Show Hats Hats Hats Spring and Summer Styles now in We are Sole Agents for all the fine New York Hatters including Youmans KJiox s Silverman and Thomas Townsend Co London We also carry complete line of John B Stetson Gos Fine Hats NOBLE WOOD Co The Exclusive Hatters IT To the Public Subscribers to the DEMOCRAT are respectfully re-spectfully requested to report without delay any neglect in delivering or any undue lateness in the delivery of the paper A postal card on this subject addressed ad-dressed to TIlE DEMOCRAT will always meet prompt attention Use Syrup of Prunes the t great California Cal-ifornia Prune Laxative Price 75 cts per bottle For sale at all Druggists 1 r Salt Lake City Ifrewinjr Company M GinLKN II W MOKSE President YicePrcsidcnl We are now prepared to receive orders for our Ciu5imATEi > BUDWEISEK LAOEI BEER Special inducements given to purchasers pur-chasers of carload lots Having given our careful attention to the selection of the finest material for the manufacture of heel after the Bndweiscr process we are in a situation to place before be-fore the public nn article superior to any hitherto offered in this market Orders by telephone promptly attendee to JACOB MOKITZ Sec Tueas Protect Your Family It is the duty of every man rich or poor who has created a home to make some provisions against the inevitable for those who are dependent upon him and this most desirable result can be obtained I ob-tained by procuring a olicy in the Mutua Life Insurance Company of New York the oldest active company in America and the largest life insurance compmy in the world Hates etc t furnished by Louis Hymns Agent 33 Main street looper IjHdridgG Block Salt Lake City I Pioneer Candy Factory Established in 1871 I am now prepared pre-pared to furnish all orders at wholesale and retail for my celebrated caramels and pure home made candies Orders from the country solicited Geo Arbogast IS E First South street Hardy Jenncns Are receiving California and Utah Fruits aiiVegetables daily Everything cheap andtfirstclass 26 W First Soulli Street THE Palace Hotel Dining Rooms tire reopened Call and secure fustclass 1 board at reasonable rates MRS A CARPENTER I Dr Henleys Celery Beef and Iron restores Lost Vitality r Furniture Barratt Bros offer some new and very handsome goods at low prices Dr Henleys Celery Beef and Iron cures Indigestion and Dyspepsia t For a FirstClass Lunch Call at the Fountain Lunch Stand old London Bank Building HotLunch from 11 a in to 3 p m The neatest place in town D BROBERG Proprietor Adolph Hauerlwcli Practical Watch Repairer has removed to No 16 E First South street first door west of Auer Murphys and would be glad to see new as well as all his old customers cus-tomers I THE late onpleasantness is over the license war is done and I am again to the fore at the Brewery and will be pleased to cater to my friends who may feel inclined to visit ma there HENRY WAGEXER The First in the Season A fine assortment of Spring and Summer Sum-mer cloths of the very latest pattern have just arrived at JOE BAUXIGARTEN HI Main Street The Tailor Go Kelseys For choice groceries California and Utah Fruits Fish Etc I keep nothing but the best and guarantee all goods I am never undersold Give me a trial order and convince yourself No 5fr west First South Street Furniture We wish to close out our entire stock of furniture on Second South street You are asked to look at the prices BARRATT BROS For a fashionable suit of clothes or anything else in the tailoring line at most reasonable prices go and talk to H F CLARK Old Herald building COAL OIL and Fluid at Pioneer Lamp Store 57 E First South Street Ladies should use Dr Henleys Celery Beef andIron Arbogasts Celebrated Boston Ice Cream The finest in theTerritory supplied to families church socials and picnics in any quantity Prompt delivery and low est prices At 48 E First South street E China and Japan Bazaar A large assortment of imported goods always on hand also Fireworks for the Fourth of July No 267 S Main street HONG HOP r NEW TODAY Salt lake Theatre TWO NIGHTS ONLY MonDa and Tuesday June 15 and IB DEN 1AN THOMPSON AS Joshua Whitcomb UDc1e JOsb 9 SUPPORTED BY HIS ORIGINAL COMPANY SECURE YOUR SEATS Reserved seats for sale at Box Office Usual Theatre Rates Doors open at B oclock Performance commences com-mences at 830 Salt lake Theatre + MonDa Evening June 22 2 at 8 Oclock VOCAL CONCERT MrIB BI Young Mme Mazzucato Young PEOGRAtVL IIE FIRST PART 1 Pilgrims Chorus I Lombard Verdi 2 Trio Memory Henry Leslie Mrs T J Mackintosh Miss Grace Almr and Mr II S Krouse 3 Song My Pretty Jane Bishop I Mr M If McAllister oj 1 Song Jerusalem Henry Parker Mr B B Young Piano and organ accom pauimeut 5 Song Guinevere Sullivan Mrs Jas Hogle C Duet The Moon Hath Raised HerB Lamp Above Benedict Mr W W Mackintosh and Mr B B Young SECOND PART 1 BarcarolaLaNotteDiflbndc ArrigoBoito Misses Mary Tcasdel Grace Almy Grace oung Rettie Young Crissie Lawson Daisy Woods Mrs T J Mackintosh and Mrs Hogle Messrs McAllister Dunbar T J Mackintosh W W Mackintosh Geddes Harper Spencer and S n Young Jr 2 Song Forbidden Music Gastaldoi Mr II S Krouse Song When We Meet Hope Temple Miss Grace Almy 1 Song 0 Swallow Swallow MrsMoncrieff Mr B B Young ii Ave Maria BachGounod Violin obligo piano and organ accompaniment accompani-ment Misses Daisy Woods Grace Young and Crissie Lawson C Solo and Chorus from Moses in Egypt Rossini Moses Mr T E Harper Aaron Mr J T Dunbar Esther Miss Crisie Lawson Violin Mr Willard Weihe At the organ Mr Job Mcintyre Accompanist Mme Mazzucato Young Notice for Publication No 2001 LAND OFFICE AT SALT LAKE CITY UTAH June 13th 1S85 5 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 14 followingnamed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made be fore the Register or Receiver at Salt Lake City on Wednesday July 22nd 188o viz Wil lard B Ennis of Draper Utah Homestead entry en-try No 4879 for the S y S W X Sec 33 Tp 3 S R 1 E He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultIvation of sam laud viz Norman Brown William Boulter William 1I Boulter and Nephi Yaw drey all of Draper Utah H McMASTER Register T C BAiiny Atty MEDICAL Dr FOOTE Senior Of 120 Lexington Avenue New York Hereby cautions the public NOT to I Employ or Comimiuicatc with a man styling himself Dr Foot Jr without malting due inquiry This man came to Salt Lake City representing I himself as the son of Dr E B FOOTE ot New York the well known specialist as abundantly proved by affidavits As rumors came into Sal Lake City from Dakota and Montana from an expose made there he changed his base and represented himself as the son of a more noted specialist in New York City than Dr EB FOOTE the well known author Mr JOHN F I TKOW of the well known Trows Directory in New York City forty years in the directory business ExGovernor FRANK FULLER of Utah and the lon ABRAM WAKEJiANIor many years Postmaster in New York City also Surveyor of the Port gave their affidavits that there are no other doctors in New York by the name of FOOT FOOTE excepting Dr E B FOOTE the author of Medical Common Sense etc and his two ons Dr E B FOOTE Jr and Dr HuiiEirr T IUJEP FOOTE The genuine Dr FOOTE Jr will hereafter here-after always employ the initials E B in desig Hating his name Heretofore he has i been known not only at home but wherever his pub lications have been circulated by the pub Dr FOOTE Jr Greater care will be taken here after in view of the fact that an unprincipled person has assumed to profit by unprncipled fathers reputation Those desiring further and more detailed in lclaicl formation in respect to this matter will receive it by addressing Unx II t Salt Lake City Utah Persons having information of advantage to plaintifls will kindly communicate the same to J W Ivey with Sutherland McBride Salt Lake City Mcrde Sal Those desiring to consult Dr FOOTE profes sionally or to order remedies should address either Dr E B FOOTE Sror Dr E B FOOTE Jr 120 Lexington Ave New York Consultation Free in person or by letter BOOKS AND STATIONERY Stationers Bookselers Order your Goods of us by Mail or Telephone or call at our store by the Postofficc on Main Street SCHOOL BOOKS NEWSPAPERS MAGAZINES ARTISTS SUPPLIES OF EVERY KIND z Slibscriiitjons In the taken Wore for any Periodical C H Parsons Co IiELLY BROTHERS Manufacturing Stationers BLANK BOOKS BOOKBINDING and PAPER RUG I Main Street first door frst north of Jones Bank up staIr Sal Lake City Utah B ElOVAL We have removed our urocery 4 Feed Business TO No GG Kymau IJIocIc friends Where and we will customers be pleased to meet our old satisfaction guaranteed to all who favor us HUSBAND < fc BRO 0 r WALKER BROS WALKER B RolliEris s I DRY GOODS cImc T II C Jl Q BOOTS AID SHOES Gents Furnishings AND CARPETS Aii Immense Stock In all Departments THE LATEST NOVELTIES I Constantly arriving Gents Spring Style Hats NECKWEAR Hosiery and Fancy Shirts THE CREAM of Best Designs jut arrvt Irnl by Express EMBROIDERIES Of every desirable width aud qUal 15 Newest Styles Cheaper Tan kf DRESS GOOD Of Latest European importation con riving I CRPETS AND UPHOLSTERY GOOD IN ELEGANT DESIGNS The Largest Stock in rJi Orders most carefully filled COAL DRGW Cqal Agency 145 S MAIN STREET iOi Pleasant Valley Anthracite Blacksmith COAL Coke Charcoal tVooa x All of the above Conuaro < 1 screened and clean Prompt Delivery Guaranteed Telephone I 1 SELLS BURTON CO Managers O L C 01 Rock Spring Weber Red Canyon Pleasant Valle All the coals in the market and the VCT of each 0 Co1 1I op t TJ I 01 t J GTJNNELL W OFFICE Wasatch Corner r YARDrrtahCen WEBER COAL Home Coal Company Dealers in COAL from the I Wasatch I Crismon Mines Conlvillo i1a1i 0 lAt l Irice Delivered At yard ILeave ORDERS with DINWOOJLI HENRY DIlrOO Nos 37 toiUV First South Street L EOUSECEAX1 Season is now here and TULLIDGE Co > stock Have received their Spring WIjIa AJ Including every design mid filial and Sign PJ Kalsomininrj House azl tReasonable and By the most skilled workmen Reasonable Rates |