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Show FOIi RENT For Rent Houses Unfurnished HLLOKAiN-JUIWE LOAN & TRUST' COMPANY. - 3 upper floors 33-37 West Broadway Broad-way . . . 5300.00 BiLSeuient, Now Grand hotel lnO.OO Sl'jre room, 21 K. liiid South 2'5.00 store roo.ii, 71 So. .Main st ls 0') Store room, 59 West Uroadway... 100.00 Htore room, 1'Tl So. West Temple.. 40.00 lfl-rm. mod., 737 E. So. Temple... 100.00 12-rm. mod., 72 No. Suite st 75.00 7-.-m. mod., :u;4 K. Broadway 35.00 6-rni. mod. apt., "Oil 3rd Kast St.. 18.00 5- rm. mod., i13 Kast !Uh South.. 20.00 D-rm. mod., 60s So. West Temple.. 20.00. 6- rm. ir.od.. 2 (.'lift avc 15.00 Boom In Xewell block 10.00 u.lice- looms, Jikiks building 20.00 We have bargains In business and real-' dtnoe property. Will build you a home on monthly payments. pay-ments. We loan n.oney on real estate. Afrents for THE ROYAL, "The World's G ealest Fire- Insurance company." t We will write your bond. Six per cent mortgage loans on hand for investors. We act In capacity of. agents In any business affairs. t HALLORAN-.TUDGK LOAN TRUST w COMPANY. Exchange 181. 309-11 Main St. hir.TIl MORN1NGSTAR-VOGELER ' INVESTMENT INVEST-MENT COMPANY. i-room apartment In Albion apartments, apart-ments, cornel- 4th and K; bath, coal and gas rantie, dis. bed, oak j sideboard 517.50 4-room NEAT EltICK HOUSE, with large bath, screen porches, lawn, (rarae; S35 So. Main 22.50 BOARDING HOI7SE, 9 rooms, large, , modern brick; 2 bathrooms; near llth So. and 2nd West; worth $40, now only 25.00 FURNISHED. 3-rooni, finely furnished, in Broadway Broad-way apis J 22.00 MOR.XINGSTAK-VOOEEER INVESTMENT INVEST-MENT COMPANY. INVESTMENT BANKERS. MORTGAGE LOANS, BONDS, STOCKS, REAL ESTATE. 1U546 ?3 1 2-4-ROOM MODERN BRICK COT-tage-3. east side. Ily. 1533-W, hllO s7f50 F'ER MONTH, COZY, 6-ROOM modern; gas; janitor service; only two blocks t'rom the shopping center. Inquire at 9 Concord place, 325 E. Broadway. f3706 TWO OR FOUR-ROOM BrTck", REAR 151 South State. Call Was. 66.12. Lans-to Lans-to i Lime & Cement Co. elti.38 i-OOirKiijlilOJ MHICK; FURNACE. ,'as, electric light, etc. 855 3rd avenue. Apply 122 6th East. e2S01 A SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. Hy. 622. 642 So. 8th East. c-3465 721 4TH a'K., 7-ROO.i MODERN; large barn; S25. Mi.KELLAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO., 4H2 Walker La nk Bhlg. clS03 2S HOUSES, ALL KINDS AND PRICES' Tuule Brothers .Co., 179 Main st. i- g2219 MODERN 7-ROOM TERRACE, $32.50. Hl ' 5"' '':ast- d3140 c-:;o6m aIouek n, new! eu e. srd Soulh. S : I iJ Hy. m. a 4 1 1 3 6- ROOM HOUSK, 6.1S (STH AVR, FUR- lace and suiclly modern. Inquire Was. 900. f722 -HlOOlI COTTAGE, ill E ST.. S27T Call Wasatch 94-M. f 1606 11 LF MODERN HOUSE, FRONT AND oack porches, fine gas range, $12. 073 SUti) avenue. flSS N'T 1036 Sl'NNYSiDE AVE., 5-ROOM mortem. $20. M'CONAUGHY, Phone Waa. 2319. f2376 3-RM. MOD.. WITHOUT BATH. 26 12TH East. i ni!5 4V-ROO.M MOD., OLD HOUSE. WITH -'urnace. 16 C st. f 3324 T- ROOM HOUSE ON THE WEST SIDE. Call Hyland 1693-J. 3819 510.00 3-ROOM, PARTLY MODERN. 309 Garficid nve. HOFFMAN BROS. LOAN & TRUST CO., 21 E. 1st So. St. Wasatch 244. f3728 S.iVEN-ROOM HOUSE, $16 PER monlh. 723 Windsor ave. f4182 STRICTLY MODERN 7-ROOM BUN.GA-low. BUN.GA-low. In good condition; furnace, stationary sta-tionary tubs, etc. 82 O St. f4169 BITSt" LOCATION, FINE 6-RM. BRICKd lot-water heat, built-in features, linoleum, lino-leum, gas range, etc. 872 E. 2nd South. 13494 rROOM MODERN. 722 SOUTH WEST Temple. f3700 SI XTt7jOMS. NEWLY PAPERED. 773 S. 2nd South. Phone Main 5S4. f3734 3 ROO MS AN D TtATH, ELECTRIC tight and rango, $12. 318 South Sth East, 4379 7- RM. BUNGALOW, HOT-WATER heat, large dining and living rms., with fireplaces, screen porch, living porch. 7-mmule 7-mmule car service; irice $22.50. SOS E. 10th So. f4522 T-Ryi. BRICK, PANTRY, BATH AND cellar, paved si., $10. 114-1 S. Sth West. 4535 F;NE C-ROOM MODERN BRICK, 1263 McClelland st Call Hyland 2366-W. f4628 6MtOO.M MODERN; S. E, ; $21. HUB-bai-d lnv. Co.. 66 W. Broadway. f4734 SIOOJI HOUSE; LARGE SUNNY vooms; inod., save heat; $32.60. 122 No. SUte. 4SJ38 ) i ROOMS. MODERN. INQUIRE 246 SO. 51h East. 536S FyNtTTTTooM MODERN, 649 E. 2ND South. Phone Was. 4152. USA 6 MOtX rt'oOMS. GARAGE, TREES, lawn and flowers, $20. 3rd East and Sherman. Hy. J8H0-J. 5233 3 LARGE ROOMS, MODERN, FULL basement and laundry; furnished or unfurnished. un-furnished. 42b Ehzabelh st. Hy. 1207-R. f5237 NSW FOUR-ROOM MoTTiiRN HOUSE. Inquire at 960 West North Temple. 17,076 7RM. HOUSE; ALL CONVENIENCES. Apply 420 E. 3rd Soulh. h427 N'OE 6-ROOM COTTAGE, WITH itoves In place; close in. Inquire 152 Sc 4th East h419 4-ROOM HOUSE AND HARX, $10. 550 Cheyenne st. Hyland 66-.T. T- ROOM MoTTe R X . HOT-WATER heat, slrennm porches, laundry, etc. 348 E. So. Tempi?. M637 4-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. WITH cellar; walking distance.. S3 So. Main. hl50 MODERN BRICK HOUSE, S ROOMS and balh. furnace heat. 757 First ave. Irquire 777 East South Temple. Was. 815. . - hi 708 4-ROCi:.I MODERN, OAS RANGE AND coke healer. Phone Hyland 343-J. 32ii E 1st Sth South. lllT'll JlKnoPOt'R-ROOM BRICK, NEWLY painted and linled. electric lights and Ik wing well; will rent one acre land in connection to good tenant. Call Sunday. "4 !5 So 5th Easi. Take Wa uda mere car. . ' ' h2n"S ii- :Toom" 'iTasem'entT kkrnack, i a t h . gas: close in. Phone Was. 356;.. 122 3rd aVfnoe i"99'1 IT 64 ..XDlT';x S.NNYsiOE AVE.. 2 nioilrru 5-roorn IhihuhIows, $21. Mr-ConaugliN-. W.isai' li K4. hlS.O FOR RENT For Rent Houses Unfurnished TUTTLE BROTHERS COMPANY, "Uwanta Home Wo Sell Em." 161 Main St. Was. 72. 7-rm. str. mod., 601 So. Main $35.00 6- rm. str. mod., 228 So. 6Ui E 40.00 7- rm. mod., 272 Wall st 38.00 8- rm. mod., 127S E. (10) 13th So... 35.00 6-rm. str. mod., 420 1st ave 3'. 00 5- rm. mod., 331 So. 3rd East 30.00 6- rm. mod., Pliipps place 25.00 it-rni, sir. mod., 264 J st 25.00 S-rm. mod., 665 So. 2nd East 25.00 5- rm. mod., 4.53 E. 9th South 22.50 4-rm. mod., 835 South Mai 22.50 7- rm. mod.. 219 W. 5th South 20.00 4- rm. mod., 204 K st 17.50 6- rm. mod., 4 Banks court 16.00 5- rm. mod., 913 Gale sc 16.50 7- rm. mod., 1419 Edison st '16.50 4-rm. mot.. 016 6th ave 15M0 4 rms., 37 No. 6th West 12.00 4-rm. nr., 93s Dresden ave 12.00 6 rms.. 817 Lake st 12.00 3-rm. brick, 415 W. 5th So 10.00 3 rms., 426 6t h ave 9.00 3 rms., 322 Whvtock court 7.00 CALL FOR OTHERS. TUTTLE BROTHERS COMPANY, "Uwanta Home We Sell 'Em." 161 Main St. Was. 72.' hl544 11-RM. MOD..- FURNISHED, E. S.. $100. 00 7-rm. mod. br., 412 E. llth So. .. 25. 00 7-rm. ryod. br., 54 16. 6th Sp 45.00 7-rm. mod. br., -121 F st 40.00 3- rm. bungalow, 909 E. 3rd So. ... 25.00 4- rm. br. (barn), 222 Amn. ave. ... 15.00 2- rm. br., 208 Paxton ave 8.00 7-rm. frame, 69 So. llth East 25.00 Store room, 423 Main st 60.00 . .IOHNSON REALTY CO., 16 Exchange Place. Phone Was. 27. hlSOO 3- ROOM BRICK, 4TH WEST AND i 3rd North $ 9.00 5- room brick, 360 Redondo ave 17.50 5- room orlck, modern, 669 9th ave... 27.60 7-room frame, modern, 740 E. 1st South 25.00 6- room brick, modern, 980 1st ave... 30.00 10-room brick, modern, 551 East South Temple street 60.00 6-room brick, modern, 126 B street, wilh janitor service and hot-water heat 40.00 4- room brick, modern, 757 South Main street 15.00 SALT LAKE SECURITY & TRUST COMPANY, "PIONEER HOME BUILDERS." WAS. 1S0S. 32 MAIN STREET. h!704 4-ROOM MODERN BRICK COTTAGE; full basement. 2152 So. 7lh East. Hv-land Hv-land 29S5-J. h954 KEW FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE, GAS range ami coal attachment, sleeping porch, phone Hy. 1906-W. h676 BRICK HOUSE, MODERN, S ROOMS and bath, furnace, 757 1st ave. Inquire 777 E. So. Temple. Tel. Was. 825. h312 5-ROOM MODERN, GAS, $17.60 PER month. Inquire 440 So, 9th East. h350 4 ROOMS, PARTLY MOD. 135' EAST 9th So. h359 4-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN. CLOSE IN; gas range; all paved and clean. 656 So. 3rd E. hl504 MY 8-RM. STRICTLY MODERN BRICK residence at 271 H St., just off Sixth ave. paving, hot water heat, hardwood floors, garage, largo cemented and partitioned parti-tioned basement. Vei-y desirable neighborhood. neigh-borhood. Furnished or unfurnished, with or without garage. Will give long-term lease to desirable tenant. C. S. Pa'tter-son, Pa'tter-son, 512 Continental Bank block. hl253 4-ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT at 660 So. Sth West. Tel. Wasatcli 4540-W. hl575 4- ROOM MODERN HOUSE, CLOSE iST $18 per month. 245 N. 1st West. Was. 9SS-R. hl537 9-ROOM MODERN, ON EAST S-ECOND South, paved street; hardwood floors. Telephone Wasatch 7254-W. hl552 5- ROOM MODERN, GAS RANGE, LINO-leum; LINO-leum; walking distance; out of smoke; $35. 352 Center street. hllOS BEAUTIFUL 5-ROOM MODERN, WITH breakfast room. Houghton place, Broadway Broad-way and 5th East. $25. Phone Hy. 1428-.I. , h!797 6- ROOM MODERN", 314 BLOCKS FROM temple, Capitol Hill, $15. John A. Houghton. Hy. 2349. M79S FIVE-ROOM BRICK, WITH GARAGE. 757 So. 7th East. ' hl64S FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE, MODERN, stoves and linoleum. $17.50. 347 Cottage Cot-tage court. Hyland 1723-R. hl639 DEC. 1ST., ELEGANT 5-ROOM APT.; reception hall, 1 arge front porch, glassed-in sleeping porch, service porch, large window seat, colonnade openings, steam heat, laundrv In connection; Nov. 1st to April 1st, $55; April 1st to Nov. 1st, $50 per month. 28 So. 8th East. Was. 6181-W. M569 NEARLY NEW FRAME HOUSE, THREE rooms anil sleeping porch, southeast, $10.00. Phone Wasatch 8072-W. M985 4- RM. MOD. BRICK COTTAGE. 255 E. 6th So. h729 FOR RENT 5-ROOM MODERN COT- tage, 86 F st. Applv 464 2nd ave. hl792 7- ROOM MODI1RN, WITH GAS RANGE, close In. Phone Hy. 3365-W. Ii2010 5 - R O O M MODE R N HOUSE. INQUIRE 1260 Lake st. h2011 MODERN 4-ROOM BRICK, BACK AND front porches, $16.00. Phone Hv. 3528. H2012 STRICTLY MODERN, 3-ROOM -COT-tage, gas range. Apply 454 3rd East. 112016 A VERY NICE 6-ROOM BRICK; W A Living Liv-ing distance; gas range, furnace heat, sleeping porch. . Inquire 129 D street. Thomas E. Steel, 336 So. Main. 1H912 SEVEN-ROOM MODERN RESIDENCE, with garage, $45. 279 lOtlj ave. Was. "467-.T. hlillS SEVEN-ROOM, STRICTLY MODERN. 364 East 3rd South. hi 769 1 ROOMS', MODERN. 457 E. 2ND SO. Apply next house west. hl76S FIVE-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 532 D st. Wasatch 4S25-M. hl767 NEAT, CLEAN, S-ROOM .MOD. COT laee. Inquire 879 So. 7th E. hi 766 5- ROOM COTtXge! 630 SO. 7TH EAST. Applv 428 Church St., Sunday or after 5 p. m. hl703 4- R0"0M MODERN BUNGALOW; NO children; reasonable rent. 274 Garfield Gar-field ave. Hyland 426-J. h!764 6- KOOM HOUSE. 215 R. SRD SOtTTHT bath, toilet, electric light, gas, $22.50. Linck. 202 Continental Bank Bldg. hI763 SMATi- HOUSE FOR RENT. 1034 B. 2nd So., modern excopt heat, $16 per monllr hi 762 iROOM MOD. HOUSE. FULL BASE ment. 952 So. West Temple. hl999 TrTiom-ir6TiT-frTNn)i.'sE. 23s south 7th East. Phone Hyland 3S1-W. hl875 3-1W0M MOIM-IRN-HOt;SE. WITH TWO large screened porches, on paved St., for $10. H-H So. Sth West. No. 4 Gold terrace. ter-race. MS97 5-ROOM ..10DERN. COAL AND GAS ranges. SIS. Phone Hyland 3391 -M. I h 1905 I 7- ROOM MODERN HOUSE; LAUNDRY hot-water heat, sleeping porch, linoleum, lino-leum, oak floors. No. 315 1st ave. Phone S4M-J. M319 "FOR RENT 3-r"oOM COTTAGE. fioT 952 Princeton ave. Hv. 207S-R. hl923 4 ROortS. STRICTLY MODERN. (OAS range and water henter. walking distance, dis-tance, cement basement, only $22.50. Tn-ctilre Tn-ctilre 7-17 So. 2nd East. Phone Hvland 2426 - W. hi 930 FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT IN WES-ley WES-ley apartments. Three porches. Including Includ-ing glassed-in sleeping porch. See iani-;6r. iani-;6r. Peery apartment. Thin! avenue between be-tween A and B sts. No children. CHIROPIACTICPARLORS L." E. FARNSWOK l'H A. E. WALTHEK. 616 Felt bldg. Phone Was. 1066. 2506 FOR RENT For Rent Furnished Houses MOD. FURN. HOUSE; K1R8T-C1-SS condition. 67 C st. Was. 197S-M. 3.123 8-ROO.M MODERN HOUSE. CALL Was. 2702-J or Hyland 250H-J. 14S2S 5-ROOM, NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE. 82 Q st. A real bargain at $30 per mo. M21 4 RMS., MOD. ; STEAM HEAT, PORCH? large lawn, garaae. 125 H St. h663 HIGH-CLASS HOME, STRICTLY MODERN, COMPLETELY FURNISHED. Is outside of rooming-house district on East Second South. Key at Home Investment Invest-ment Savings Co., 6th W. First South street. W251 J 621 SO. 6TU EAST; 3-RM. MODERN; completely furnished; 2 disappearing beds; $22.50. BetVilyon Home Builders Co.. 3-10 So. Main. - Was. 2030. h!272 $12.00 NICELY FURN. HOUSE, 4 R.MS.. piano; going away for winter; snap to right party; Holliday. Was. 6414-R. hl-ISB NEW 4-HOOM MOD. BrTcIC, LA RG E porches and piano; permanent tenant; ref. Murray 43-.I-2 or Was. 1864. hl-199 4 ROOMS, FURNISHED, 150 W. 7TH So., $18 per month. Ashton-Jenkins Co. Was. 6772 j IU433 FURNlTH-ED 4-ROOM HOUSE. 237 SO. 6th East st. M470 5- ROOM MODERN, PARTLY FUR-, nished house, sleeping porchT 932 U'il- son ave. Was. 4734 or Was.. 5100, after 7 p. m. hl4fil 6- ROOM BRICK. EAST SIDE. ES linger, 610 Continental block. Was. 743. el371 3- ROOM MODERN, 10 BRUNSWICK ave. -Phone Hy. 103S-M. hlS74 2 ROOMS, NICELY FURN., CLOSE TxT Mahan, 73 W. Broadway. Was. 3759. hlS73 MODERN 4 OR 6-ROOM COTTAGE, newly furnished, car line. Hyland 1100-M. 1US21 4- ROOM MOD., BASEMENT; SLEEP-lng SLEEP-lng porch; sewing machine; $24. i 121 E. Sth So. hi 774 j 7-ROOM HOUSE; OWNER TO RETAIN ! room ajid board. Call Hy. 925-W. 111925 5 ROOMS, STRICTLY MODERN. No" 453 E. 4th South, or call Hyland 2S43. h!924 For Rent Stores and Offices . 29 WEST BROADWAY, 17x100 Feet. Will build In rear to suit tenant. Good location for manufacturing business wanting want-ing display room with factory in rear. . JOHN J. DALY COMPANY, 27 West Broadway. 1U249 CHOICE OFFICE ROOMS IN THE Tribune bldg.; recently painted, papered pa-pered and refitted. Inquire F. J. West-cott, West-cott, 1008 Kearns bldg. X3909 M'INTYRE BLDG STEAM, LIGHT, fine lanltor service; very reasonable rent. Little & Little, 201 Mclntyro bldg. g963 OFFICES FOR RENT, FINEST LOCA-tlon LOCA-tlon in city. Boyd Park building, 162 Main street. - sl24 DESK AND SPACE FOR RENT. 426 KearnB bidg. dl074 MAIN STREET FRONT, PRIVATE OF-t'ice OF-t'ice space, telephone and stenographic service, in Walker Bank' Bldg. Phone Main 705. 3079 400 D. F. WALKER BLDG. SMALL front office, first class; stenographer in adjulning room will take care of office. Tel. Was. 1223. J3185 DESK SPACE. WITH TELEPHONE and stenographer If desired. 622 Judge building. f3311 FINE LARGE BAS-EMENT IN HOOPER bldg. for rent Apply room 202, Hooper block. 3432 GOOD CHANCE THE SALT LAKE Picture Framing shop wants to rent half of store. Choice location. 336 So. Stale. h!25 CORNER 3RD E. AND 2ND SOUTH, FINE STORES WITH LIVING ROOMS, VERY REASONABLE TO RIGHT PARTY. FRITSCH LOAN & TRUST CO. hi 535 MAIN ST. "GROUND FLOOR" OFFICE space (large or small), also sample room; steam heat; reasonable rent. God-dard, God-dard, 28 So. Main. hlS04 2 FINE STORE ROOMS ON sTaTE street, between 2nd and 3rd South; also 1 on E. 2nd So., plate-glass fronts, rear entrances; modern; reasonable rent $20. Apply 163 South State. hi 8 16 For Rent Business Property WANTED TENANTS. WILL BUILD TO SUIT TENANTS ON LUCAS FIELD, STH SOUTH BETWEEN MAIN AND STATE STREETS, on part or all of 330x330 feet. Sth So. paved, sewered and sldewaiked. GOOD LOCATION FOR AUTO GARAGES, PAINT SHOPS, BLACKSMITH, REPAIR SHOPS, FEED YARDS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF BUSINESS DESIRED BY TENANT. See us for rental of other business property. PETERSON BROS.. OWNERS, 64J East 4th South. Phone was. 3320. f4SS2 Children's Home CHILDREN TO BOARD; MODERN home; best care; by month. Hy. 3433-J. 707 Wilson avenue. k931 GOOD HOME FOR SMALL CHILDREN, with graduate nurse. Was. 2857. hl335 GOOD lio.ME FOR CIULDREN, BEA-sonable BEA-sonable prices. 185 R st. Phone Was. 100S-J. hlJ47 WE DESIRE TO CARE FOR ONE child. Price reasonable. 463 Elm ave Sth So. bet. 4th and 5th East. hi 664 MRS. B 10 V EI . 1 1 G K ' S i-T OME FOR BA bles, 65S 16. 7th South. Hy. 1956 - h!976 JIOVING STORAGE, ETC. KIMBALL BROS. MOVING STOiTaOE Co. Moving, packing, storage and shipping ship-ping at reduced rates. 73 South Main s"eet. vle2 FIREPROOF STORAGE. ALSO Expert Ex-pert packing and shipping. M. A. Keyset Fireproof Storage Co., 328 W. 2nd Sn. st. Phone Was. 2"23. v2479 Fnfi-PROOF ktokage; mo'vin'g" packing, shipping. Redman. Wasatch 555 and 556. a!3C6 HAVE MITCHELL DO YOUR MOVING packing and shipping; fireproof storage; largo auto vans; long-distance moving Wasatch 414. f5396 Moving Van THE . RELIABLE REDMAN WAY. Wasatch 555 and 556. 160 Main street - . ei CALL ME; 1 WILL TELL YOU WHAT your moving w-ill cost. I drive my own van. Auto van for long distance. L c Hsu Tits, 222 V. 6th So. Was. 7215. ffctj J. A. MOI..LERUP. MOVIXO 'vTSrwlLL move you anywhere, any iinie. Was. 1710 or 3430. f:;090 hexdTtrso n auto tp.ansF ER a n d moving; out-of-town trips a specialty. Was. 3180 01- Was. 703S-.T. f4667 Furniture and Piano Bloving llrl'IlKH PIANO MOVING CO. KTOR-age, KTOR-age, pr-ieking and shipping. Household goi.ds handled with care by experienced men. Auto trucks, small and large, used Phone !ur prices. We will tell you the cost uefore we move you. Office 47 Sn, Main. S as. 1798. hi 124 GENEVA C. HICKS CO. FUR GAR. nients made, repaired, cleaned, and sold. t'.S S, 6th T'2 d228B j FOR RENT For Rent Furnished Rooms HOTEL HACIIELOR, NO. 151 W. SRD So., newly furnished, hot and cold water: wa-ter: special winter rates to the first 20 permanent roomers. f43S4 THIOCRAIG, Eagle Gate and First Avenue. yl957 NEWLY FURNISHED ROO.II, picL vale home; reasonable rent. 325 So. 5th East. d776 2 NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, $3.50 per week; hot and cold water. 151 W. 3rd So. e4457 1 FURN ROO.M WITH BATH, PR1-vate PR1-vate family; northeast. Phone Was. 4223-J. f2638 NEW LY FURNISHED ROOMS IN PR1-valo PR1-valo family. 115 So. 5th East. Was. 5010-R. f2637 TO BACHELOR, I; EAUTI FULLY" FUR-nished FUR-nished room, connected with bath, in thoroughly modern apartment; close in, E. S. Temple. Was. 5057 or 2146. f2940 SewCy FURNISHEK ROOMiC MOl3 with phone, steam heat nnd hot water at all hours, $2.50 tip. 372 So. Main. f2976 NICE. SUNNY ROOMS; FURNACE heat; hot and cold water; sleeping porch. -17 So. 3rd East. 13744 iSTRICT L Y M OTO E RN Rfiojisl SUNNY apartments, rate $3 and up. 14S!.a E. 1st So. f4164 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM IN MOD-ern MOD-ern home, with or without garage. 22 W. 2nd North. Phone Was. 6353-N-W. f4718 BEAUTIFUL RM. IN CLOSE IN APT. Was. 12S5-J. No. 1 Louise. hl02 NICE, LARGE MODERN ROOM FOR 1 or 2 gentlemen. 76 E. 5th So. Was. 5590-W. h281 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, SINGLE or double; bath. Gentlemen only. 416 South West Temple. Wasatch 4562-R. h234 FOR GENTLEMEN', ELEGANTLY FUR-nished FUR-nished room, connected with bath. Ap-ply Ap-ply 6-1 Hlllcrest apis. li364 2 FURN. ROOMS. INQUIRE 2S5 AL-mond AL-mond St. $6 per month. h769 MODERN ROOMS FROM$12 UPWARD; central, opposite public library. 22 South State. h!25S NICE FRONT ROOM, NO. 6 LOUISE apts. Was 6S53-R M248 LOVELY, Sfl j N NY ROOMS, STEAM heat, $2.50 Co $3-50 per week. 238 Second Sec-ond East. hl359 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMIN MOD ern home, 38 South 3rd East. Was. 7029-J. hl348 PLE.ASANT FRONT ROOM; QUIET, modern home; hot-water heat; every convenience: walking distance; reasonable; reason-able; investigate. 631 E. 3rd South. Hy-land Hy-land 2692. h.1364 WELL-FURNISHED, STEAM-HEATED room, $16. No. 2 Louise npts. 1U4S4 NICE LARGE ROOM IN STRICTLY modern home, 2! blocks from Hotel Utah, east of Main. Phone Was. 23S5-J. h!490 WELL-FUI1N., STEAM-HEATED RMS.. near Eagle Gale, close in. Ill E. South Temple. hl512 1 LARCJE FRONT ROOM, WITH ALL moLlern conveniences. 120 Canyon road. IU429 ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN; GOOD RESI-dence RESI-dence district. Was. 23S2-W. 24 So. 4th East. hl463 ONE LARGE ROOM IN MODERN home, suitable for 2 or more. Phone Was. 6410-W. 1U446 B EAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOMS, heat and bath; close In; reasonable. 404 East 2nd South. H1709 STRICTLY' MODERN; HOUSEKEEPING if desired; $2, $3.50. 310 So. 3rd East, apartment H. hl677 F 1 1 ItNTsHED ROOM, SUUrABLE FOR railroad man. 209 N. 51h West. 1H676 MODERN ROOMS, NICELY FUR nished, east side, steam heat, hot and cold water, balh; board if desired. Rates reasonable. Tel. Hyland 1680. ' 1U809 BASEM ENT ROOAL HELP TEND fuina ce. Hy. 27:16-W. H2004 A LARGE FRONT-ROOM; ALL MOD-ern MOD-ern cpnvenienoes; for one or two gen-tlemen. gen-tlemen. 323 So. Fifth East. h!57S FURNISHED ROOM, WITH OR AV1TIL out board; 841 Sherman ave., near 10th So. and 9th East. hl571 FURNISHED ROOM, E, L., HEAT AND bath. 346 So. Sth East. Hy. 2771-J. 111643 NEWLY FURN. ROOMS, 12 EMERY apts.. 1st ave and State. 1H640 LOA'ELY FtOOM WIT H RUNNING WA-ter; WA-ter; also garage. 36S E. Broadway. h!574 FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR ONE OR two ladles; walking distance. Phone Was. S195-W. 1V1565 1 PLEASANT ROOM, FURNISHED OR unfurnished. 153 C st. hl553 2 SLEEPING ROOMS. $5 PER MONTH and $10 per month; suitable for 1 or 2. 115 'Canyon road. M703 WHY PAY' CAR FARE WHEN NICELY" furnished rooms at 206 E. Broadwav, all modern? hl966 LARGE, COMFORTABLE ROOM FOR 2 gentlemen; good location; board. Was. 7702; W. IU320 439 E. S. TEMPLE, 2 BRIGHT ROOMS, refined, homelike surroundings, with or without hoard. M914 nitTyfurn., well heated rmSTT all conveniences, reasonable. 27 North Stale. h!75S FRONT ROOM, PRIVATE BATH, steam heat, phone. 37 W. 6th South st. hl759 ONE PARLOR SLEEPING ROOM suitable fur man and wife or two young ladies. 535 So Main. hlS94 1 FURN7sHiROOMJ:OR RENT. Tl6 North Plate. hlOlS For Rent Unfurnished Rooms 8 ROOMS, UNFURN!SIIST1pAjNt"rY and china closet; $8 per month. 1022 Sth East. ' c-1540 2 LARGE. MODERN. UNFURNISHED rooms. 125 So. Sth West. Was. 2275-J. h327 2 UNFUKNIf 'ED ROO.MS, PANTRY, closet and gas, $8. Inquire 367 6th ave hlSSO mtESS;MAJKING LADIES'" TAILORING. DRESSMAKING; cut latcs on fur work. 79 N. state. Was. 1142-W. O4901 TJil K SSM A KING, LADIES' TAILORING and rcnK-deliug bv the day. Wasatch 4897-J. 36-1 So. 4th East. d2274 fa TThkjn a'b! , e iTre'ssmaking. iT Itrunswick ave. IVas. 5157-W f2265 FAS 1 1 1 UNA 11 LE DRESSMAKING AND remodeling, by day or otherwise; price;, resoiinble. Was. 2US6-W. f2096 MADAM 8 A KG ENT, MAK.R Or FINB underwear and baby clothes. 306 Broolts Arcade. f8412 GOtt'Nj AND FANCY SUITS; PRICE? reasonable; guaranteed. Phone Was. 915-M 539 So. Srd East f.0413 iTa 1 1 1 E S ' TAIL O R I N gTP) R ES S M A K I NGs ut rates on 1 11 r work. 79 N. State. Was. 1142-W ' fr,373 CuWsmTvKIXG: CHILDREN'S 8EW1.VO doia rea.'Oaably. No. 16 Sellwood hot-tel. hot-tel. 'as. :, 11-74. Mrs. Stein. hllsl CiiMPiCTE NT DRESSMAKER WANTS v.i-rk by the clay or at home. Hvlanrt 6 23-WJ 1,1402 FANCY GOWNS A SPECIALTY. MISS Mc-Gee, 212 So. 4th East. I'hone Was. U-93-W. f5H2 exi;euTence"i; nnkss'iUKKR wTX do a 11 --rat inns, tailoring gowns, hv dav j Wnstili-h f.3S.V. ' h)6B0 OPTICAL 33. COLU.MP.IAN OPTICAL" CO., 387 "MAIN I stteel; dependable Rx. work. Rir;iit prices. fjje j FOR RENT For Rent Housekeeping Rooms LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROO.MS, $2.50, $3.50 and $4. 178 E. 1st South. Pullman Pull-man rooming house. d2776 1 AND 2-ROOM FRONT APT. ; MOD.; gas. 443 So. 1st West. eS67 WHY PAY CAR FARE? COME, SEE model, newly furnished, clean rooms, one and two-room apartments, all new gas ranges, etc., $20 and up per month. 445 So. West Temple. 12511 NICELY "FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping; 123 W. North Temple. Phone Was. 4187-W. fo813 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, WITH or without; housekeeping; modern. 271 East 1st South st. MOD. Fl'TiN. H. K. RMii. AT 29 S.4TH East. Was. 22S9-M. 4385 FIOU S EK EKPIxd ROOM. $2.60 PER week. 2115 hi E. 2nd So. 4484 CLEAN AND COMFORTABLE H. K. rooms, nice location, reasonable. 127 So. 6th E. 5144 LARGE, CLEAN ROO.M. $2.50 PER WK. 168 W. Bioadway. Was. 2066-M. (4101 1. 2 OK 3 ROOMS.MObERN, CLEAN, gas, phone. 616 So. Main. h27 NICE H. K. ROOMS, GOOD LOCATION. rent reasonable. 443 East 1st South. h9 36 CLEAN, FRONT SUITE; GAS RANGE. e. I., bath, phone; reasonable. 28 E. 4th South. h694 2 CLEAN. BRIGHT, RMS.. HOT AND cold water, gas, bath and phone. 156 E. So. Temple. 1,950 ONE NICE LIGHT H. K. AND ONE suite of rooms. Was. 6235. 107 No. Main. 1,1105 EAGLE GATE, 125 FIRST AVE. ; ROOM for housekeeping; no children. hl2S2 NICE, CLEAN. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; gas, electric light and heat. 604 So. Main. 1,1261 NICE, PLEASANT ROOMS FOR housekeeping; modern; $12 per month. 47 So. 1st West. 1,1260 WELL FURN. 2-ROOM SUITE, GROUND floor; steam heat; bath; loom handy. Lucid hotel, 114 W. So. Temple. $22 mo. 1,1297 NICE, CLEAN H. K. ROOMS; MODERN cottage. No. 4 Cllft place, rear 356 S. W. Temple. 1,1371 MODERN FURNISHED ROOMS, ALSO for I,, k. 419 Bo. W. Temple. 1U50S 2 ROOMS. MOD., $10; CLOSE IN, ground floor. 225 No. W. T. Was. 3156-M. M510 ONE ROOM AND KITCHENETTE. 10 1st avenue. hl435 2 CLEAN FRONT RMS. ; GAS, IJGHTsT 352 E. 4th So. hl464 2 NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS : prices very reasonable. 634 South 5th East. 1,1448 2 NICE, CLEAN, MODERN FRONT rooms on ground floor. Call after Monday, 18 W. N. Temple. h 1870 THREE-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED housekeeping apt.; nice yard; free lights; on car line. 524 9th ave. h!869 2-ROOM H. K. SUITE, GAS AND LIGHT furnished, modern. 535 So. Main. MS6S M O D B R N T I imCE-ROOM APT., BATH. closet, pantry, furnished complete. 165 W. 6th So. 1,1807 2 VERY DESIRABLE MODERN H. K. j rooms, gas and coal ranges. 741 So. I Main. 1H824 2 ROO.MS. ADULTS, 312; BATH, PHONE Included. Hy. 276S-J. 1426 So. 4th E. h!673 2 LARGE ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UN-furnlshed, UN-furnlshed, 280 B st. No children. M7S8, ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR 2 OB. 3 adultB, in private home; heat, light and phone furnished. 437 3rd ave. hl799 NICEIA-URNISHED ROOM. I,. H. kTT gas and all modern conveniences; close, in. 2S F street. hl992 NICE LARGE ROOM, MODERN. adults. 464 E. 6lh So. Phone Hyland 1712-W, 1,1931 NICELY FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS, with kitchenette. 39 Canyon road. Was. 2563-W. 1,2002 3 RMS., HELP FOR PART RENT. HY. 2735-W. 402 E. 2nd South. h2U"3 1 -FRONT ROOM AND KITCHENETTE. $9. 531 E. 5th So. hl686 2 FRONT H. K. RMS. AND BATH, REA-sonable REA-sonable rent; adults. 246 7th East. h!644 1 AND 2 ROOMS; GAS, PHONE. 424 Church st., 4lh So. bet. Main and Stale. h!13 SINGLE OR EN SUITE, $3.50 AND UP; lights, gas and phone. 68 E. 4tl, So. M649 2-ROOM MODERN APT. : FREE LIGHTS and phone; $16. 239 W. 6II1 No. M547 2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. No children. 55S So. Main. 1,1543 TWO FRONT ROOMS, MODERN, FOR light housekeeping; $3.50 per week. 615 South First West. 1,1649 2 STRICTLY MODERN; GAS AND COAL ranges; private lavatory; $10. 326 J street. hi 663 LARGE FRONT HOOM ; FIRST FLOOR good heat; modern. 37 W. 1st North. Was. 4227-R. 1,1761 2 AND 3 ROOMS EN SUITE, NICELY 'furnished for housekeeping. 164 East 2nd South. hl760 TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS AND pantry. 1S74 5th East. h!958 LARGE FRONT ROOM: LIGHT, WA-ter, WA-ter, gas. 424 Third East. Was. 10S9-W. M917 2 MODERN H. K. ROOMS, ARRANGED for two partus; east bench. Hyland For Rent Farms FARM OF 2S ACRES NEAR BOUNTI-ful, BOUNTI-ful, suitable for farm or truck gardening; garden-ing; good chicken ranch; cheap to right party. Call Was. 41-M. 1,1491 For Rent Garages GARAGE FOR RENT, REASONABLE. Apply at once. 10 1st ave. 1,1431 BR 1 ST; A R A GE. 15"PER MONTH? 240 3rd East. h2007 GARAGE FOR RENT. 153 C STREET" hi. ',.14 NEW GARAGE, CHEAP, NEAR 6TH So" and 6th East. Call My. 944-.I. 1,1775 Sewing Machines Rented SEWING MACHINES RENTED, 50c A week; sold, $3 up. We repair. 153 So Slate. Was. 4 1 03. d2J84 WHENYOU WANT TO ItENT A SEwT ing machine, call up Wasatch 1895 WE RENT THE LATEST SINGER ' MACHINES MA-CHINES by the week or month; prompt auto service. 43 S. Main st. d:'3 2H5? DEALERS THK EASTERN' JUNK & METAL Co., Inc., one of th largest conoorna In the w.-5t. Dealers In lion metal, rubber, rub-ber, rsgH, boi ties. Backs, bones, newspa- pers. boo!;s, magazines. Ofrtc. and yards ! "5.-1 W. 7th So. Phone Wan. 11 1R. 'fS19 ; I N T KR.M(H' N T"U JH NK CO. JlfivK i waiiici; hi':Vit-st prices paid. T39 So. I 3rd Wost. Was. f .171 ; FURNITURE REPAIRING , W. WILLIAMS & SOX, lfiH N STREET. Wns. 2SM". UpliotstcrhirT, repairing, chairs remaned. o3-l OV-RFI NTs II EftirTAUK THE BEST, lkt us niule your old furniture liko now. Wan. ;:.-. I-IOAUE rUHNITURE CO., : :HK-::-IO Sn. Sta"?. hfi?fi I V3$JL j .SI'FERIOR XUriSEUY CO., X. BY HOW-j HOW-j er. nnr,; l;i istisfn p work o:r pe-if-Jty. i Bulbs, ptjuni'-b iuiij KlOfk tor f u 1 1 pluminij;. Hy. 2L'- dr.246 FOR SALE USED CARS AT TRICES TO SELL. On account of overstock and no place to put them during the winter, thc-ye cars will be sold al sacriflre prices during the next fifteen days. Our slock Includes a number of late models with electric lights and self-start self-start urs, Manv of the cars have been repainted and haye stood the lest of our personal Inspection. Investigate these assertions let us show you our stock. Ask for Mr. Cherry, manager Used Car Department. 8ome Good Buys look them over: l-lii National t, e. and b. Buick C-25, 1915, 5 pass., e. and s. Buick M-21, miM, 5 pass. Buick D-i!4, 1916, 5 pass., e. and s., light six. Buick B-37, 1914, 5 pass., e. and s. Buick C-t5, 1915, 7 puss, e. and s. Buick B-37. 114, 5 pass., o. and s. Buick B-55, 11)14, 7 pass., e. and b. Cadillac, l!'i:i, & pass., e. and s. Catliilac, 1911, 5 pass. Dode, 1 G 1 5, 5 pass., e. and s. Hudeon .T7, 1913, 3 pass., e. and s. Haynes 30, 1915, 5 pass., e. and a. Olds 43.' 131fi, 5 pass., e. and s. ; Olds 43, 19Hi, 5 pass., e. and s. , Olds 43, 1916, 5 pass., c. and . Olds 42, 1.15, 5 pass., e. and s. I Olds 44-S, 1916. 5 pass., 6. and e. Olds 42, 1915, 5 pass., e. and b. Thomas, 1911, 5 pass., e. and s. Velle. 1915, 5 pass., e. and e. Buick C-4, truck, 12 pass., e. and s. RANDALL-I")ODD AUTO CO., LTD., 47-53 West 4th So. Waa. 45G0. Auto Row. ; Correspondence Solicited. hl577 USED CAR SALE FINAL WEEK. CALL TODAY. This is the final week In the Big Slashed Price Sale on Used Cars at the Studebaker Used Car Department, De-partment, at 1"9 State street. Last week we took in another big: lot of good used cars, which have been repaired, reilnished and overhauled, ready lor the big sale Sunday and all, this week. Wre sell more Used Cars than any company com-pany In Salt Lake. We sell more New Cars of one make than any company in Salt Lake excepting Ford. One thins alone makes tlds leadership in business possible THE BIGGEST VALUES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. j Here Is a sample li?t of cars, good as new, equipped with jjood tires, g;ood look- ; ing finish and in good running order all splendid values. 191 8-17 series Ptudebaker. 4-cyI. touring- car, elec. lights and starter. .$750 1914 Studebaker, 4-cyl. touring car, eiec. lights and starter 400 j Marion roadster .00 1916-17 series Studebaker, 4-cyl. tourinir car. elec. lights and Btarter.. 700 191 Case, 4-cyl. touring car SnO No. 85 tourinp: car 50 E-M-T.3 5-passenger touring car 125 International Harvester truck 200 E-M-F 200 Apperson touring car, elec. lights and starter 500 Michigan touring ear 350 In addition to cut prices, Studebaker will give the same credit terms to responsible re-sponsible buyers as formerly. STUDEBAKER, 159 State street. Open Sundays. 10 to p. m. Open week-dav evenings. Phone Main fi4o. 1H844 WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING USED cars for sale at exceptionally low prices: - Rro touring. 1915. .Chandler touring, 1917. Podge roadster, 1916. Ford roadster. 191ii. Buick roadster, 1914. Hudson touring, 1914. GRADY MOTOR COMPANY, 455 South Main Street. Phone Was. 31G2. h722 USED CAR BARGAINS. Pierce. e-3G $1400 Pierce, 6-36 900 Studebaker, 6 550 Overland deliverv 275 1916 Regal 20, light and starter 350 1-ton Ford chassis, 123 -inch wheel base , 4fi0 J. P. Fowler Mfg. Co., 4l to 59 South West Temple. f3S29 W E HAV R A UP.OE N UMBER OF KE- built automobiles that we are offering at from to 2 original cost. Every one guaranteed to be lu Al mechanical condition. con-dition. Terms to responsible parties. UARMAN AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. , 43-45 West Fourth South. Phone Wasatch fi7ll7. u2GS7 FOR BALE 6 -PAS'slNGEU TOUR ING car In Al condition; will sell at reasonable rea-sonable price. Utah Double Truck Oar Co., 6fi West 4th. So. d38Gti 1913 CADILL ACT SPASS E X O E R . N KW ly painted and overhauled; excellent condition; will guarantee. Cash or terms. Was. 1SB1: Hy. 772. 4377 NEW OARAGE, VERY, CHEAP. 536 East 3rd So. h75( BUICK tTuTCkTiN' 1ST-CLASS CON D I-tion; I-tion; must sell; bargain. 224 E. 4th South IHQ3S B A RG ATNS IX USED C A RS, S E E D A vTb Utah-Idaho Motor Co.. 465 So. Main. Mill FOR QUICK SALE, FI VE-PASSEN'GER auto, in flrst-ciays mechanical condition; condi-tion; two absolutely new tires on rear; $140 cash. Call Hvland 19S after 7 p, m. M4G6 BUICK. 191(5, ONE-TON TRUCK, GOOD condition, used nix months. Call Was. 6752 or 3993-W, or call at 336 W. 2nd So. si. hi 789 . 1 MAXWELL, 1910 MODEL, 5 -PASS. ! touring f. $450 Premier, 1912 model. 6-pass. touring.. 750 Krit, 1914 model, o-pass. touring 650 King 8, 1915 model. 5-pass touring $nrt King S, 19J6 model, 5-paf-,. touring 900 ,-ton Dcnhy truck. 19lti &O0 , All the above cars in A-l condition. MOTOR SALES CORPORATION. 127 Sout hSm te. hlS45 WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING USED cars. These cars are al! in good condition con-dition and subject to demonstration. Terms to responsible parties. 1 0 1 i PaiKe, 7-pasencer SI 000 1916 Paige, 7-passenger lnOO Cadillac, o-passenger 6'H' Chalmers, 5-passenger 350 Studebakers, Buicks and Fords from j $:;50 to $700. See Mr. Davis, at Utah-Idaho Motor j company. blK43 wYll pTrIfice my aTiIc RICA N Traveler tor cj-ish; in A-l condition. Inquire In-quire 1X24 So. 0th Easr. hl75 FOR SALE OR TRADE. TOURING CAR for roadster. I'hone ly. 11Tj3-W. H16S3 1912 M ETZ ROADSTER $H'0-'o 1912 Cadillac, with lots of extras. 400.00 Two :Hx4 non-skid casings, all bargains. UTAH GARAGE & REPAIR SHOP. Phone Was. 2S71. 7 .".3 So. State St. 1H6K uTuDsox spee 5 st' ii'iT ai c 6 xd i tion; e. 1., 3 ex'tra tires, full set tor-': iroing e.Tft, will sell cheap for cash. Cn'A Was. 42S', or 44? So. W. Temple, apt. 2. h'.MI FiTi5f'jrd"" run abTu t sT 1 1914 Ford runabout. 2 1P1.". Ford touring. 1 Metz roadster. 1 Mnxweil lonrin.ar cor. 7-pnss. Srnde'oaker touring. 1 1 Buii-k tot. ring. Terms or cnh. i UNIVERSAL CAR CO., 127 So, S'ate. I h!92l : 1914 "Ff)RD". lUrX OXLY "sn .ifLES , shve ovf i-haiilin?;; n.v W'inmij .-losfd ! dtrliveM- bodv. RUfitanteed. Glyceryl men. etc., here's voiir clt.-in-'3. SHAW MOTOR CO., S3 1 Slaie. hi:i'j ford Touuixe; car. 1 ;oo t rToxni- t!on; a snop. Piione V,"as.' 2221. hl50 FOR SALE For Sale Automobiles YOU'LL NEVER FIND . MAXY USED CARS AT BOTTEUILL'S BUT THUS1-; WE DO HAVE ARE USUALI-V MIGHTY GOOD BUYS. USED Here is a Dob;e Brothers tour-DODGE tour-DODGE ing car in A N. 1 condition BROS. t h.it wo c;m imuuallf icily rec-CAJl. rec-CAJl. oniniend ns one of ibe very no'i 11 SC' i ''.t r ba ; i;i ins we ha v. olf-ire-I tliis fall. It is a car thut will nmvc (in 1 oT our establishment establish-ment Immediately, r IhsiL you who are interested s' .uuld arrange, ar-range, to see it immcdiatel;-'. LOOKS And IS GOOD this 1916 Max-' Max-' GOOD well 5-passener touring ear irs in splendid shape. It is priced 1 a a vuiy low figure in fan, so iow that the car will probably go to the first man or two that looks at it. Most people would t a k it in a bur ry y o u a re bound to recognize this car as an exceptional opportunity. IF YOU you'll nppreciatk the conveni-ARE conveni-ARE A enco and comfort of owning the FAMILY used Pierce-Arrow brougham wc MAN are offering at a price that wit consider a bargain. It's a car wllh thousands of miles of splendid splen-did service In trout of it and , a car whose passttners are absolutely ab-solutely protected from the ueather a big, line quality car, and al a most unusual price. Let the other fellow wait until tomorrow. YOU arrange to se3 these in's Immediately. Thoy are ready now for inspection and demonstration. THE TOM BOTTEUILL AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. 3C-42 State Street. Telephone Main li3f:. It L6?9 b UKl) TRUCK, IX GOOD CONDITION, a bargain. 170 East Sth Soulh. Was. 6154 1UC20 STUDEBAKER, 1914; LIGHTS. START-er START-er ; good shape; $300. I'hone H viand S7-W. til 0 7 A SNAP ONE 191GM1TCHELL, 4-CYlZ 7-pass. : extra Dixie magntdo. Utah-Idaho Utah-Idaho Motor Co.; ask for Mr. Chancelio:-or Chancelio:-or Mr. DaviH. hHif, i Auto Information Free MOST ADVICE " YUlj"" "rDST" ' UP against Is freely offered and very cheap, but it does not always amount to a great deal. We are. however, offering you the advice ad-vice of competent experts on all subieeta pertaining to automobiles absolutely " fre of charge. Address P. O. box 059, Sait Lakeilty. f 3 1 7 6 Wanted Old Automobiles MY SPECIALTY IS BUYING OLD AUTO-mobile-. . I pay more than others. Wat-:. 7926-.T. fl?9l IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR OLD aulomobllfl for junk and get the top price, call Was. 1118. Eastern Junk and Metal Co.. 353 W. 7th South. h'U'5 BROKEN b7jWX OR DAMAGE? ' Fords. Call Hyland 3064-J. hS-l Auto Tops, Trimming.. LET THE WELLINGTON TOP CO. llgure with ou on tops, seat covers, general trimmings; lowest prices; workmanship work-manship tliLe beet. 44 So. W. Tempi'-. Was. 74i(i. h2;:S Automobile Repairing J. B. .DUP'FIELD, M. A. PARKER AND N. R. Nash have opened the King service ser-vice station, I 7 So. State, where they will do first-class auto repairing, general eieclric work and battery repairing; all work guaranteed; prices rea.sonal.de; dav anil night work. Was. 1290; night, Wa. 1S76-VV. f308.'. Machine and Auto Repairing IN E WHO N BROS.. FULLY ICQ U 1PP ED machine shop, general and practical machinists. We impair ail kinds of machinery. ma-chinery. Automobiles- a specialty. 34 Richards st. Was. rii(i7. f370;t Auto Tires ALL KINDS V U LC A N 1 Z 1 NG E NE R A L' lire riialring, double treading, reasonable reason-able price?: .-.ome good used tires for sale. Cha mpioti Double Tread Tire Co., Sol So. W. Tempi. Was. 1339. b39 For Sale Motorcycles BARGAINS IX USED A I ( J T O R C Y C 1 E P . House of Hopper, 140 East 3rd South- lrlW H A R L E Y - D A V II " s N . T I I R EE-SPEE D." perfect condition; cost $::0; wilt take $175. Was. .025-M. o;;s No, 1st West. ' fU3I P'or Sale Bicycles $5 CASH AND SI PER 'T2eKTLL buy a Hudson. Mpiedith Motor & Blcyclo Co., 5'i-H0 i: 4'h South. fL'SOJ For Sale Sewing Machines WE RECEIVE IX TRADETxY''TnH all makes machines, put them In perfect per-fect condition and sH) very cheap. ' Wo now have u-i Singers. L'b West 1st So I Phone Was. .'34. f372,i ! Ii6AR YM A ( "11 1 X iTTT.TT Ttf F.Q d iv, pi iead imc-hilir-, 38 di"plnjad macliincs 16!o' bJny tifi'm.i, We rent maebinet; 5nc week. Any make machine n-paired )' So. State. Was. 470:!. hls2 50CTORS STATE MEDICAL C(.).' SPECIALIST.-: blood, skin and chronic diseases. It yoj need a doctor, yet the beL :;4 Main st. f329 0 DR. W. X. GRIFFITH. BLOOD POISON, skin trouLk-s and private di.seas2. U)9U, Main st. f?3?l EDUCATIONAL English Lessons tOi;-:ii;Nr:r.s wimhixo lessons in Kiigib'h will i-i'-i-..! .l-0'i..l aueiillun from private lom h'-r nt S.ili Lake Bui-i-it'. r.lU-r. Was. 7?-'n. el Spanish Lessons hi.'HOOL ov sr.wiyji. is i.j-,ssn.s I.ptiery trunrjattl. jor, :ut ,v. v-- 2n4-":'- mi; -i LE AK Y HOOFS REl'AIKED Al.l. I'l.ASSI'-S. Wl'liK IIVAHAX. Ii-.l 'L cars. Mni!i.la-li-,.- nf Slup.a-lenk Slup.a-lenk p.ilnt. I-:, olii , 'h. uie Wh-.- :9T. . IU17-J |