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Show RAWLINS SELLS NEARLY 3,OOD,O0b POUNDS OF WOOL Special to The Tribune. RAWLINS. Wyo., May 14. Nearly 3,000,000 pounds of wool have been eold at the different pens In this county so far, at prices ranging from 11 cents to H cents per pound. The prices are about the same as last year although the highest price If last Beason has not been reached by more than half a cent. The lleeces are from two to three pounds heavier, due to both the open winter and the unusually large amount of sand In the wool so that sheepmen arc realizing realiz-ing better profit than for some years. Frank D. Haskall. who was arrested at Walcott, Wednesday, for stealing J50 from Mrs. Joseph Friedman at Fort Steele, is to be turned loose for lack of prosecution." The woman, who Is proprietor pro-prietor of a boarding-house, now thinks It Is another man who did the stealing. William Wliseck, the mall clerk who pleaded guilty In tho Federal, court to robbing the malls, and Albert Philips, who stole horses from the Fort Washakie Wash-akie Indian reservation, have been delivered de-livered to the warden of the penitentiary peniten-tiary here, each to serve one year and fourteen months. The Republicans of-the various precincts pre-cincts of this county held their primaries pri-maries last evening. "Very wnrm contests con-tests developed between factions, but both sldeB are favprable to Fenlmore Chatterton for the nomination for Governor Gov-ernor at the State convention at Laramie. Lar-amie. The clerks of this city have succeeded In inducing their employers to close their places of business at G o'olock except ex-cept Saturdays and "Union Paclflo paydays. pay-days. Tho new order goes into effect next Monday. The agreement is signed by all except one groceryman. |