Show THE GRAND PRIZE OF PARIS Parodox Tirst Under thc AVirc at the French Derby Yesterday PARIS June HThe race for the Grand Prize of Paris took place today and was won by tho bay colt Paradox The Grand Prize of Paris of 100000 francs in spscie is given half by the city of Paris and half by the five great railway companies for entry of colts and fillies foaled in 1882 of every description and country added tozi sweepstakes of 1000 francs each and COO francs forfeit second to receive 10000 francs and the third 5000 francs out of the stakes Captain C Bowlings b c Paradox by I Sterling out of Casuistry first Marquis De I Bouthilliers chestnut colt Reluisant by Bagdad out of Kliptomania second Mr T Jennings chestnut colt Present Times by Phoenix out of Olden Times third Betting inst before the race was 3 to 1 on Paradox f to 1 against Reluisiant 10 to 1 against Present Times 25 to 1 against I Lapin 30 to 1 against Barberine and Candor and 50 to 1 against Extra Relu isant made the running at a good pace followed fol-lowed by Extra Paradox and Candor At the foot of the hill Paradox went to the front but was joined by Reluisant at the bend Paradox soon regained the lead however and won easily by a length There were three lengths between the second and third The sun shone brightly and the attendance attend-ance was good including M Grevy Leroyer Sadi Carnet and other distinguished persons per-sons After the race a party of Englishmen in a coach near the track displayed a Union Jack French betting men surrounded the coach captured the flag and would have roughly treated the Englishmen if they had not been prevented from doing so by the soldiers |