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Show tROiiATii AN15 (JuaISSISnSHEp iB NOTICES. jl fii??0,un& C10 r the rcapeetlva IH eignors for further Information. jH u.N DISTRICT COURT. PRO- ty, btato of Utah. In tho matter of thb Ca&t0 o.&artln Com:11- leed!lNotlco. The potltion for approval and settlement pf tho annual account of trustee after dls-trlbutlon dls-trlbutlon of tho estate of Martin Correll deceased, has been set for hearing on Fri- H day, the 27th day of May, A. D, 3904. at 10 il o clook a. m., at tho county courthouao. 'H in tho courtroom of aald court, in Salt H Lako City, Salt Lako county, Utah. 'H Witness tho Clork of said court, with tho peal thoreof affixed, this 14th day of ilay. A. D. 190L y Seal. JOHN JAMES, Clerk. '1 By David B. DavlcR, Deputy Clerk. Stophens &. Smith, Attorneys for Petl-tloner. Petl-tloner. wl449 IN THE DISTRICT COURT. PRO- 'IH bate division, in and for Bolt Lako coun- H ty, State of Utah. In tho matter of tho .H estate of Daniel 6. Davidson, deceased. iH Notice. Tho petition for approval and settlement 'IH of tho account of tho administrator of the estato of Daniel S. Davidson, deceased, il has been eet for hearing on Friday, the I'l 27th day of May, A. D. 1904, at 10 o'clock JH a. m., at the county courthouse. In' the courtroom of said coui-t, ln Salt Lake '1H City. Salt Lake county. Utah. Witnccs tho Clerk of said court, with tho seal thereof affixed, thl3 14th day of H Ma-, A. D. 1904. M Seal. JOHN JAMES. Clerk. By David B. Davics, Doputy Clerk. lM W1451 IN THE DISTRICT COURT, PROEATB' DiviHlon, In and for Salt Lake county, Statp of Utah. In the matter of the oatato of William H. Donnell, deceased. Notice. Tho petition ot Percy T. Sadler, admfrr-,stfator admfrr-,stfator of the estato of William H. Don-nell, Don-nell, deceased, praying for the settlement of final nccount of said administrator and for Uie summary dlatribuUon of tho resl-duo resl-duo of sold estato to the persona entitled. has been eet for hearing on Friday, the SOth day of May. A. D. 1504. at ten o'clock iH a. m. at the county courthouse, In tho courtroom of said court, in Bait Lake City. Salt Lake county. Utah. Wltneso tho clork of aald court with .H tho aeal thoroof affixed this 7th day of May, A. D. 1901. (Seal.) JOHN JAMES. Clerk.. JM By David B. Davlco, Deputy Clerk. Prlco & McCrca, Attorneys for Petl-tlonor. Petl-tlonor. w772 |