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Show FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD STATEMENT WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. The federal reserve board's statement of combined re- i sources and liabilities of the twelve fed- ; eral reserve banks of the United States at the close of business November 10 follows: RESOURCES. Gold coin and certificates, In vault $265,897,000 Gold settlement fund 139, 571, 000 Gold redemption fund with U. S. treasury.. 1.368.000 Total gold reserve . .?406,R36.00C ; Legal-tender notes, silver, ate. 7,312,000 , Total reserve f. . .$411,148,000 Five per cent redemption fund against federal reserve bank 1 notes 450,000 BILLS DISCOUNTED AND BOUGHT. Maturities within 10 davs $ 11,807,000 From 11 to 30 davs 23,315,000 From 31 to 60 days 45, 511. 000 From 61 to 90 days 28,073.000 Over 90 days 1.687,000 Total $110,293,000 INVESTMENTS. ' U. S. bonds $ 38.853.000 One-year U. S. treasury notes. 11.3-17,000 Municipal warrants 20,694,000 Total earning assets 1S1.1S7.000 Federal reserve notes, net 17,1513,000 Due froth federal reserve banks, net 35,005.000 All other resources 2.4S3.000 Total resources . .' ?C50, 940,000 LIABILITIES. Capital paid in $ 55,710.000 Government deposits 23.339.000 Member bank deposits, net.... 556,4ti2,0O0 P'ederal reserve notes, net 13.SS6.000 Federal reserve bank notes In circulation 1,030.000 All other liabilities 519,000 Total liabilities '.$650,946,000 Gold reserve against net deposit and note liabilities. 72.S per cent. Cash, reserve against net deposit and note liabilities. 74.1 per cent. Cash reserve against net deposit liabilities liabili-ties after setting aside 40 per cent gold reserve against aggregate net liabilities on federal reserve notes In circulation, 75 per cent. |