Show MR RICHARD S SCOTT the last defaulting de-faulting New York teller was not a church member or a Sundayschool teacher and yet he got away with 100 000 A pious man could not have made a much bigger grab than that BEN BUTLER is said to be an expert flute player and the explanation giyen is that he can watch his lingers and the music at the same time GEORGE BARTON DEALER IN Family Groceries PROVISIONS Foreign and Domestic Fruits Vegetables I CIGARS AND TOBACCO I No 260 S Main Street First door north of Overland House E SELLS JAMES TUCKER II W SELLS CO SELLS I I Wholesale and Retail Dealers in 111 ULYJBSB FLOORING RUSTIC SIDING LAlHS I I SHiNGLES PICKETS WINDOWWEHHllS NAILS DOORS WINDOWS MOULDING A Specialty Prices to Suit the Times ORDERS FOR RED PINE SOLICITED purchasing elsewhere Call on us before South Strcc OpPOIiIUC 162 w Jlrlit sIIClllbJY uooms 14tl1 vurd = w WW RAILROADS T 13 e Scenic Line of the World I DENVER RIO GRANDE Western Railway Universally concocted to be THE POPULAR Passenger Route Between the East and West The On1y Line Between Ogden Salt Lake and Denver Without Change of Cars Tho Oo1y Line Between Salt Lake and Chicago With but One Change of Cars The Only Line between the West and the East Running Through Salt Lake City Pullman Buffet AND Sleeping CarsOn Cars-On all Through Passenger Trains taS The Only Line from Salt Lake City run ning Sleeping Cars Free for the use of passengers fickets holding Secondclass and Emigrant The Atlantic Express Leaves Ogden daily at 930 a m Leaves Salt Lake City daily at 1055 a m Direct connection is made at Pueblo and Denver for Omaha Kan sas City and all points East The Pacific Express Arrives at Salt Lake City from the East at 500 p m and leaves for Ogden at 510 p m making connection with the Central Pacific for the West Local Trains Leave Salt Lake City as follows For Bingham and AHa at 725 a m For Ogden at 510 p m Arrive at Salt Lake City From Bingham and Alta at 415 p m From Ogden at 1050 a m Tickets for all points East and West can be purchased at the Depot Ofllco and City Ticket Office White House corner Salt Lake City I S W ECCLES G P T Agt W II BANCROFT Receiver THE CHICAGO Milwaukee Si Paul RAILWAY COMPANY The Last Built Best Eqiiipped Shortest Line BETWEEN Council Bluffs i Chicago AND ALL POINTS EAST utah Central R E Passenger Trains cave Salt Lake Daily as follows fol-lows GOING NORTHAtlantic Express at 800 am GOING SOUTHExpress at 720 am Passenger Trains Arrive in Salt Lake Daily as follows FROM NORTHAtlantic Express at 751 pm FROM SOUTH Express at 640 pm JOHN SHARP Genl Supt FRANCIS COPE Genl Fgt Pass Agt Sanpete Valley Railwy 0 Trains leave daily as follows Leavc Moroni 900 am Arrive at Nephi 1100 ani Leave NepM 1200 m Arrive at Moroni 200 pm Stages connect at Moroni for all parts of San Pete and Scvicr Private teams and spring wagons can be ordered or-dered by telephone at Nephi to bo ready on arrival of trains at Moroni Price fl per day driver paying all his own expenses S BAMBERGER Manager HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS VALLEY HOUSE Opp Temple and Tabernacle Sa1t IJako City Utah I CONNECTED WITH THIS HOUSE ARES ARE-S COTTAGrES In the immediate vicinity of the Main Hotel SECLUDED BUT CONVENIENT BOARD and LODGING 2 per day Quiet Shady Homelike ANDREW C BRIXEff Prop E L LW Oa TON Successor to H 0 Steams I OPE A E3C > USE Lunch Ice Cream Parlor Confcctlone I In connection with the above will be run A FIRSTCLASS DINING ROOM Where meals will be served from 7 a m to 8 p m I arSpecial attention given to Suppers for Parties etc IJUXLch at A1T ZEZoTtsrea = P D SPRAGUE Passenger and Baggage Transfer To and from all Trains to any Hotel or Private Residence in the City Orders received at White House through telephone tele-phone No 152 or left on slate ALL ORDERS GIVEif PROMPT ATTENTION Y AUCTIONS AT BAMBERGERS A UOTtON EVERY EVENING PRIVATE SALE DUriiig the y 0 I rl A Large Consignment FROM EASTERN HOUSES JUst i ecei r ed To be Sold Without Reserve CONSISTING OF Children and Boys Suits ranging frdm 2 up Mens Cassimere Suits K 5 Cassimere Pants 2 Coats H 3 Juutjj uJiJ Blue Flannel Business Soils at 7 I i 11 I A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Merchant < Tailor Misfits CONSISTING OF Fine Diagonal and Corkscrew Pants and Suits > lit Jj t i > ALSO A LOT OF Havana and Domestic OlGARS 2 By the Box or Thousand only I 0 Stock Now Ready for Inspection rG1T s Red Flag 2 Doors South of Postoffice I MAIN STREET WAGONS BUGGIES REAPERS PLOWS ETC GEO A LOVTEO Salt Lake City and Ogden Utah SCHUTTLER FARM FREIGHT WAGONS AND FltJSTCIASb C > pen and Top BL ggies WARRANTED OF BEST QUALITY AND SOLD AT VERY LOW PRICES 0 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS 0 DEDERICK HAY PRESSESBALING BALING TillS AND BALING TJREj Knowles Steam Pumps For all Purposes All Sizes Constantly Jn Stock AMES PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES LEFFEL TURBINE WHEELS SAW MILLS AND SHINGLE 3 i fILLS Correspondence solicited Enquiries answered promptly D ATTVT DEPOT BAIN WAGON JcJJA vf A HOWARD SEBREE COMP Al Y Keep a Full Stock of These Celebrated Wagons Concord Buggies Spring Wagons Oliver Chilled Plows Moline Plows Casaday and Flying Dutchman Sulky PJowtf OElA PION JIIACEl SAnd S-And a Full Line of Agricultural Goods Hardwood and Wagon Materials a Specialty Call on or Address AddressHOWARD SEBREE CO Salt Lake City or Ogden Utah iI JEWELRY FIBSTCzaSS JEWELRY I DIArvrONDS Solid Silverware I 925lOoths Fine AND Quadruple Plate Silverware On Hard White Metal At Bottom Prices AT L HOLLANDERS Jewelry Store 148 Main St J S3 A good assortment always on hand AT ELIASONS 142 MAIN STREET You can find the largest assortment of Gold Silver Watches JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS And everything needed in that line at V cry Iscwt ricacsm5 UNDERTAKERS ESTABLISHED ISM JOSEPH E TAYLOR UNDERTAKER A Complete Stock of WOOD METALLIC and CLOTIICOVEKED COFFINS AND CASKETS Constantly on hand Also a full line of I BURIAL ROBES Masonic Odd Fellows and Knights of Pytlum emblems furnished on hearse OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Factory and warerooms ware-rooms No 253 E First South street Telephone Vo 70 JOSEPH WM TAYLOR TT 3sr xs E Fti1 IB 12 B Funeral Director anil Embalmer c A full line of Flue Cloth Metallic and Redwood t Collins and Caskets Airtight Oak Cases and Caskets A complete stock of Burial Robes and Under takers Goods of every description kept con tantly on hand Black or White Hearses Bodies Preserved without ice for any length of time Particular attention given to Embalm jug Shipping and Care of Bodies Embalming and Shipping a specialty Lots i Graves Ilirnlsheil in any Cemetery in City All orders by telegraph or telephone day or ight will receive prompt attention Prices low and terms reasonable Office never closed Telephone No Sol 23 West Temple St South MISCELLANEOUS X rv X N N N X XX > THE WYOMINC Hereford Association OF WYOMING Have opened a SALES YARD at the place formerly for-merly known as Pitts Gardens where can always befound HIGH GRADE AND THOROUGHBRED II 0 fords FOR SALE GEO F MORGAN General Manager THE EAGLE FOUNDRY Machine Co I RON AND BRASS FOUNDERS r AND MACHINISTS 73 75 77 and 79 W Second South Street I SALT LAKE CITY I Manufacturers of Furnace Mininp and Milling Machinery Mining Cars and Car Wheels Sine Pots Burs and Pans for Sampling Mills Etc Cast ami Wrought Iron Fencing and Cresting and all kinds of Builders Iron Work including Ornamental Columns for front and Interior Supports Order promptly filled and all work guaranteed guar-anteed MOUNTAIN ICE CO 5C and OS SECOND SOUTH STREET I Wholesale and Retail Dealers In I XC3ES2 I A large supply of ice of firstclass parity always al-ways on hand I Daiy De1iVeries Promptly attended to Come and see us 1 J HElL Jr Secretary I I RLC > VV I Sign Writer I 216 Blain Street Opp Fo toff ice UP STAIRS f J Fresco Graining J liOMEBUD FIELDING Contractors Builders I PRESSED BRICK FROXTS A SPECIALTY J Salt Lake City Utah I I I z DELINQUENT NOTICES DELINQUENT NOTICE SILVER MOUNTAIN MINING COMPANY i Location of principal place of business 29 East Temple street Salt Lake City Utah NoticeThere are delinquent upon the following follow-ing described stock account of asscssmeu No 3 levied on the 21st day of April 1SS5 th Iio t several amounts set opposite the names of th respective shareholders as follows Name No Cert No Shs Amt Berlin Ernest 250 1250 Friedlander I J 107 119 200 1000 Holden C N 2M2S723 11375 5G375 lIau Otto 007371 125 625 Marks Emanuel 250 1250 Johnstone Wm Jr 53 100 500 Stix Fanny 9 50 250 Stix Henry 1056 200 1000 Stix Ed H 108 50 250 Stix Bertha II 109 50 250 Stix Adelaide H 110111 50 250 Stix Helen H 112113 50 250 Stix Walter K 114 50 2SO Stix Henry S 116 100 500 Stix Dinah 123 297 100 500 Stix Pauline 124293 100 500 Stix Rachel W 125 99 100 500 Stix Cora 126300 100 500 Stir Eda 131301 100 500 Stix Alma 139 S02 100 500 Stix Ernest 140 303 100 500 stir William 141256 100 500 Collins Henry S15 200 1000 Brown James 117 100 500 Dormer Arnold 127 25 125 Troy Ernest 118 100 500 Troy Cora 107 50 250 Rice Harry 115 50 250 Spear E C S7 100 500 Tremain Hiram 235 416 2080 Lee Ed Trustee 1250 6250 Evans J G 312 100 500 Watson E J 323 500 2500 Frankenstein II W 233 2S6 275 1375 Hennefer Seddie D 3S56 160 800 Aitken Henry 4035 2250 11250 Aitken James 4068 2250 11250 And in accordance with law and an order of the Board of Directors made on the 21st day of April 1885 so many shares of each parcel of stock as may be necessary will be sold at the companys office 229 East Temple Street Salt Lake City Utah on Saturday the 20th day of June 1885 at 4 oclock p m to ptvy the delinquent delin-quent assessment together with the cost of advertising vertising and expenses of saleF F K MORRIS Secretary SALT LAKE CITY UTAH May 21st 1385 DELINQUENT NOTICE SCOTT HILL CONSOLIDATED MINING COMPANY U COM-PANY Location of principal place of business busi-ness 229 East Temple street Salt Lake City Utah NoticeThere are delinquent upon the followingdescribed stock on account of assessment assess-ment No3 levied on the 21st day of April lbS5 the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders as follows Name Shares Amount ilcywood Joseph 5000 5000 Whin Alma 19500 19500 H5r = t J A 1000 1000 Springer NC 16500 16500 And In accordance with the law and an order of the Board of Directors made on the 21st day of April 1885 so many shares of each parcel of stock as may be necessary will be sold at the companys oflice 229 East Temple Street Salt Lake City Utah on Saturday the 20th day of June 1885 at t oclock p m to pay the delinquent delin-quent assessment together with the cost of ad ertKiug and expenses of saleF F K MORRIS Secretary SALT LAKE CITY UTAH May 21st 1885 LEGAL NOTICES WX WS X XN N Trustees Sale YTIIEREAS JAMES WILLIAMSON AND T I T Maria Williamson by trust deed dated the 15th day of September 1SS4 and recorded corded in the oflice of the County Recorder of Salt Lake County Utah Territory on the 15th day of September 1831 in Book 51 of Mort gages pages 977 to 980 inclusive conveyed to the undersigned as trustee tho property here nafter described to secure the payment of a note of the grantors of even date to Emanuel Marks for 2700 and interest from date until paid at 10 per cent per annum the principal payable eight months from date and the inter eat payable quarter yearly which deed con aius a power to the undersigned to sell the onveyed property in case of the nonpayment of said note or the interest thereof and apply the proceeds of sale to pay the expenses thereof there-of and said note and interest and whereas aid note and interest are unpaid except a certain cer-tain payment of flO made December 26 1831 and the holder thereof has requested a sale of the conveyed property Notice is given that in pursuance of the power of sale in said trust deed I shall sell the property therein and hereinafter described at public sale to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the County Court House In the City of Salt Lake County of Salt Lake and Territory Ter-ritory of Utah on the 20th day of June 1885 at 2 oclock p m of that day and convey the property sold to the purchaser or purchasers The property convened by said trust deed and to be so sold is described as follows All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in Salt Lake City County of Salt Lake and Territory Ter-ritory of Utah bounded and described as follows fol-lows towit Commencing eight 8 rods north from the southwest corner of Lot four 4 in Block thirtytwo 32 Plat A of Salt Lake City survey and running thence east seven 7 rods thence north two 2 rods thence east three 3 rods thence north four and onehalf 14 rods thence west ten 10 rods thence south six and onehalf 6M rods to the place of beginning and containing fiftynine 59 square rods of ground J E BAMBERGER Trustee Date of first publication May 261885 TN THE PIS OB ATE COURT IN AND IN for Salt Lake County Territory of Utah In the matter of the Estate of W O SMITH Deceased Order W S Smith the Executor of the Last Will and Testament of W O Smith deceased having heretofore rendered and presented pre-sented settlement and filed in thin court his final account of administration of the estate of said deceased It is ordered that the 29th of June A D 1885 at 10 oclock a mat m-at the court room of said Court in the County Court House of said County be and the same is hereby appointed the time and place for the settlement of the said account and that the Clerk give notice thereof by causing notices to be posted in three public places in this City and County and to be published in tho SALT LAKE DEMOCRAT a newspaper printed and published pub-lished in said City and County at least three weeks before said day of settlement according to law ELIAS A SMITH Probate Judge Dated June 4th 1885 Territory of Utah J 88 County of Salt Lake j I John C Cutler Clerk of the Probate Court in and for the County of Salt Lake in the Territory Ter-ritory of Utah do hereby certify that tho foregoing fore-going is a full true and correct copy of the Order appointing time and place for settlement of Administrators final account in Uio matter ot the estate of W O Smith deceased as appears ap-pears of record in my office In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and allixed the seal of said Court this 4th day of June A 1 > 1885 JOHN C CUTLER SEL Probate Clerk By H S CUTLER Deputy Notice for Publication No 1982 LAND OFFICE AT SALT LAKE CITY May 25th 1885 j TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TilE NOTICE settler has filed notico of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before be-fore the Register and Receiver at Salt Lake City on Saturday June 27th 1885 viz Peter Reid Homestead Entry No 5013 for the south half northwest quarter section 20 township 1 south range 2 west He names the fallowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Andrew Cahoon II T Spencer Spen-cer Elbridge Tufts and Daniel Jacobs of Salt Lake county Utah Territory And George 11 Payne Homestead Entry 4CCO for lots 12 and 3 section IS township 1 north 2 west He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz John 1 > Phillips Heber Phillips Joseph Atfield and Joseph Bodley of Davis county Utah Territory II McMASTER Register BIRD LOWE Attys for Claimants J C CONKLIN It CO tot UTAEI ORE SAMPLING MILL Ores and Bullion Carefully Sampled 0 OPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THEO THE-O sale of Ores and Bullion Mill South Temple Tem-ple Street between Utah ok Nevada and Utah Central Railroad Depots Office over London Bank of Utah front room KAHN BROS Wholesale and The well known and Reliable Retail GROCERS Country Dealers will find It to their ADVANTAGE ADVAN-TAGE to send their orders to the above firm In the XLOtLLI1 DopnrbDcnt Tho FRESHEST and BEST Goods arc kept In Stock SALT LAKE CITY UTAII I I |