Show HENLE r CELERY r BEEF IRON USE DR HENLEYS Celery 5 Beef and Iron 4 The Great Nerve Tonic It en useS Lz3 cffoctCLa1 curo i3i cases of NCCL rn1 5i v DKroixrouisa3GSis Jc i SlooPLos15SDoas iiit3r Dyspepsia tP d i 0 s 1 i 0 c x au uor and lIIa1aria1 DiEoLto SaJo at aJJ Drug pox DoJ1a1 a L1 One istss Bottl IV sure and see that the name of Tut hill Cox Co or the Celery Beef andIron and-Iron Fvtract Co is on each bottle BUSINESS CARDS A T J T WHITE BROKER AND EM itR J lIt plnymcnt Outcc SI E Second South St ANDERSON REAL ESTATE BRO pKED 4 and Notary Public Rents houses col T ker low rents and interests loans money at i I out deeds mortgages etc Houses makes MIO of the city Office for sale in all parts ana lots n I old Salt Lake House No trouble to show f lrrti > STAR EXPRESS HAS nET hASTINGS i Pianos fine l P tr facilities for moving and if YOU wish one you than an etc any I ivmire 1 done with care and dispatch call on i o ins 13S No 1 o Street Telephone Main 1 11 mi at No AU l kinds of freight handled Orders promptly I avuled to AND 3 DR IIIGGINS CATARRH 1I 12 Vi if A Koincdy is warranted to cure all cases rePtions are followed Office No 272 Main fIrl THREE AT NO 272 MAIN STREET I 1 IL north of Clift House and see Dr V doors find Analytic Physic Microscopic t1ius the before taking medicine of im the Specialist filled else All orders by mail promptly am one uyone Street Vddress lr C W Higgins No 272 Main I Milt Lake City Utah PROFESSIONAL CARDS 1 n RFYSOI rl DcUtiSt i Continental Hotel herald BmMms opposite Temple Street SALT Lt1E CITY UTAH DnS I S t HAIMAN J L WUYTOCK 1HAPMAN WHYTOCK ecti61S Walker Opera House Xiiiestlicllc tulrainls tored Telephone in office I cT NICHOLS l DoD tiay OFFICE opposite Walker House Telephone HI Office Anesthetics given AT H BEDOLFE I I A Cigi Engineor Deputy Mineral Surveyor I And United States Block 19 Commerco Boom I P QBox 19C I in B WILDER l Li JVJiniD EDginoor I SURVEYOR ND U S DEPUTY MINERAL s with surveys A Mining and underground < drawings of same a specialty stairs by Jones Ollice 139 Main street up Co s Bank I ASSAYERS I > fcXXy V r v w v < w v TT A HODGES Y ASSayor Main St 1 Under tho Post Office SALT LAKE CITY UTAH M BISHOP F ASSayer SALT LAKE CITYUTAH 161 MAIN STREET Executed All work Carefully and Promptly I McVICKER J U ssayor Main St Under McCornicks Bank SALT LAKE CITY UTAH V cTJI STEWARD Y jSLssf yor Street PO Box 449 10 K Second South Ticket Office cast of U P nlor barber shop = ODD FELLOWS LODGES 1 NOliTo < > 3 MEETS LolGE 1 I AH LODGE r0 in Odd Fcl I every Thursday at S P Lake m City Odd Iffs I Hall Union Block Salt invited to attend IMlows in good standing are J SEDORE N G 1 J THOMAS Secretary 2 I O 0 F SALT LAKE LODGE NO m in Odd 8 at P t Meets every Frida Block Odd lollops in Mlowh1 Hall Union attend tedtoaiton t md standing are invite CREIGHlON N Q S J 1 M DAKLING Secretary FMEETS I UltD1 LODGE NO3 I O O in Odd Fe1 biws f J every Hall Monday Union Block nt S p Odd m ellows in good I invited to attend G lauding are attenJ T HALT N Loris lIYU8 Secretary LODGE NO9 I O O FMEETS Fellows Odd pIDGELYLODGE in O mm at 8 p K every Wednesday Vibit B brothers lows Hall Union Block THEO J BAKER G made welcome W M CIAUK Secretary INSURANCE S NX N N LEWIS B ROGERS INSURANCE INSURANCE CO THE LION FIRE and assets uf London England Capital fiC94993 ORIENT INSURANCE CO Capital and assets Of Hartford Connecticut 159555034 M INS CO F WASHINGTON Capital nud assets 01 Boston Massachusetts 1551850 I O 81 CARVER I LiveryFeed Sales Stable II I I I I I I 1 AND SAD AYE TIlE FINEST CARRIAGE UAVE r horses in the country TTnrilE on Transportation to TAYLOR and < irt Notice Guarnn Seasonable Satisfaction T rms Reasonable and teed stable at bead of Main Street TJt3 risco n Beef and Iron I Dr Henleys Celery cures Debility and Loss of Appetite Syrup of Prunes for Constipation Use For sale tion Price 75 cts Per bottle F r at all Druggists > < 9 J 1 Celery Beef and Iron Henleys Dr and Nervous Headache I cures Neuralgia I traveler casts i II hungry WHEN the al1hungrr I will head he to lay his for plrtceto about a meal find the best and most satisfactory I and bed attho White House J DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Mrs xN x x N > N xrN wN W A NELDEN BOLIVAR ROBERTS ROBERTS NELDEN DRUGS AND Assayers Goods We offer to the Trade the Largest and Best Stock of Drugs Assayers Material and Toilet Articles Druggists Sundries Surgica1 InsrtiUD1ents Eltc E1o Ever Brought to this Market We are Agents for all the Leading Lines of Goods we carry and can offer Better Prices than ever given before Entire Drug Stores Furnished at Five Days Notice We are Never Undersold somcl n Tria1 Ordor UiTrito fox ZE3Cioos oar Lake City Utah PostoQIce Salt 220 JInin Street Opposite = AGENCY KELSEYS REAL ESTATE LOAN COLLECTION Lewis P Kelsey 7 V mSm P > JL 9 WiiA oS K r e V ft SUCCESSOR TO ELI B KELSEY REAL ESTATE LOAN COLLECTION GENCY OfficeNo 25 and 27 E First South St Sa11 Lake Oifcy LTtah bJisbec1 in 1SL7 JOHN TAYLOR SON l4LERCBANT T AJLC > RS ESTABLISHED IN 18C5 Have just received a Choice Lot of SPRING AND SUMMER WOOLENS examine our stock RATES Call and offer at REDUCED which they Of the LATEST STYLES and makeup before having your measure taken elsewhere 40E Second South Street SALT LAKE CITY = AMUSEMENTS I V iX X > w 1500 1500 OPENING MEETING I or THE Utah Driving Park ASSOCIATION I I 1885 17tU and 18th Sail Stltc June and Pacing close June 1st Entries for Trotting PROGRAMME JMIIC ITt WctliiCMlny First InyYed trotting Purse 00 210rlass FIRST Rtlurse SECOND CEll1rc 200211 class trotting and THIRD pacing RACC Purse 150 all ages running half mile and repeat I Juno IStli Thursday Second DaThurstlu FIRST RACK Purse 150 running all ages dash onemile AcElurse 200 230 class trotting RACE SECOND trotting TIIIUD RACE Purse 500 free for all CONDITIONS all trotting pacing and running Entries for 18S5 Entries for Club June ltj stakes to clos of the will close at 5 p m pure running races Entrance fee in all daypreceding the race day prece PURSES 10 per cent All Club purse CLun will be divided as follows CO per cent money to second and 10 per cent cent to to first 30 per to enter three or more running races third and two In or more to start trotting and pacing five or more to enter and three or more races the entries must be enclose In all cases to start envelopes and addressed to scaled closed in color and plainly state name age the secretary dam when of sire and and sex of horse name and of owner known au name be For all races colors of rider or driver must No entries accepted unless with the entry given ell by the money and under no less accompanied be will any conditional entry circumstances Walk over by any one horse entitles received and all of the stake money half of the him forfeit to money and all plate or cup added Any thereof distancing the field or any part horse The Association only first money to will be entitled to Interlace heats ol claims the right sociation it expedi different races whenever they deem tho right to postpone on also claim They ent Running races will account of bad weather American Racing Rules ol be governed by the January 1st 1S5 and trotting and pacing races Associa National Trotting the rules of the by heats three mile one tfoii All harness races in five As W e are members of the National Trotting Association sociation S S WALKER President MATT CULLE Vicepresident W L PICKARD Treasurer T F MULLOY Secretary and Manager P O Box 1163 Salt Lake City Utah MULLOY PAUL i Salt Lake Livery and Transfer Stables I i AND OMNIBUS LINE Nos 35 tfe Second South Stopp Opera House SALT LAKE CITY UTAH I Telephonic Connection with Hotels and Orders Receive Prompt Attention GENTS FURNISHING GOODS Sss r > s > s < s r sj s t MULLETT CO GENTS GENTS GENTS GENTS GlSTB FURNISHINGS GENTS GENTS AND Fine Hatters New Coods Arriving Daily Agents for the Dunlap Hat I 21O S Ulain Street opp Postofflce F S PASCBE AQEST Vulcan H 4 i POWDER 1 oo L Caps and Fuse ST JAMES HOTEL Main St South of Third South St IN FIRSTCLASS THROUGHOUT rIrrED UP comfortable FITTED The finest and most style Lake City Salt in Hotel appointments Families both for Single Special Terms to Uoouis and Suites Transient 200 per day A GKEENEAVAIM Prop V |