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Show mm Beiiei BOXERS FROM COAST Chris George Matched With Bob Moore ; Davis and Slater to Mix. The importing of several news boys from the coast for tomorrow night "s bouts in tho Grand theater has put new life into the local boxers and has also increased the interest of the fans. While the majority of the local and Ogdcn youngsters who have been boxing box-ing at the " weekly shows have been giving the fans the best there was in them, some- of the older heads have . . been loafing on the job a little and trying try-ing to e am t h e i r m on cy as e as i ly a s , possible without actually getting themselves them-selves in bad. Manager .Downing announced an-nounced a short time ago that there "f were going to be no more "pink teas" if he had to bring in a bunch of new fighters for every show. Tho boys who' have been giving the fans the best run for their money havo been matched with newcomers lor tomorrow to-morrow night's bouts. Davis and Slater. The patrons of the Manhattan club do not demand to see champions in the short-round bouts. In fact, they have shown that they want action and plenty plen-ty of it and Manager Downing says he is doing to have just that kind of milling mill-ing if he has to bring in a whole army of new battlers. The importing of new faces for this week has convinced the local pugs that i he is in earnest and they have taken i ...an interest in their training this week I that would indicate that they are de- : terminer! to show the fans and the newcomers new-comers that the boys here are as good as they are anywhere in the country, and that it will not be necessary to brirjg in any more aliens, for a little while at least. There is no denying the fact that the local men have always more than held their own with any of the imported :' talent, but when they battle among themselves too often they sometimes forget to put the amount of pep in their - work that they should. ! Bob Moore, "the local boxer who has V been coming to the front so rapidly this season, is one of the very best crowd . pleasers that have been seen at the ; Grand since the opening of the club - several years ago, and by importing Chris George, the California lightweight, to meet him Manager Downing is giving giv-ing him a chance to make a real name for himself in the boxing world. George is regarded as one of the best youngsters ! " that have been developed at San Fran-! Fran-! cisco recently, has fought nearly all of the best men there and is said to be a real battler. : Locals Hold Their Own. ; The only pair on the card who have ! met before will be Kid Davis of Og- : den and Kid Slater of this city, who : will furnish the other six-round main ' event of the evening. They went four rounds to a whirlwiud draw some time :' ' ago, and now that they are going two extra rounds they both think they will ! be able to gain a decisive verdict. The fans can always depend upon seeing a real battle when an Ogdeuite is pitted ; against a local boy. Soldier Jack Rotz, another ncw-' ncw-' comer, who claims Los Angeles as his home, ha3 been here several days and has made quite a bit in the gymnasium. He is just a real tighternot a fancy ' boxer and depends upon his wallop to bring home the money. He will meet Willie Johnson of Cgden, the hardest hitting lightweight that ever came over ' from the junction city, i Young Azevedo, the Oakland boy who ' meets Willie Gee, is due to arrive here some time today. He was very popular popu-lar with the fans last spring when he ! i appeared here and won the only two bouts in which he participated. ! .. Russell Brazier, the former amateur i cyclist, who will make his debut in the I boxing game tomorrow night when he ! meets Frankie Edwards, is showing eon- , t siderable class in the gym and his friends predict that he is going to make 1 " good in his new profession. ! ' Even Kid Holt of this city and 1 -' Young Warner of Ogden, who will fur-I fur-I : nish the curtain raiser, are working : hard for the match. CHRIS GEORGE, San Francisco Fran-cisco lightweight, who will meet Bob Moore in six-round bout tomorrow night. X -V , l - V . I . i - , A |