Show LOCAL JOTS Raybould has received Frank Leslies Jtymlar Monthly for July J Uncle Josh and his pumpkins will be at the Salt Lake Theatre to make you laugh this evening Fifteen tons of ore from Railroad district dis-trict Nevada were shipped last Thursday to the Sandy smelters The manager of the new concentrating works at Milford expects to have everything every-thing in successful running order about the 10th of July As an evidence of the amount of freighting freight-ing business done it is stated that the Utah and Northern I Company between o Pocatello Dillon and Unite employ sixty engines Aimee the queen of opera bonne has a date at the al Lake Theatre next Saturday when Maamzolle will be given for a matinee and Divorcons in the evening I Valley Lodge No2 A 0 IT W will celebrate the eighteenth anniversary of their order by an excursion to Garfield and ask their friends to save their holi day for the out on the 25th A fire 11 t is afternoon in the Nineteenth ward destroyed a i barn containing furniture furni-ture and < tools the property of h Vii r Ji The blaze originated through Lombmudon of matches with a little SOl iMr Deans aged five ytars The damage is estimated at 500 The diuighting of the new capitol building at Be l City Idaho is made hone h-one of our old i hbors Mr E H lease formerlv chi clerk in the United States SurvejMG i rals Oflicc of this city Mr Jlr ink > to return to Salt Lake shortly MI q V his old friends Dr Foot Jr wi < i uuked for sometime some-time among the fid n 1 ind women of Montana a few of whom still survive has been run out of Salt Lake There are plenty more of his kind in this Territory Terri-tory who should be induced to follow Foot in his travels nlc InterMountain InterMoun-tain Work is being presented on the 100 level from the north shaft on the Horn Silver ground with a view to 1 making connection con-nection with the 700leel in the old workings so as to get air into the mine and resume the shipment of ore The new ore bins are nearly finished and the management seems disappointed at the I forced delay caused by the difficulties encountered I en-countered in the underground work Southern Utah Times A deputy registrar writes to the Tribune that if the action of the Provo registrar in placing Dr Pikes name on the voting list without first having him subscribe the Edmunds law oath is the proper course to pursue then I must admit that I have been an ass ever since my appointment If that deputy registrar has any lurking lurk-ing suspicion as to whether he is an miss in this particular case he has only to investigate facts to make doubly suie of his assininity Maybe the Granger deputy is a bigger man than the Supreme Court of the United States hut the Irovo registrar wasnt |