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Show ASSESSMENT NOTICE. FedT.i I F.iy Coppr compa ny. Principal Princi-pal place of business. Salt Take City. UMh. Notice Is herebv cn en that at a meeting meet-ing of the hoard of directors held on Oc-tohor Oc-tohor V). 19f, an ssstssmopr. of one-half cent (c) per share was levied on all the Issued and outstanding harea f th capital stock of said corporation, payab( Immediately to R. J. Evans, acting secretary secre-tary of the company, at room 26 Mining Exchange building. Salt Ijake City, Utah. Any stock upon 'which thie assessment may remain unpaid at the close of business busi-ness on December 2, 1916, win be delinquent delin-quent and advertised for Pale at pi)bllo auction, and unless payment is made before- will be sold on Wednesday, December Decem-ber 20, 1916, to pay the delinquent as-snssment, as-snssment, together with the cost of advertising ad-vertising and. expenses of sale. R. J. EVANS. Acting Secretary. Offiee, 26 Mining Exchange Bullduijr. Palt Lake City. Utah. fl?0 |