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Show SETTLERS ASKED TO APPLY FOR SURVEYS Surveyor General Offers to Furnish. Blanks and Give Assistance. As-sistance. In order to secure United States survey sur-vey of unsurveyed lands it is necessary that actual settlers residing upon such lands file application for such survey 1 upon hlnnks furnished by the office of the United States surveyor goneral. Such applications should be filed now, iu order that preliminary investigation as to the settlement and. improvements upon such lands may be made, also the necessary grouping "for the convenience of surveying parties, and to comply with : the regulations of the department for J proceeding with the official survey of ; such lands, in order that survey may be! initiated and completed during the sum- mer of 1917. ' The actual settlers upon unsurveyed j lands are given the preference in secur- ing surveys, and, later, titles to the unsurveyed lands, but applications will also be entertained as secondary to those of actual settlers, for the survey of lands adapted for reclamation by irrigation irri-gation or for the purpose of dry farming, farm-ing, and blanks for such applications will also be furnished by the surveyor general's office. If applications are filed during the early part of the winter the survev of such lands can be made in the field, final approval bo secured and the lands opened for entry before the end of next year. By the svstem now in operation and with the efticiency of the force employed, em-ployed, surveys are now completed on an "average within less than ono year from the initiation, which formerly required re-quired from two to three years, or longer. |