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Show jflKG WITH THE MIND. Wtoif"1'8 Plan for Turning fC Slties Int0 a reast. .SSL1 almo8t an aront to pub- Jl L 6 10 note tna ie new if. ho holda that pes- Wi1 to Chi,!ne,r mlnd3 ln eating, ""5 thei?.?r' "ttrPcc have been fflBlnvcr 2nlh.e poople t0 cal1 t,ic ' Wkj'V In a f iysl,ealc regulation i iKv?2? rlBht th0 vcr-v first fWmajUvh jessing Chicago. IK w It! upotl the neces-Jfcv neces-Jfcv ration nd diges- IfcrcumaK0" ,s Indicated by iKr hta ?vUal v,t,ence. Briefly Mr o n htlI)P" opllmls-fljB opllmls-fljB ao youlnuBn excPtlns your qulst actually claims to be able to adhere ad-here to these requirements when the spread, all told, consists of nothing but barley soup, barley lemonade and whole wheat bread. Now, what are you going to do about It when a man tells you that he la absolutely happy and that he thinks of nothing but his food when he is rioting in a debauch on barley? Still, there are ways by which the Instructions In-structions of Prof. LlndquisL may be, at least partially, carried out. Select, for example, a seasonable menu' of spring chicken, fresh peas, new potatoes, tender ten-der lettuce, strawberry shortcake, etc. You may not bo able to exercise the deliberation suggested by Prof. Llnd-qulst, Llnd-qulst, but It will bo possible for you to feel reasonably happy, and, certainly, to keep your mind on your food. In truth, there ought to be, with such dietetic die-tetic delectation, ulmost perfect sympathy sym-pathy between the mental and digestive diges-tive processes. But thc trouble about your Chicago reformers and philosophers is that they always run to extremes. Here is a man who. bccauBC he can attain a state of beatific enjoyment on a layout of barley, seems to fancy that persons who are subjected to the gastronomic chastisement chastise-ment of Indifferent boarding-houses and the intolerable monotony of hotel fare, can eat Joyfully with their minds und restrain their rebellious thoughts from dwelling on Imaginary delicacies. Not that there may not be something worth while In the general system of Prof. Llndqulst; but it must be obvious to the whole world outside of Chicago that the scheme can never be reduced to n form that will render it practical in its application by a man who can lift himself Into raptures over a feed on barley. -Kansas City Star. |