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Show I Hyde and Dimond Released on Bail Must Answer the Court on the Forty-Pour Forty-Pour Counts of Indictment Against Them. fAN FRANCISCO, May U.-Unltcd W Statoa Commissioner Hcacock today ij formally announced his decision to holg Frederick A. Hyde and Henry P Dimond "for trial nt Washington, D. C, on tho forty-four counts of tho indictment indict-ment charging them, Jointly with John A. Benson and Joost R Schneider, with conspiring to defraud the United States out of public lands. ...... , . Bail was finally fixed nt $o0,W0 for Ilydo and S25.000 for Dimond, bonds for which were tarnished. The case was continued until July IB, when United States District Dis-trict Judire do Haven will considor tho issuance is-suance of a warrant for the removal of the defendants to the District of Columbia Colum-bia for trial. . . . , , It is stated that this delay is nccossary to enable the Federal ofllclals who havo been Jn attendance upon this caso to got back to Washington and attend to urgent business of the Government, that has been postponed by their absence from tho National Na-tional capital. |