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Show AMERICAN LEAGUE. Standing" of the Clubs. W. L. P.C. Boston 18 5 .7S3 Philadelphia 14 9 .G09 New York 14 9 .C09 Chicago 13 11 .G42 Cleveland ' 10 11 .476 St, Louis 9 11 .40 Dotroit 7 IS .2)50 Washington 3 17 .1C0 Ferry Was Wild. BOSTON, May 14 Ferry's wlldness lost an eleven-Inning game today when Detroit De-troit seemed to havo It clinched In tho ninth Inning, Winter was knocked out of the box In tho ninth and replaced by Tannchill. Tho gamo was rather loosely played. Attendance, 440). Score: R. II E. Boston 011 000 022 02 S 9 4 Dolrolt 0)0 020 004 017 10 3 Batteries Winter, Tannehlil and Farrell; Far-rell; Ferry and Wood. Phillies Win. PHILADELPHIA. May 14. The locals won from Chicago today after a close contest. con-test. Altrock retired after the sixth Inning, In-ning, Patterson taking his place. Green was ejected from the game In tho first Inning In-ning for disputing a decision. Attendance, 10,500. Score: R. H. E. Chicago 100 COO 000 1 G 0 Philadelphia 001 ICO 00 2 C 1 Batteries Altrock, Patterson and Mc-Farland; Mc-Farland; Waddcll and Schrcck. Chesbro a Bad Actor. NEW YORK, May 14. Cleveland could do nothing with Chesbro today and lost tho final gamo of the present series to New York. The local men hit Rhoades safely eighteen times. Attendance, 12,000. Score: R. H. E. New York ... .003 011 CC 10 13 G Cleveland 000 100 0CO- 13 2 Battorles Chesbro and McGulrc; Rhoades and Bomls. |