Show WHOLESALE GROCERS < j OOO t cncncrcn tj 111 II Il t > j t > j b = Q A H 8 Q H 0A 0 Q 0 8 LI Ul 1o I < > If 8 I I Ff I I Q II I gg i 0000 aaaa 0 t > j t > j I ww S oocnoo I MISCELLANEOUS Wholesale and Retail SIMON BROS Millinery Fancy Goods We arc daily receiving NEVV GOODS By freight and express MANY NOVELTIES I Will be found in our different departments Ion I I Our friends and patrons arc cordially iuvited I to inspect our stock find see for themselves SIMON BROS II I I JENNINGS BUILDING j SALT LAKE CITY UTAH I Lindsays Gardens A FIRSTCLASS PLEASURE RESORT FOR Picnic Pleasure Parties I I And a General SUMMER RESORT I ij i i I Liberal Terms Arc Offered to Schools I I i THE PUBLIC ARE INVITED I I II I I II I All 1C mis of IScfrcsluucntb on the Ci rounds i FRANK SCOTT Prop MORRIS The Painter J LLOYD Custom Boot and Shoe Maker No 9 East Second South Street I SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Established 1S69 i T 1 FURNITURE BARRATT BROS 141 to 14H 3iain Street and 78 W Second South Street SaI1i Lake city Wholesale maid Retail Dealers in FURNITURE Etc jEZto Walnut Mahogany Ash and Maple CHAMBER SUITS General Upholstery Parlor Goods Fine Chairs LOUNGES A SPECIALTY Mirrors Mouldings Shades Curtains AND WINDOW TRIMMINGS I HAVE EXCLUSIVE CONTROL OF Barra1i1 Bros Patent Combination Parlor Suits Iron CHAIRS Iron BEDSTEADS AND Patent ivi t t r eWe e-We carry a Large Stock of Feathers Hair Shucks And EXCELSIOR MOSS WOOL I Ve make and handle I ALL KODS of MATTRESSES We propose to make Prices to Suit the Times I 1 I We Pack Goods to Insure Safety and Avoid Weight Call or Write for Prices 1 BARRATT BROS MISCELLANEOUS F E SCHOPPE Wholesale and Retail Dealer In STOVES I I e Cast and Wrought Iron RANGES 37I3XT Copper and SheetIron Work 253 S Main St Salt Lake City Heesch Elierbeck PLUMBERS Sole agents for the EXETER HEATER the most economical and reliable heater in use Water Pipes laid on short notice 49 East First South Street SALT LAKE cITY I HAWKES BROS BUTCHERS I Ii i I Frcsh Beof DIJU11on 7oEL LaD1b anc1 Pork Always on Hand SaUsarc a Spccia1ty 204 s First East St Salt Lake City GREENGROCERS Pioneer Fruit Packing House of Utahl FRED C LYNGBERC Dealer in Foreign and Domestic FRUITS t Oysters Fish and Game I Nos 44 and 46 First South Street H E EYSON Green Grocer NoAO W First South Street In Daily receipt of California Fruit and Vege able Fresh Fish Game and Poultry BANKS p U S DEPOSITARY Deserer National Bank SALT LAKE CITY Paid in Capital 800000 Surplus 200000 II S Eldredge President Wm Jennings VicePrest Fcramorz Little f John Sharp > Directors Wm W Riter L S Hills Cashier Jas T Little Asst Cashier J Receives Deposits Payable on Demand Buys and Sells Exchange on New York San Francisco Chicago St Louis Omaha London Lon-don and principal continental cities Makes Collections Remitting Proceeds Promptly McCORNICK COg BA ERS SALT LAKE CITY UTAH And Hailey Idaho Transact Every Description of Banking Business CORRESPONDENTS Importers and Traders National Bank N Y Commercial National Bank Chicago Ills First National Bank Chicago Ills Chemical National Bank N Y Omaha National Bank Omaha First National Bank San Francisco Cal Kountze Brothers N Y State Savings Association St Louis Crocker Woolworth Co San Francisco Cal City National Bank Denver T n JONES S J LYNN T R JONES Co BA jKOESJSIEa Salt Lake City Utah Transact a General Banking Business in all its Branches Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange Careful attention given to Collections and remittances re-mittances made on day of payment Long Loans made on City Real Estate at low rates of interest Special attention given to the Selling of Ores and Bullion of which Consignments arc solicited Advances made on ore Base Bullion Gold I and Silver bars shipped for refining CORRESPONDENTS New York J B Colgate Co Omaha Omaha National Bank Chicago First National Bank Sau Francisco Bank of California Denver Colorado National Bank Wells Fargo Cos BAN SALT LAKE CITY UTAH General Banking Business Transacted Foreign and Domestic Exchange bought and I sold Special attention given to the purchase and I sale of ores and bullion Returns for collections promptly made at current cur-rent rates Telegraphic transfers made and commercial and travelers credits issued available in the principal cities of the world Having in addition to our Bank correspondents correspond-ents an Express Agency in almost every town West of the Rocky Mountains affords us special facilities for making collections and executing commissions Accounts of Banks and Bankers mercantile and manufacturing firms corporations min ing companies stock growers and individual received on favorable terms CORRESPONDENTS New York Wells Fargo Co San Francisco Wells Fargo Co Boston Maverick National Bank Chicago Merchants National Bunk Cincinnati Third National Bank Denver First National Bank Omaha First National Bank St Louis Boatmens Savings Bank New OrleansLouisiana National Bank Paris Lherbette Kane Co London Wells Fargo Co J E DOOLY Agent BREWERIES AND SALOONS A FISHER BREWING CO Brewery near U C R R and D R G Depots Salt Lake City Utah We are now prepared to supply the Public with Keg and Bottled Beer Of Superior Quality At PopU1ar Pricos HEADQUARTERS The City Depot for the celebrated Albert Fisher Beer is at Tufts Nystroms Popular Beer Hall 109 S Main St Where will always be found a supply of our og efc 33ottloc3 Boor I Orders Solicited and Promptly Attended To BREWERY P O Box 1047 Telephone HEADQUARTERS at Tufts ANystroms Tele phone 171 A FISHER BREWING CO I The Fisher Beer Hall ITInlu Street Two Doors Soutli of 1ostoffHcc HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND THE FINEST affords Wines Liquors and Cigars that the market The AI A Fisher Brewing Com ants Celebrated Beer Always on Draught Fresh and Cool hove L c aFAny orders left with us for the above BEER will receive prompt attention TOMNEY HILLSTEAD Props Telephone No 210 The Old Reliable CALIFORNIA BREWERY Is again this I year 1SS5 producing the Finest Lager Beer IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS Bottled Beer Specialty Try it and be convinced Office 17 and 19 E 2d South Stteet Salt lake City HENRY WACENER Propr I PENDLETON SON HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY EO W Second South near Walker Opera House I HARDWARE MINING MACHINERY AND GENERAL SUP > r GEORGE M SCOTT President R S RUM1IEL JAMES GLENDIXTHTNG VicePresident tD Secret ary Geo IV1 Scott Co o J IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARUW ARE IRON STEEL IRON PIPE Miners Tools Stoves Tinware Etc AND A General Assortment of Mill Finding O1 1 GRANITE IRONWARE AND DRIPPING PANS STAMPED JAPVXvpr BLACK POLISHED GALVANIZED AND PIECED TINWARE FIXF BLACK SHEET AND GALVANIZED IRON LAPWELDED CHARCOAL IRON BOILER TUBES STEAM GAS AND WATER PIPE BRASS GOODS SEL DENS PATENT PACKING ETC ETC Also Cany in Stock a Full Line of Blakes Improved Steam Pumps and Pum jug Engines John A Roeblings Sons Cos Steel Wire Rope Vacuum Cvlind Purnr and Engine Oil Hercules Powder Caps and Fuse Boston Belting Conimn > Patent Stretched Rubber Belting Stockholm Tar Pitch Rosin and pam LUBBICATING OILS Exclusive Agents for the Heavy SteelTempered Battery and Bolting Wire CloI CUNNINGTON CO THE LEADING HOUSE IN UTAH FOR F FAMILY AND MININC I I SUPPLIES E 8 We carry a full and complete stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries Wholesale and Retail In our E3ard V are X > epa 1n2en 1 We carry a full line of Carpenters and Machinists Tools and all Kinds of Jranit t ware Tinware Table and Pocket Cutlery In our DaiX1ing epartnJient We carry a full stock of Candles Powder Fuse and Caps Picks Shovels Steel Steam Fittings Etc Etc and we are Agents for GIANT POWDER ORIENTAL SPORTING AND BLASTING POWDER Hooker Pumps Howe Scales and the Crescent Extra Steel CUNNINGTON CO L C PAKKC President C n T LVCY VicePresident P MASON General Mina > eCO Utah and Montana Machinery Co SUCCESSOR TO PAr E LACY db CO Carries the Most Complete Stock in the West + 5 Hoisting Engines Rock Drills i < Am COMPRESSORS L Westinghouse Engines Etc Etc w Knovles Steam Pumps and Pumping Engines Soilers B1ovvers c Fans Wire Rope Horse Whims Steam and Air Hose Iron I3ipe and kas ttings Hancock Inspirators Vnlvoline Cylinder and Machine Oils Chilled Iron Car Wheels i Smelter Mill and Mining Supplies Contracts and Estimates made for Cornish Rolls Rock Breakers Exclusive Agents for the Triumph Concentrator Concentrating and Stamp Mills and Smelters Machinists Tools Woodworking Machinery etc etc Send for circulars Office AgODcy and Warerooms 259 Main Street Salt lake City BI1t1c aODtacn MISCELLANEOUS I Postoflice Box 93 V Telephone No 2CC P As DEALER IN Lime Cement Plaster Hair Building Rock Salt AGENT FOR The Utah Lime and Cement Company jft j Sanpete Palace Stone Com fc pany Utah m c j United States Encaustic Tile W iJ3Vjj JiVgY Company Indianapolis V F > i o Beck Cos Lincrusta iWATERPBOOF0 i Hangings New York SBffASo SUBSTITUTE OutiatsthebuIidJng forPtTfr CARl k1 Vulcan Powder nd RUGS ofame donbid tlio wearoroim cloths Ca Co Etc S PA 1 VAN SCOTENSaILtS it A LASCOE Loemil AgeIi Warwick Block First south Street SALT LAKE CITY THE SALT lAKE DEMOCRAT S 1 r Daily 130 P M FOR NORTHERN UTAH SenuVUeek1y EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY DAILY per year in advance month 75c Size 24x3G inches 750 six months 400 three months 200 Iw Type New Power Iress New Enginethe seVen broad columns to the page printed with NeW SE3uxWEEJJx same size handsomest paper in Utah four months cash with the order as the daily 300 per year 200 eight months 100 Agents Wanted TImmghont the Territory 1 The SALT LAKE DEMOCRAT will fully sustain the Nationa Democratic party as sVsAain Principles of the enunciated by its National tho teachings of its great founders Conventions and exemplified in and 2 patriotism It will advocate enough to the doctrine that the people of Utah have wisdom enough ought to and must be forever govern themselves that the affairs of church aml State separate and distinct should obey the laws and that every citizen shon fInd apeS believe remedy that if all the difficulties which surround the people of Utah viih pendent individual judgment pressed of discussion can be secured and inlc vile no 4 man The for HALT opinions LKI DEMOCRAT will use the language of moderation and will ro sake ciples it will respect the rfhte While finn in its advocacy of correct Political pnn rights of all La Full Telem nlTio iv others to hold contrary opinions of general interest DlsP tcIies from all parts of the world and all local ncV Address SALT LAKE DEMOCRAT CO 31 AND 33 E FIRST SOUTH ST Sa11 Lake Oity ± 1 |