Show YANL GIANTS TIS oi Wen Ten Feel High jrlf Ji ii In a Cave Near Eric Vlrttlli mall was tell or Lwelye feet i Tliumler and lightning exclaimed rrmci Porter in astonishment The r110r caker who has won local distinc 1 rt oin scientist reiterated his assertion jjofl l H i Porter has a farm near Northeast from where the nnv miles Lake ot raibay crosses the New York state jore 15dary hue Early this week some Amen m Mi Porters employ came 110 he entrance to a cave and on en n ipofl it found heaps of human bones mitbin 1 ring Many skeletons were complete 1 Va I specimens of the 1 find were brought Taw t exhibited to the naturalists and V hiologists of the neighborhood They lnelthe wondering bystanders that Hmain were unmistakably those of Jnt The entire village of Northeast was irK > d in the discovery and today ndwJ of people from this city took ad utase of their holiday to visit the scene I us at firt conjectured the remains re tho e of soldiers killed in battle with IP Indians that abounded in the vicinity inl the 1a4 century but the size oft of-t Willis and length of the leg bones p lleil that theory So far about 150 rit skeleton of powerful proportions ivl been exhumed and indications nt t a second cave eastward which 1 h 1 r probably contain as many more v Illtjt who have exhumed skeletons iirauV careful measurements of the nes IY that they are the remains of a t d ijrantic creatures compared with ih our tallest men would appear as Tuie There are no arrowheads stone 7t hot or other implements of war with lit hOllies Some of the bones are on xibitionat the various stores One is thick as a goodsized bucket Erie I Cur Philadelphia Times |