 16 W. 2nd. So. Tel. 464-2 rings. o7G GOOD CARRIAGE PAINTER, 13.0) per day to good man. Apply J, J. Mc-Klnnon, Mc-Klnnon, 2202 Washington ave., Osden, Ut. WANTED HELP. BLOCK CUTTER AT ONQE. APPLY 277 N. 3rd Wont vrl419 4 GOOD M7LLWRIGHTS. 1NQ. HON-rrlnc HON-rrlnc offic, room 214 Allan blk. wl43S RELIABLE YOUNG MAN WITH BI-oyclo BI-oyclo for collector. Coll at Harris Furn. store, 234 Stato st. Monday morning. wH32 REFINED GIRL; LIGHT WORK, C9 O st W14J7 ASSISTANT MARKER; MUST HAVE experience. Empirt-Utah Laundry. wl470 GOOD STEADY WOMAN TO GO TO McCammon, Ida.; family of 3; easy T.ork: will, pay R. R, faro. Inq. o8 1C. 5th So. todny. W117G HORSESHOER; FIRST-CLASS FLOOR m-xn. 11" W. B. Temple. MAN FOR JANITOR WORK. APPLY at Commercial hlock, 12 o'clock, noon, today. 3 AUCTION SALES, ON TUESDAY, MAY 17, AT 10:20 A. M., No. 23 Dost Fifth South st. flno upright piano, oak case, 'good as new, cost $450; maple, willow and other rocker, leather qhalr and couch, lino folding " bed, mirror front: largo rug, cost J50; BniesHs carpets, portieres and loco curtains, maplo dressers and chair, oak dre;r3 and Ptands, Iron beds, lot linen, flno extension table, chairs and buffet refrigerator, glass-door cupboard, dlhcs, cook and heatlnc stoves, etc., etc ALSO ON T HUTtS DAY, May 19. at 10:3) n. m.. No, 12S South Second Sec-ond East st. parlor rockers, leather chair, couches, Brussels CArpets, portlcrrs and laca curtalnp. dining table and chairs, bedroom bed-room set 2 Iron beds, white enamel and cherry dressers and stands, cupboard, dinner set, bedding, rugs. Jewel range, linoleum, lin-oleum, lot kitchen utensils, etc., otc. K. A. Andrews, Auctioneer. wlktl NEW FURNITURE EXCHANGED for r.econd-hand goods. E W. Washburn Furn. Co.. So W. 1st So. et Tel. 2021-Y. U2S1S OUR HOUSE CLEANING SALE, Regular 70c linoleum 50o a square yard. W have about 1000 yards of velvet, mo-quettc, mo-quettc, Axmlnstere, body Brussels, remnants rem-nants and borderB, which we will closo out at 73o a yard; sold regularly from $1.25 to 52.00. Also 25 almost new carpots and rugs. Iron beds from $2, o up. Everything Every-thing etoo for complete housekeeping In proportion. Nebraska Furn. Co., 63 B. 2nd So. U23H PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. WOMAN 8PF.CIALIST FOR WOMEN. Lulu Brookj. M. D.. Constitution blk. S1273 JUNK HOUSES. WESTERN JUNK AND METAL yard, dealer in rags, scrap Iron, bottles, metals and rubber; hides, pelts, furs, wool. 123 South Stato st and 1044 South Stato St. Phon. 13S3-K. ul71 UTAH JUNK CO.. HIGHEST PRICE paid for Iron, brass, rags, bottles, rubber. coiVier. etc. 63 E, 8th So. 'Phcne 223. bSli TO LEASE. BRICKYARD AND STONE QUARRY privileges. See Perkins. 043 12th E. ulll2 COLLECTIONS. JOHN J. WALLACE & CO.. D. F. Walker Bldg.. Salt Lafce, collect debts evorywhere; reference, Walker's bank. u2197 ALL DEBTS BOUGHT AND COL-locted. COL-locted. 501? Aucrbach bide. tl MERCHANT TAILORS. SUITS TO ORDER, UB UP. FIT GUAR-anteed. GUAR-anteed. 'Soreneen & Larsen, 145 W. 2nd South. kl352 SEWING MACHINES. GRAND SALE. New 7-dr, drophcad Singers, ?34 60. New 5-dr. drophcad New Home, 555. Wheeler &. Wilson store. 29 E. 1st So wl270 ROOFING. ROOFING REPAIRS, REASONABLE. 8 L. Gravel Roofing Co., 449 W. 1st No. t201 MACHINERY. ELECTRIC MOTORS, HOISTING EN-glncs. EN-glncs. steam engines, gasollno engines, boilers up to 100 H. P.. pumps, pipe from 2 to 9 inches, pipe fittings, blacksmith tools, blowers of all hIzcs, rails, shevo wheels, sheet stoel. Ingorsoll drills, boxes, hangers and nhaftlng, pullevH. elevator engines, laundry machlnory, boldng, wlra rope, asbestos covering, bottom dunp cars, lot of timbers. Clark Mills. 1 buy old plants of machinery of all kins. J. M. Swem, Xfi 3. 3rd West wllS9 REMOVAL. THE W. N FOSTER TURNING COM-pany COM-pany of Main street ha3 removed to their new brick mill. S3 South 2nd West, where they will bo pleased to seo their old cus-tomers. cus-tomers. ATTORNEYS. FRED T. WGURRIN REMOVED from D. F. Walker bldg. to 527 Atlas blk. US61 CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS. A. C. RAINEY, GENERAL CON-tractor CON-tractor and clovator work; work guaranteed; guaran-teed; rear 123 So. Main. Tel. 2191-X-10C2-2 res. ullio ROBERT M'CARROLL & CO.. AitCHI-tectural AitCHI-tectural designing, storo front changed; Jobbing & repairs. 52 Market st. Tel. 135S-X t758 ROY WATROUS, 67 E. 3RD SO. BLE-vator BLE-vator and Job wonc Tel. 1C75-Z. oS79 CONTRACTORS. UTAH SCREEN AND JOB SHOP general contractors of all kinds of new or repair worV:, stairs, storo fronts, fixtures and building . R. 8. Brock & Son. Props, 41 South west Temple ol213 LANDSCAPE GARDENER. WALTER WILLIAMS. CONTRACTOR for rnklng new lawns . Lawn cutting promptly attended to. Phono 131S-Z. u2C02 CARPET CLEANING. UTAH CARPET AND WALL PAPER Cleaning Co. Carpets cleaned on the floor, feathers renovated, 'Phone 1737-K. S1143 FOR RENT. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping, with bath. 261 West 2nd North. wl529 COSY. CLEAN. 3 OR G-ROOM BRICK, with water. 550 So. 2nd West wl25 3 ROOMS, NEWLY PAPERED, ELEC-trlo ELEC-trlo light; water In kitchen. 3S E. 5th So. W1G19 BRICK HOUSE. 1 ROOMS. PA.NTRY. water In house. J12.09. Inq. 410 So. 5th W. . W1426 3 SMALL HOUSES. t&OO EACH. M. L. Cummlngs, room 11 Eagle block. wlf39 TWO HOUSES. TWO ROOMS AND S. kitchen. R. OH W. 4th So.. 5.00. W1427 CLOSE IN BUSINESS LOCATION FOR LEASE. Upper floor of the new Smoot & Eyer block, C7 Market st. JixlCO feet, stenm hoot, olnctrlc lights, plumbing; tho street will bo paved with asphalt Got th terms from J. Donnan Reavls, 32-34 Main st... 'Phone 1G65-Z. W1533 SPLENDID MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE on iirtlHtocratlc Fret st., 145. Modern furnished 6-room cottago, $33. Plenty or room and new 8-roora mod. brick, cheap rent at J35. J. Donnan Reavls, 32-34 Main St., 'Phono 1C55-Z. W1E34 RESTAURANT. FURNISHED, COR-ner COR-ner Fourth South and State Btrcets, noxt to the Court saloon. 6- ROOM HOUSE. WITH ALL CONVE-nioncca. CONVE-nioncca. Inquire 413 East 3rd South. 7- RM. MOD. BR.. 273 E. 2ND SO.. $40. 5- rm. mod. br., 550 E. 5lh So., $35. 6- rm. mod. br., 1031 E. 2nd So., 530. 7- rm. mod. br.. 2 Amoa terrace, $25. 7-rm. br.. 32 No. 7th West. $16. 7-rm. and barn. 1535 5th East, $15. Largo storeroom and basement, 225 So. West Temple, $05. C offlco rooms, together or en suite. West Temple. Houstons the Hourers, 2GI Main. wl4U NO. 1SS II ST.. 7-R. MOD. BKL. $30. No. 343 Sherman st, 7-r. fr. ho.. $12.50. No. 617 Gth at, flno S-r. mod. ho., largo lot. barn. $22.50. No. 257 W. 5th S. st. good 7-r. mod. ho., 525. No. 160 1st st., fi-r. mod. house. 335. No. 961 1th E. st. 3-r. ho.. 7.50. 222 K st. 6-r. frame, clcc. lights. $1S. 273 I st. 6-r. .ho,, w. In kltch. $15. Tuttle Bros., 143 Main street wHU $23-5-ROOM MOD. ON R ST., A BEAU- tltul cottage. $30 7-room mod.. No. 703 1st stroot $20 i-room furnished house, McClelland ave. $23 5-room furnished, South 7th East. $16 7-room mod, 10th South nnd 2nd West. $20 S room3. West 1st North nt A. Rlchter, 19 West 1st South Bt Tel. 641. W1454 NEARLY NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE; elec. light $11 per month. Inq. 331 South 10th East W1374 VROOM MODERN HOUSE, $16. IX-qulro IX-qulro cor. 4th and E sts. wl40S RENT-PAYERS, ATTENTION! Tho growth of our business necessitated more commodious quartors; consequently, in future our offices will be 2C6-206 Atlas block. UNITED STATES INSTALLMENT REALTY CO. , W1375 STORE. 147 SO. W. TEMPLE, APPLY 522 East First South. W13S0 5- ROOM COTTAGE GOOD CONDI-tlon; CONDI-tlon; cement collar, $20.00. 23 No. 1st West. wins UNFURNISHED ROOMS. INQ. 71S E. 7th So.; no children. wl20 THREE LARGE MODERN ROOMS and collar. $10. Inq. 164 Oak nt W12S9 2 ROOMS. PANTRY. CLOSET, CEL-lar; CEL-lar; no children. 255 East 5th So. W126G COTTAGE. 5 ROOMS AND BATH, modern; 64 2nd st, near Canyon road. W1IC3 NEW 4 ROOMS, PANTRY. CELLAR, outbuildings, cornor ICth East, 10th So., on car line. $12. wl271 CLOSE IN; 7-ROOM MODERN BRICK. $3-). Home Trust & Sav. Co.. 610 W. 1st South. wl200 7-ROOM MOD., CLOSE IN. $40; 12-room 12-room mod., close in, -t45; 5 small houses, west lda; 7-room mod,, furnished, $40; warehouflo on Plun alley; 6 acres, grass, fenced. Little & Llttlo, No. 4 W. 2d So. wllM 6 ROOMS, GROUND FLOOR; 2 NICE light . housekeeping rooms; IDS E. 7th So. W11S5 FLAT OF 4 LARGE ROOMS. CLOSE In, East side, $18. Frltsch, No. 12 E. 2nd So. st wlW2 6- ROOM HOUSE; ALSO PART OF furnlturo for sale. 177 E. 1st South. wlOOo FIVE-ROOM, MODERN HOME- 249 E, 7th South; kct at 247. Rent $1S. w5S3 4-ROOM HOUSE NEAR WATERLOO, also now 5-roora house, with bath on 1st West, below 9th So. Tel. Addison Cain. 9CJ-Z. w5S0 FIVE ROOMS IN BRICK HOUSE; NO children; $15. Inqulro 743 S. W. Temple. 2 MODERN HOUSES. '6 ROOMS EACH. 446 W. Sth South; rent $16. MODERN HOUSE OF EITHER 10 OR 15 rooms; partly furn. 223 W. 5th So. u9W G-ROOM HOUSE, ALL MODERN. 133 W. 6th South. U1S23 THREE LOVELY' MODERN ROOMS, ground floor; no children. 543 E. 4th South. NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE. APELY Deseret Savings bank. U17S0 1 LAROE BRICK BLDG.. SUITABLE for factory or warehouse, on Sth So., bet Main and State. Inq. Utah Bedding Hi'g. Co. 'Phono 333. T LARGE BASEMENT. 57 Main street U1233 4 AND 6-ROOM COTTAGE ON WEST side. Jas. K. Shaw, under Walker Bros, bank. u2C7 5- ROOM THOROUGHLY MODERN, No. 120 East 2nd So, Inqulro at house from 3 to C p. m. ulO OFFICE ROOMS. HOUSTON BLOCK: eulto of 2 or 4 rooms. t264o FURNITURE PACKED FOR shipping; cut rates; expert packers of china, bric-a-brac, furnlturo, etc Redman Van &: Storago Co. 'Phono EOS. US33 6- ROOM BRICK COTTAGE. MODERN. 156 W. 4th So. Apply Wilson-Sherman Co. tS23 LARGE STOREROOM ON MAEM ST., bet. 2nd and Srd So. Houston Real Es-toto Es-toto Inv. Co.. 251 Main. plCS3 20 HOUSES. ALL KINDS. PRICES and locations. Tuttlo Bros., 149 Main st WE WANT SOME HOUSES TO RENT. Hill Invest Co., 156 So. W. Tomplo. mllO 7 AND S-ROOM MODERN HOUSE; steam and hot water heat; close In. James 1C Shaw, under Walker Bros. bank. nl5S3 MODERN HOME. 7 ROOMS, BATH, etc. Inqulro 675 E. 5th South st, city. THREE ROOMS, NEWLY PAPERED. Inquire 464 E. 2nd South. w7C3 MODERN 4-ROOM COTTAGE; Positively Posi-tively no children. 122 West 4th So. w934 GOOD ROOM FOR MAN AND WIFE, fine rooma for dressmaking, housekeeping. housekeep-ing. 349 S. West Temple, vrfSO i FOR RENT. 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE AND 6-rooro 6-rooro cottago and barn. Inqulro 54 W. 1st North.- W1429 ROOM IN FLAT BUILDING FOR gentleman; rrforencos. Address M SI. Tribune. wU20 6-ROOM MODERN BRICK HOUSE, 473 So. 6th E. Inquire 477 So. 5th East wlllS BASEMENT PRIVATE HOUSE. MOD.. 50. small family with range. 412 S. 6th E. W1I71 FOUR-ROOM FRAME HOUSE. ADOBE llr.fcd, bath, pantry, clothe closut. hall, electric lights. Oil So. Srd EuHt Inquire at 76 K Htreet wlt74 AT 4SS BAST 2ND SOUTH ST.. BRICK store, basemont, 4 living rooms and barn. Inqulro at 42S E. 2nd So. st. wl475 4 ROOMS. STRICTLY MODERN; NO children. CC5 So. Sth East. $16.00. wllTS A BEAUTIFUL MODERN 7-ROOM cottage. 275 E street wl40 3 ROOMS. PANTRY, CLOSET AND bath. 325 E. 4th South. wl4H 5- ROOM HOUSE. BATH, TOILET, electric light furnace, sewer and gas In kitchen. $42.50. 201 EX 3rd So. Llnck. 2 Commrclal block. wl401 C-ROOM HOUSE ON CENTER ST Inq. 426 Bo. 6th East. ( wl4t2 6- ROOM MODERN HOUSE, PORCE-laln PORCE-laln bath, cemented cellar. 857 So. 2nd E. v1601 ' 2 LARGE STOREROOMS IN BRICK building, First South, bet 2nd and Srd We6t St., only $12.50 each per mo: 6-r. apartment In new terrace. West 1st So., front rooms, natural wood, bath, electric elec-tric light, $20; newly papered. Ashton. SOI News bldg. W1155 BOARD AND ROOMS.' ROOM ATTD BOARD. PRIVATE FAM-Ily, FAM-Ily, for two gentlemen. 1113 East 1st So. W1431 ROOMS. TABLE. THE BEST; EXCEI lent location, lawn and shade. 137 No. Main st W13SJS ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS, flrst-class table, hot, cold running watur, vcrythlng modern at Mrs. Hill's; prices reasonable. 501 So. Main st wl401 WA NTED, ONE OR TWO BOARDERS; $20 a month; modern house; homo cooking. cook-ing. 743 E 6th South. wl3S)G FIRST-CLASS BOARD, ROOM, BATH, piano; rates reasonable. 457 E. 3rd So. W12C7 ROOMS AND EXCELLENT TABLE; now nnd strictly modern house. 263 E. 4th South. u!2S7 ROOMS AND EXCELLENT TABLE, now and strictly modern, lawn, shade. 411 So. West Temple. wC56 ROOMS AND EXCELLENT TABLE service at 211 E. 4th South. Phono 1352-Z. u26 DE8IRABLE FURNISHED ROOMS with flrst-class board. 137 N. W. Temple. Tel. 1727-X. U2423 COMMUNICATING ROOMS AND board, with open grato. 121 B strcot. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOMS, excellent board. 12-J 6th East. U122 , PERSONxYX. PENSIONS POR OLD AGE SOT.-dlers SOT.-dlers nnd widows. Wm. Cromc. 27 Latimer Lati-mer block. wll59 WOULD YOU MABRY IF SUITED? Send for bost marriage paper- published. Mailed securely scaled free. W. D, Gunnels. Gun-nels. Toledo, O. w720 DON'T MARRY, DOCTOR OR DE-spalr. DE-spalr. "Don't do a thing" till you se clearly clear-ly what's best by aid of Flashlights on Human Hu-man Nature, on health, disease, love, marriage mar-riage arid parentage. Tells what you'd ask a doctor, but don't like to. 2-iO pages, illustrated, il-lustrated, 25 cents; but to Introduco It we send ono only to any adult for postage, 10 cents M. HIU Pub. Co., 129 East 2Sth street. New York. w570 MARRY LADIES AND GENTLEMEN who deslro to marry to their advantago should write us. stating ago; everything confidential. Homo and Comfort, Toledo, Ohio. AV1337 ENLARGE YOUR BUSTS, LADIES! I to 10 inches, at home, with Dr. Conway's Bust Tabloids, at trifling cost; $1000 for a caso wo cannot; thouu developed In past 17 years provo 'tis permanent; sealed facts 4c stnmps. Conway Specific Co., 15 Tem-plo Tem-plo Place, Boston, Mass. ' wlXO A HANDSOME WIDOW. VERY wealthy, owns beautiful homo and largo Income, wants lmmodlatoly good, honest husband. Address Alia, St. Nicholas ho-tol, ho-tol, Chicago. wl951 LUCKY CILVRM FREE FOR 30 DAYS. Send 2c stamp for directions how to use the charm and right to 30-days' free trial. B. J. Kedar. doj: C7I, Chicago. wl312 SISTERS IN DESPAIR. SPEEDY RE-llef. RE-llef. Abnormal suppression any cause. Write for remedy. Safe. sure. Dr. Martha Mar-tha Walker Co.. 103 Stato. Chicago. w633 LADIES! CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH Pennyroyal Pills aro tho best Safe. Reliable. Re-liable. Take no other, f Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mail. Ask your druggist Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. usa SUPERFLUOUS HAiK. MOLES. bTC, removed by X-rays or electric needle. Lula Brooks, M. D.. Constitution block. U393 LOST. SMALL BLUE ENAMELED WATCH; open facfi. with black ribbon fob and silver sil-ver charln. Return to 357 South First West. Reward. PARTIES WHO LIFTED PURSE IN Main stroot millinery storo Friday afternoon after-noon are known. Tney havo thrco days to deliver to Trlbuno office. wl2S4 TWO DACHSHUNDS; WILL PAY $10 reward. R. Stonzcl Fur compnny, 79 East 3rd So. WI279 A LARGE DIAMOND CRESCENT: liberal reward will be paid If returned to 327 E. 1st South. W1200 A SHOE STRING BAG. CONTAINING fancy work and a silver thimble, on Monday Mon-day evening, on' Third street car or between be-tween Main nnd Went Templo streets. Finder leave at 237 West North "Temple and receive reward. wlJ03 WHERE TO STOP. LINCOLN HOUSE. 63 E. 1ST SOUTH. rtO rooms; rates, 25 and 25 cent. alSIS PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. WE WILL FURNISH IT ALL THE labor and material for tho decorating of your home. Paint, painters and wnll paper. "Always tho best" W. A. Duval 1. 124 W. 2nd So. 'Phono 1145-k. t203 AUTOMOBILES. UTAH AUTOMOBILE CO.. 67 MAR-kct MAR-kct et. Com nnd see the finest automo-btlo automo-btlo hous In lh Wet. We sell and ront the finest autos made. Wo also have a full lino of auto Kupplloe. Do you want o second-hand auto? 'Phono 2370-Y. wt3 1 J , ROOMS, PANrnTJ EIGHT-ROOM Iim try: ground floor llcnf &S small children. mWJjiff FURNISHED TFVn J1 keeping or bochLngrBQ . Tw? CLEAN. VEr?Tr housplng roolnSJ AN 8-ROOM rtTn'TCT-r I ronsonaWe. lM E. S. ?ijgpfw HOJ , FOR HOUSBICEEPTVT nOUSEK EHPING ROoitSTTTrr closo In. rl S. 1st W&nffiEl LARGE FURNISILED FrKvT modern cottago; nice ftwnfJK 1 or Z gentlemen. 6S0 B. Eth B ROOM8 FOR LIGHT -nor-Zr- ng. as. 4th East OSEKl PLEASANTLY LOCATED M7j furn. rooms. 510 E. sTdSV Tel to.vB! 3 FURNISHED ROOMS for housekeoping. 617 S, Sth Zul ONE NICE FRONT TtfiAxr ZT 1st EouUi. OOiL Cjrt1 TTll ELEGANT NEWLY Vttwv tTZ 1 single or en trulte. oVl ffi-j 2 OR MORE FURNISHED ROOMYS housekeeping. 247 a. 4th WeYt I ONE NICE CLEAN FURKTSfj room; privato family 2i$rth &jr Ttj s.3 ZJofSS FliRNISHED ROOMS FOR nnTS keeping; ground floor. 12i vrTind a i FURNISHED R00M3 FOR Ttn housokeoptng. 46S S. State. WJ 3 ROOMS. I rOUS EKEEPI N'GVf orn; no clilldrcn; $15. 63 X. 2nd NICE ROOMS n AND a ? week; cloao In. 1 (9 S. State. NEAV MOD. HOUSEKEEPING k single rooms. 263 E. 4th So.; 155 B t M 2nPM ROOMS; FURKIBBED? unfurnished; board If desired. 213 E.' South. LARGE ELEGANTLY FUR.M8I room; ground floor; strictly modero-1 tlful lawn. 101 N. W. Temple. 'Pfcou. ONE NICELY FURNISHED FFJJ room; sultnbln for 2, modern; rentrwj able 6 Dubol av., E. So. bxt H 1th East. t! 2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR H0CI keeping, with coal shed, $3.W. Awlr N. 1st West. FURNISHED R007JS FOR. HO LI keeping, 124 West 7th South. n ONE FINE FRONT ROOM AND M cove In a new modern brick hou. lS'l 7th So. 2 NICE FRONT ROOMS, PRIVAT family, eultablo for gentlemen. 1SE.Ij South. . NICE FURNISHED ROOMS ATl West Fifth South st M FURNISHED HOUSE AT 1171 FIS street, for rent for the aummtr cwall Cnll mornings. 1 4 ROOMS. FURNISHED, FOR Bti mer months; prefer family irlthMt dren. 29 H street ROOMS OR SMALL HOUBE. housekeeping. Inquire 23 Canyoa n 3 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. S gle or en suite, for gentlemen or ft only, at tho Tollurldc. 22 E. 3rd 3o. FINE FURNISHED ROOMB, 67RB ly modern; references. 225 Bo. 2nd B 1 MODERN ROOMS FOR HOP keeping. 377 South 2nd East 1 TWO NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROO In nov.' modern terrace. !16 Wtit FRONT ROOM. 50 E. SRD BO. j THREE FINELY FL'frM rooms for housekeeping; no cowrtor So. Srd East 2 TO FIRST-CLASS TENANT 0 without children, E-rm. ne houso; will mako verj' lo fnt YL rl who will take, caro of tha ple mer. O. F. Poterson. 63 7. !od Bo. NICELY FURNISHED RO0M3. NOj Kendall Tor. . tZ NICELY FURNISHED SIHJBJ rooms, also single roome, w t board. 372 South Main, i r, MODERN. NICELY KURK. BJ ground floor. 523 E. Sth Bo. - NICELY FURNISHED BO)MJ light, bath and telephone. 573 UU4 THE PLEASANTON, ..'.uL $ dall square; handsome r '"SgJ'fl clnglo or en suite: nil v onces; close in. 'Phone THE REST; NEWLY FOrg. JfJ monts by day. week or m j " , em conveniences. w- "l -j FURNISHED ROOMS. KO. West FRONT ROOM FOR ONS OR TJ 601 S. W. Temple. rnfi SUITE OF 2 OR 3 BOOMS. WTTli without houeokcepbg. a jt TWO ROOMS FOR HOU3EK2E ; rear 23 South Fourth S-ROOM MODERN BRICK! gjj Ur heat; ilcety rnUbed: eg t K. Shaw, iinil" p30- 1 GASH REGISTEBSJ NATIONAL r "ffflf 5ai cbj Groihcll. "J" gcnt 6fJ Export cash regtater "Pf"v " tgM NEW OR 2ND-11AND. CABBj or terms. """-3"i - itm ELoWTIONPHTSlCAtCU PIERPONT CHOOUC0s3fm club bldy. Hiss Pierce V M |