Show DELIGHTED It is said that her Majesty Queen Victoria Vic-toria is delighted with the downfall of Gladstone and the Liberal Ministry It also seems that the Liberals themselves are delighted while the Conservatives alone appear not to be overjoyed They have a reason for regretting their present position which is that it is inexpedient for them to take office just now when they do not know the sentiments of the voters in regard to vital matters It is but natural for the Queen to be delighted I with the fall of Gladstone as it was with reluctance that she summoned Mr Gladstone Glad-stone to her to form a new Cabinet on the downfall of the Beaconsfield Government Another reason why she must be delighted de-lighted is that there were in the Gladstone Glad-stone Ministry those who were radical such as Chamberlin and Dilke and they represent that portion of the British public pub-lic that does not greatly care whether royalty continues or not England today is saturated with democratic ideas ideas that will some day seek a vent and when they do in their explosion they will probably destroy monarchy Only very recently when measure was introduced to grant the Princess Beatrice an annuity annu-ity there was a geat deal of dissatisfaction dissatisfac-tion manifested throughout all England as the t English are beginning to think that the allowing of an immense annuity to the Queens numerous children is a trifle monotonous especially when they think of the great number of those children Another reason why the Queen should be delighted that the Gladstone Ministry has fallen is that they represented repre-sented the people while the Tories represent aristocracy and iwaltj Royalty Roy-alty in England has sadly degenerated since I he days of Elizabeth and the life that the Prince of Vales has led has had I any effect other than inspiring respect for royalty It is the personal worth and dignity of the Queen herself that have made royalty respectable and respected It is said that the Prince of Wales himself has said that he will be the last king who will ever reign in England If he has so said it is because he reads the signs of the times and those signs point to the fact that the English people are more democratic than monarchical Her Majesty was made aware of this sentiment every time she consulted with Mr Gladstone or any of his Cabinet audit aud-it was not pleasant to her The theory of the English Constitution has made her the first woman of Christendom and naturally she does not like to see the approach of a change in the theory Royal prerogative in England has became commoners will and commoners willis will-is no longer kings will Today commoners com-moners lead and royalty follows Such being the case is it to be wondered at that the Queen is delighted with Glad stones fall the great Commoner of the nineteenth century |