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Show OFFICIAL CALL FOB Republican Third Judicial District Convention. A Ropubllcan convention, ln and for tho Third Judicial District (comprising Salt Lake. Summit and Tooele counties) Is hereby called to meet at Salt Lak6 City, Utah, on May the 16th, 1904, for the purpose pur-pose of nominating- four candidates for District Judges, nnd one candidate for District Attorney, for tho uolcction of a district committee and for the transaction transac-tion of such other business as may come properly beforo the convention. Tho convention con-vention will convene at 10 o'clock a. m. In Judgo Morae'a courtroom. No. 350 city nnd county building. The eald convention conven-tion Bhall consist of 155 delegates, apportion appor-tion to tho three counties of tho Third Judicial district on the basin of ono delegate dele-gate for every 96 votes or majority fraction frac-tion therc6f. that were cast for Hon. Jo-aeph Jo-aeph Howell tor Representative on November No-vember 4, 1902, ln said counties, reapec. tlvcly, to wit: Salt Lako County ai,ES8 votes) 125 dele, patca. Summit county (1824 votes) 19 delegates. Tooele county (1036 votes) 11 delegates. Tho respective county committees ar requested to arrange for tho election of these delegates by convention or otherwise, other-wise, as may bent suit their convenience. By order of the Republican committor in and for the Third Judicial district. GEO. N. LAWRENCE). Chairman. PARLEY P. CHRI3TENSEN, Scc'y. USM |