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Show BIRTH RETURNS. Davis, boy to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, 37 North Sixth West, May 2. Scott, girl to John and Martha, 223 Sixth East, May 3. Marsh, girl to Thomas and Emma, 541 South Ninth West, May 4. Westcrman. girl to Arthur and Amy, Columbia Co-lumbia street. May 2. Kelley, boy to Arthur J. and Clara, 65 Chicago Chi-cago avenue, May 3. Carstcnson, girl to A. B. and Eliza, 940 South West Tdmplc. May 8, Do Gray, girl to A. 11. and Nellie, S47 East Third South, May 8. Erlckson. boy to August and Alma, Thirteenth Thir-teenth ward, April 2S. Van Quill, boy to Henry and Mary, 407 East Sixth South, May 10. Cary. girl to James H. and Lizzie, 477 West Fourth South, May 9. Heaps, boy to B. F and Eva, 451 Post street. May 3. Slnnctt, girl to Mr. and Mrs. W. J., 277 E. 5th So., May 9. Thomas, girl to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L., near 555 W. 1st No.. May 9. Richmond, girl to Mr. and Mrs. D. C, 570 W. 2nd So . May 7. , Maybury, boy to Charles and Kate, 145 Shclmardlno court, May 4. Fletcher, boy to Richard A. and Anna, 22o B street, May 12. .... J3nnl3, girl to Gcorgo and Julia, Fourteenth Four-teenth ward, May 7. Hansen, girl to Christian and Mario, 159 East Third South. May 9. Uallctl. girl to Harold and Mary, 453 West Third North. May 7. Burt, boy to H. J. and Edith, SSI Fourth street, May 10, Davcy. boy to Edwin and Annie, 1921 South Eleventh East, May 6. Harmon, girl to Philip IC and Bertha, C14 Third street. May 10. Smith, girl to H. and wife, at 1149 Brlgham street. May 13. T Cromer, girl to II. B. nnd E., May 1. |