Show A STEELE TRAP FOR BIG BEAR An Engagement Daily Expected AVith the Ucmimiit licils WINNIPEG June 14 News camo in this morning that 300 Indians had left the reservation reser-vation at tho Tile Hills and gone to join Pasquashs band which is located on QuAppelle Lake above QuAppclle The Ninetyfirst battalion was sent from Fort QuAppelle to intercept and turn them back It is not expected there will be anything of a warlike movement but a collision between thc Indians and the troops might occur HUMEOLDT Juno HA dispatch states that forty prisoners taken at Batoucho consisting con-sisting of eight Indians two whites and thirty halfbreeds passed through there yesterday were They their to Regina terday on way and under an escort of mounted police special constables in charge of Inspector escort strengthened at Sanders The was Humboldt by men from tho Toronto cavalry states A dispatch from Clarks Crossing Carpentier A battery that gunner the wounded in the leg at Batoucho died in today The other hospital at Saskatoon wounded in the hospital there numbering twentyone in all are doing well No news Bear from Big BEAVER RIVER Juno 11 via Winnipeg A arrived from Middleton courier just leading Loon Lake reports Big Bear near are pressing him Steeles men this hard way The river has risen several feet very Big preventing few days thus in the past crossing with his stock east of this Bear are stationed three The Sixtyfifth point timber being down the river The I miles east of there Big Bear will como jn heavy be by an untraveled trail and will thus I snared |