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Show DEADLOCK VET ON IN ILLINOIS Cook County Facte fight Hard. Twanty-Four Ballots Have Been Taken in Republican Republi-can Convention. Party Leaders in Conference, but Powerless to Break the Existing- Deadlock. SPRINGFIELD, 111.,. May It. After another day of fruitless balloting the Republican State convention took an adjournment at 7:55 p. m. until 2 o'clock Monday afternoon, without with-out having broken the gubernatorial deadlock. Tonight the party leaders are In conference con-ference attempting to bring about a solution so-lution of the situation, but they appear powerless to do ro. Thc delegates to the convention have taken things into their own hands and, . with practical unanimity, they decline to be delivered by the men at tho head of the organization. organi-zation. The' only change in the situation today to-day resulted In a slight advantage to Attorney-General Hamlin. On the 23d ballot he gained thirty-eight votes, and his enthusiastic followers made an attempt at-tempt to stampede thc- convention to him. They failed, however, and on the next ballot he lost thirteen voles which had gone to him. The last ballot taken, the twenty-fourth, resulted as follows: Yates 1S3 4-5 I.owdeu 30S Doncen .....375 Hamlin 135 -1-5 "Warner 2J 1-5 Sherman 49 Plerco -"1 The scenes attending- the convention were' similar to those of the prcvloua day, and the demonstration In favor of the various candidates were calculated to sweep a less deliberate- gathering from Its feet, but with every outburst the determination among the delegatea to resist anything in the way of a stampede stam-pede became more pronounced. Chairman Cannon, In begging the shoutery to desist, remarked: "Thank God, this convention has shown in a two dajs' session that its 1500 delegates aro not to be Influenced by banners or huzzahs. "Thla is a life and! death struggle between be-tween two great factions In Cook county," coun-ty," he added, "respectively by Congressman Con-gressman William Lorlmer and State's Attorney Charies S. Dcnecn, with the countrj' delegates holding the whip hand, but so Jealous and loyal to the Interests of their favorite sons that they will not combine to exert their powers." |