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Show I GOOD OFFER I BY LIGHT MEN I Garff and Son Mean I Business. H Submit a Liberal Proposition H to the Representatives H of the City. Salt Lako Jday Own Its Own Plant in Ton Years by Paying- Present Prices for Light. BBBBH 1 cmlssarlos of tbo Utah Light fl I & Railway Co. were turned down J yesterday by the Council com-mltteo com-mltteo which met In tho Mayor's oRlco to receive the proposition of Garff & Eon to build a municipal lighting Tho meeting was held In the Inner office. Douglas Swan and Murray God-be God-be of tho lighting company wore In the outer office, armed with documents fl and affidavits to prove what largo sums of money the company had bacn losing on the city's business. They sent In the 3tayor'B secretary with a petition for un opportunity to plead their causo. "We can't sec you now," woa tho message roturned to them. Those present at the meeting were Mayor R. P. Morris, president; Frank J. Hewlett, Councllmen Hobday. Barnes, Tuddenham and Hartcnsteln and C. Garff and son. Black, Martin and Precco of the Lighting committee 1 of the Council were present. The Messrs. Garff presented the following proposl- 1 lion In writing: Salt Lako City, May IS. lMj. To the Honorable, tho Mayor and City Council of Salt Lako City: Gontlomen: Complying with tho sug-gestlons sug-gestlons of your special committee ap-pointed ap-pointed to confer with us In regard to a publicly-owned municipal lighting plant, wo hereby respectfully submit tho follow-hip follow-hip proposition, to-wit: Wo will proceed to build a modern up-1 up-1 to-dato electric light plant to provide tho necessary power, machinery, poles, lamps, regulators, transformers, wires,- pins, ln-pulntors, ln-pulntors, etc., and to furnish tho electrical energy, carbons, materials, tools, labor, and all things necessary to maintain a 500-arc light plant of i00 c. p. per aro, and to operate tho said lamps in accord-ance accord-ance with tho ordinances governing tho mmc, and .for the same prlco per lamp now paid by tho city per arc, viz.: Sov-mty-two dollars ($72.00) per annum, for a term of ton (10) years, commencing at tho expiration of the present contract with tho Consolidated Light and Power com-pany com-pany of this city. At tho expiration of this term (10 years) wo will deed to tho city the 600-arc plant complete, including wa-ter wa-ter power, water rights, water wheel, rights of way, generators, machinery, power-house, grounds, sub-atatlon. trans-formers, trans-formers, regulators, switch boards, with all station instruments, poles, lamps, 1 wires and everything pertaining to this described plant, in good v.'orklng order, wltliout incumbrance and free of any and all expense to the city of Salt Lake. Anv additional light other than con-temp'UUcd con-temp'UUcd In this proposition, viz.: 600 area, wo agree to furnish at the same rato per light as now paid, viz.: Seventy-two dollars (5?2.CO) per annum, and all oxtcn-slons oxtcn-slons of lines from the operative dato of this contract to its termination shall be j; sold to the city at its actual cost when constructed. And wo further agroc that at the ex-l ex-l plratlon of tills contract, viz.: ten (10) years, we will sdl all surplus power that may bo developed at this plant to tho city j at a price that may bo mutually agreed iJBBBH upon. Respectfully. C. GARFF AND SON". Commenting on this Mr. Garft! says: 'This orfcr Is mado in absolute good faith, and for the benellt of the people j of Salt Lake City. "When accepted, (which we believe It will be), we will submit plans, specl-fieatlons specl-fieatlons and all detail drawings to an Hl electrical expert If necessary. "The city will not be asked to expend H one dollar for any purpose whatever, Htt and we aro prepared to give bonds for t'i.c faithful performance of this con- i "We do not hesitate to say, never be- fl; fore In the history of municipal llght- i Ing has such a generous offer been Hj made to any city, to secure Its own lighting plant "Salt Lake need not issue a single H. bond or Increase tho taxes a single mill 1 to secure its own, and an up-to-dnte H, electric plant, absolutely free to tho H; people. H! "In order that we may proceed td the execution of our plans for tills large l plant for Salt Lake City, we trust there Hi will be no unncccosary delay or any H' obstacles placed In our way, as wc have i other plans In view that demand our H immediate attention." H1 Owing to the absence of- a majority H! of tho Committee on Lights no report Hi -was prepared. The matter will simply H. be presented at the Council meeting i on Monday night and probably referred H: back to the committee. |