Show GRANT IS GROWING WEAKER for Him and york Too Hot New He Will Leave Town NEW YORK Juno HAfter Drs Douglas held their usual Sun and Sands had Shrady General Grants house consultation at day said that the General Dr Douglas today little disturbance during some had suffered attributed of which was tho cause tho night but that ho slept to eating some asparagus and 5 m to a little break from 1 a m with though feeling tho not suffering today was tho swelling on Shrady said that heat Dr had increased and tho outside of tho throat had affected tho patients voice H consulta Fred Grant after tho consultation Colonel that bad night had a tion said his father weaker and that the General was growing to be ono of increasing 7 his condition now seems The Colonel creasing debility without pain General would tho added that if possible Tuesday next the city on removed from be before intended one week earlier than asleep and Dr General was At 1 a m the Fred Grant had retired Douglas and Colonel except that tired The house was quiet busy on tho was attendant Harrison the for Tuesdays depar lower floor packing up that the Generals I turo It is thought been produced by a hoarseness may have easily have been caught i cold which could by ono in his delicate condition |