Show l A MANSION OF CHARITY 1 The Hospital of the Holy Cross and Some of the Patients II I I Mr Smith Tills a Cot Through a Ke volver and the Lurch of a Car Tom Connelly a Bingham Miner Uloivn Up liy Giant Powder on Saturday Through the courtesy of Dr Fowler one of the attending physicians at the Sisters Hospital a DEMOCRAT reporter was tendered a pleasant ride and a visit to the charitable institution this morning TIE BEAUTIFCL SURROUNDINGS OF THE HOSPITAL Never looked finer than at the present time Since the grounds were laid out some three years ago great improvements have been made in sodded lawns graveled grav-eled walks and drives and the setting ornamental trees out of many shade and oramental all of which are constantly kept in splendid splen-did condition This season Dr Fowler and the Sisters have taken great pains in having a great many beds of flowers planted about the premises Around the building are not less than twenty large flower bedsfilled with pansies geraniums grafted roses and a variety of variegated plants INSIDE THE HOSPITAL In the different wards is a profusion of the I most choice and fresh plants climbing I vines and fragrant flowers The large I amount of water used in keeping the grounds green and the groves of trees thrifty comes from Fort Douglas the descent forcing the stream on to the grounds with a strong pressure At present there are but about forty patient under treatment which compared com-pared with the usual attendance of from eighty to one hundred is small Among the oldtime invalids is still to be seen Jovial Joy who received paralysis paraly-sis of his body below the waist from breaking his back in falling sixty feet down the Mcnda mine near Pioche Nevada some three years ago Mr Joy makes himself considerably useful to those in charge by preparing bandages splints and in doing all sorts of light chores for simple amusement Mr Loser Banner hangs to life with marvelous marvel-ous tenacity and after going through five amputations on one of his legs now off at the hip joint he still exists between life and death in a hopeful state of mind The man Taylor for some time in a very critical condition from a dangerous disease dis-ease and painful operation is a trifle improved im-proved Thomas Hitchcock a robust young man from Idaho had his left leg taken off at the thigh seven years ago A few weeks ago he fell down stairs and injured the stump for which he is now receiving repairs I Daniel Jensen a former employe of the D K G who hul his left leg broken above the knee by a gravel caveat cave-at P V Junction some seven weeks ago is doing nicely Little Frank St Clair son of Superintendent Superin-tendent St Clair of the U P at Eagle Hock Idaho had his foot amputated at the ankle joint some time ago Frankie left for his home last week well and in the best of spirits While recovering at the hospital from his sad misfortune he made himself a great favorite among the Sisters and patients by his pleasant ways and in playing the banjo SHOT ox THE CARS Among the latest arrivals is Mr Smith of Reno Nevada who was carelessly shot in the left thigh by a young man An account of Mr Smiths calamity has been partly given and the full particulars are as follows lie left Reno the 4th of this month to look after some business in Southern Kansas While on the cars u speaking acquaintance sprang up between him and an unknown young man who was going to some point in search of work On the second day of their meeting meet-ing and while Mr Smith was in one end of the car the young man approached him from the other When within four feet of Mr Smith a sudden sway of the coach threw the young man against a seat and his revolver in a side coat pocket went off the ball entering Smiths left leg about four inches above the knee and running along the thigh bone lodged near the hip joint He was taken off the cars at Ogden and visited by Dr Carna han and afterward removed by Mr Martin Johnson an acquaintance to the Chapman House and thence to the hospital hos-pital here On Saturday Drs Benedict and Fowler probed for the hal which was found near the hip joint but has not yet been removed Mr Smith has always been a hardworking man and is now over fifty years of age lie is in good quarters and will be well in a short time A TKKKIIJU ACCIDENT TROM 15INGIIAM A little the most appalling sight to be seen on the rows of cots is that of Tom Connellyof the Brooklyn mineBingham He was brought in last night and made as comfortable as it is possible to ease an I injured person When asked this morning morn-ing how he came so near to being fired into the t great hereafter he said that last I Saturday night while working in the Brooklyn he fired two holes with giant powder and after hearing the two reports he started to work again when unaccountably unac-countably a third explosion occurred which came near blowing his whole head oil As seen today his face is fearfully swollen and black with powder His eyes are doscd but when opened by the dOdO it could not be discovered whether blindness will result from the explosion or not Councils body received a few slight bruises I is thought he will pull through all right In the different wards were seen many sick men some confined to their beds with slow death making inroads on them while others less sick just recovering from treatment were walking slowly through the halls and frequently venturing ventur-ing outside into the fresh open air I is I the intention of the directors of the hospital hos-pital to complete and furnish at a near day the third and top story of this magnificent mag-nificent institution This third story is floored lathed and divided into wards of small bright rooms to compare with the second for now occupied The only delay is occasioned by the lack of sum cent funds which it would seem should be supplied from the many sources deriving continued benefits from the hospital About onethird of all I the treatment given is gnatuitious I There are twelve Sisters in charge of the hospital under the supervision of the Sister Superior Of the many visitors who hive inspected the Hospital of the Holy Cross none have yet cited a more I perfectly arranged and better conducted institution anywhere although many I similar ones are far more extensive in ac I comodations Visitors are always made I welcome by the Sisters who are worthy of all the praise they get for the good done in relieving the suffering of unfortunate unfor-tunate humanity |