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Show YOUNG MURRAY BOY RUNS AWAY FROM HOME Charles Miller of Murray, a twelve-year-old boy, causes grief to his parents. pa-rents. He has disappeared from homo and his whereabouts Is unknown. Gloom has cast Its dnrk shadow over the life of P. T. Miller and family, who reside about a mile west of Murray, Ills boy Charles disappeared about a week ago last Sunday and there Is not the slightest clue regarding his whereabouts. where-abouts. The fear of punishment seems to be the cause of Charles's rash act. About two weeks ago the youngster was requested by his father to pay to tho shoemaker $1.75 for services rendorcd, which amount wns handed' to the boy by his father. When Mr. Miller came from work Monday evening, May 12, the boy waa not at home and was still missing at bedtime. The father's anxiety anxi-ety grow when he learned next morning morn-ing that the money had not been turned over to the shoomakcr, and consequently consequent-ly must have been spent In a wrong direction. di-rection. For a number of days Mr. Miller and his family entertained hopes that tho boy would soon grow weary of his surroundings away from the care of his loved ones and return; but In this they have been disappointed, aa the child has not turned up us yet- Mr. Miller came to Murray from the State of Washington and has worked hard to establish a home and make his surroundings sur-roundings attractive. He has the sympathy sym-pathy of the community In his troubles. The impression prevails that the boy Is not very far from here, ns ho had not sufilclcnt means to carry him. It is not unlikely that he Is working in one of the neighboring counties in the sugar-beet sugar-beet fields. Any Information regarding the boy's presence would be highly valued by the Miller family. |