Show o TIE IDAHO UNLAWFUL COKAUS the Sris Judge Morgan Interviews J Sentence 011 crs Before Passing In the Third Judicial District of Idaho is the following Judge Morgan presiding folowing the verbatim report of the proceedings in the sentencing of Charles Simpson and Martin Boyson found guilty of unlawful cohabitation CHARLES SIMPSON The Court Have you an attorney or do you desire onel SimpsonNo sir The CourtHave you any legal cause to show why a judgment of the Court should not be pronounced against you SimpsonIn regard to taking my second sec-ond wife I was married to her on the 24th of April 1879 The Court And you have not taken any wife since that time wie SimpsonNo sir I have not At the present time I do not live with her I have lived with my first wife since the 21st day of March this year The Court Were you brought before the Commissioner SimpsonYes sir The Court When were you arrested SimpsonTenth of May The Court What was your reason for ceasing to live with your second wife SimpsonShe concluded of her own choice to leave I have a document here written bv her to show that The Court Do you desire i to say anything any-thing about your future conduct Simpson Knowing the law now my intention is to live within the laws of the land in which I live in good faith The CourtIs that ou intention without to instructions that regard you may have received from anybody else SimpsonYes sir it is My intention is to live within the law The Court Have you any other except the first and second wife Simpson No sir I have not had but two wives at any time and I now have only my first wife The Court What was the reason of your wife going away Simpson Her reason was that I was not good enough Mormon in that 1 was not religious enough The Court Where do you live SimpsonAt Montpelier The Court It is very difficult for the Court to say in this case whether the defendant de-fendant who comes forward and makes a vow intends to keep it Of course it depends a great deal upon the character of a person The Court is unacquainted with this defendant and the Court is also uncertain as to whether this promise is made knowing that it will probably have an effect with reference to the judgment or whether it is made simply because the defendant is arrested brought into court and knows that he could be convicted and does this simply to escape punishment or whether he does it in good faith These are some of the difficulties that the Court labors under with relation to all these questions When the Court is satisfied that the defendant de-fendant intends to live hereafter within the law then the defendant is entitled to some consideration The judgment of the Court will be that you pay a fine of is 300 paid and stand committed until the fine MARTIN BOYSON The CourtHave you an attorney Boyson No sir The Court Do you desire one BoysonNo sir The CourtDo you desire to say anything any-thing with reference to this judgment Have you any legal cause to show why judgment should not be pronounced upon you You may also state anything with reference to your past conduct and future intentions Boyson I would like to state to the Court that in ISiS I came to this country coun-try from Utah and in the fall married another woman I did not know any thing about the laws of the United States About three years afterwards I found out that was not living according to the laws of the United States and the following summer I wrote to Mr White as he has stated I stated that I had two wives and my desire was to get a divorce from my second wife and to live with my legal wife and according to the laws of the United States I went to another attorney at-torney to get it settled but did not make any headway Then I wrote another letter let-ter to Mr White lie advised me to go to the Judge for it that I was not legally married to the second wife The Judge could do nothing for me It was put off from time to time and I did not get my divorce The Court What is your intention in the future Boyson Same as before To live I within the laws of tho United States and be obedient to the laws I The CourtYou intend to do this in I good faith Boyson Yes sir I The Court reference to any advice from any one BoysonYes sir I The Court How long is it since you have lived with your second wife I Boyson It must have been about one year ago The CourtIs it not a fact that at the time they were getting out a warrant that you was informed of the fact and was advised ad-vised to leave the Territory BoysonYes sir I was informed of it and advised to go away until the court was over but I told them I would stay and have it settled The Courtyou refused to leave the Territory when they notified you that a warrant was being issued for roul Yes sir I knew of it I was sick at I the time but knew that a warrant was out it for my arrest I had been notified of I The CourtI am well acquainted with wih this man and I have every reason to I believe that what he says he says in good faith that he intends to carry these statements into effect in good faith in the future I think his conduct such as to I recommend him to the clemency of the Court But he has pleaded guilty to the I indictment therefore there is no question in that matter but from the statements made by this man I think he is pecu liarly entitled to clemency I is n fact that he refused to ran away when he was advised to do so He states that he intends to lye within the law and in order to do that he has moved his second wife from the Territory That he intends for the future to live within the law in I good faith without reference to any advice ad-vice that any one has given him For these reasons the judgment in this case wIll be suspended I the defendant continues to obey the law as he has stated that he has done for some time past it wIll be suspended so faras this Court is I concerned for some time |