Show In Nutated English Woman Turns Buddhist 1 tfljvel and imposing ceremony took t I sn cubing at the Widyodya Budd JiioTjo m Colombo by which a r rand accomplished English lady Known m Calcutta and Bombay tally became a professional follower 2 BUddha a faith that is now be l1ig fashionable among the enlight I ia < Kes of the West Ort was a cnn F glit to sc an English young lady e in t 1 elegant robe of black silk n mi midst of a crowd of yellow I i lildl hist priests and repeating the 1 1 Hie ceremony began by the high Y exainining the fair candidate as to I 1 llIismn aSoii that led her to desire to accept T IJI1 as her faith to which Miss i ansW < red that having studied the li irvstoms of the world she found iiii1ijStje l esoteric philosophy as be fcxt l t ln sj j accord with her own reason j n nimon sense Other questions blM 1Cefl satisfactorily answered by fi nigh priest administered to her 1Jw nyc lro < epts which Miss Flynn Jdb l 1 to observe The ceremony Ll t tl t the canting of Ratana Sutta lv 1 > inoin t ft i 7ii 31 presentCalcutta In or |