Show Toll Over a Beer Keg r Jl toll of Gladstone from the high nil of the biggest man in England t intensely ludicrous element ii > Proposition to increase the tax on 1 lought forth a tremendous oppo i and he went down under it His Jprs on the Soudan and his final re I I the English troops caused a nj 1 feeling against him His dealings j Ius ia and his work in allowing the zj to twist the tail of the British lion a week and then spit on his hands take a fresh hold were endorsed by j lnbsli people in the light of his at last lt t when it came to a direct assault ithp beer of the English by an in ro of taxation it was an insult not to Derated and the nation of beer ik ns rising in the defense of the pop J Morale decreed that the Prime Yf had survived his usefulness us man had threaded in safety j t FL s paths of political life for ra ator of a century to stumble at u hoer keg is something as as manll unexpected as it is ludic I If may serve as a lesson to ambi o Ji iltlciafls for all time Yet upon JI an unsubstantial foundation does t rest that so vulgar an obstacle er l keg is liable at any time to trip Te rsoi Appeal |