Show A June Snow Storm in Montana there was an almost Last Saturday night most incessant snowfall in this rcgionof Saturday night it meas country and on inches on ured nine to nine and a half As sheltered places the level in various settled rapidly there was fell and it damp doubtless a snowfall of twelve inches the night The occasion was during taken advantage of by those delighting among others acknowledge novelties and we in the courtesy of Mr AY B knowledge Miller in giving us a pleasant sleighride The morning of June 7th 1885 on the but remained visi melted rapidly snow ble in the valley until Monday 1 afternoon to tr es Considerable damage was done trees I I weight of snow breaking clown the heavy in branches of the fine native trees many and destroying considerable shrub town although the most of it which was bery righted up as the snow melted prostrate the handsomest shade trees of off Some branches broken out and it will had large for them to resume their sym take years The snowfall was about the etrv same throughout the yalley and atButte Chicago Pioneer and surrounding New but at rain country there was only rounding and 81 recounted that in June 73 It is eqnally heavy snowfalls in the there country but this is the heav neighboring remember in this vicinityNew jest we Northwest |