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Show PURPLE HOLDS ONTO TOP Br GflEil RALLY Short Forward Pass Paves ! j Way for Northwestern to Nose Out Iowa, Who Stages Game Fight. Bv International News Service-. EVANSTON, 111.. Nov. 11 A ditikeT forward pass, not more than three yard at the most, brought cheer to 15,000 North western roo ters h ere tod ay. It spelled defeat for Iowa by 2 to IS, after the Hawkeyes had led the Purple for more than half the game. Kohler was on one end of the toss and Underbill on the other and each man added about Ave yards to hfa end, carrying car-rying the ball from tiie 25-yard line to the 10 -yard mark from where Underlain carried it over. All 1 Ids took place in. the fourth quarter, and finished whatever what-ever hopes the Hawkeyes had of breaking break-ing the Purple's winning record. The Purple gave Iowa its chance In the first half when Underhiil fumbled and the Hawkeyes were not slow In taking tak-ing advantage of it. Scott went over and Davis added the extra point. Tho second half, however, caw a changed Northwestern team. Immediately Immedi-ately after the kick-off: the Purple started scoring. Putnam missed goal after the first touchdown and things looked blue when Davis scored a drop-kick, but th Purple kept right on fighting, and won. Iowa made a splendid showing and went home with the honor of being the first conference team to cross Northwestern' goal line. The lineup: Northwestern. Iowa. Brum bach If Tripplei Bennett It McKee Pinch Ig Keilv Smith c W yland Norman re Ijnin Putman rt Becker aner rg HunzHman BriRhtmire cfa Jenkins Underbill lh Duncan Elllngwood rh Davis Kohler fb Scott Siore by periods : Northwestern 0 0 13 7 20 Iowa 7 0 3 0 13 Rh force. Knisht, M ichisran ; umpire, Haim-s. Vale; lb-Id judire. Gardiner, Pur-duo; Pur-duo; heed linesman. S'.-iHM. ir.cr. Chicago. True f periods 15 minutes each. Scoring: North western Touchdowns, Underbill, (Continued on Following Page.) PURPLE HOLDS OHIO ! TOP B! GREAT RALLY (Continued Prom Preceding Page.) Williams. Kohler. Goals from touchdowns, touch-downs, Putman. Kohler. Iowa Touchdowns, Scott. Goals from touchdowns, Davis. Field goals, Davis. Da-vis. 2. Substitutions: Northwestern Mulder for Zanger; Gessler for Ulrich; Williams for Bright-mi Bright-mi re; Arries for Brumbach ; Bright mire for Williams. Iowa Reed for Latins; Bannlck for Jenkins; Smith for Wyland. |