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Show FIGURES GIVEN ON LOCAL INDUSTRIALS Local bank and industrial stocks, with figures corrected up to yesterday, are quoted as follows by J. A. Hogle & Co.; BANK STOCKS. . i Bid. Asked. Commercial Nat 1$ 400.00;$ Continental Nat I 1,0.00' Leseret National ' 30S.O0, 312.50 Deseret Saving? 1,025.00', Fanners &- Stock S2.00; 84.00 First National, Ogden.. 440.00, First Nat.. V-avton .. 150.00' First Nat., Logan 195. 00 First Nat., Bneham ... 300.00! ib-i'ornick & Co 2K5.00I 300.00 Merchants 95.00, 99.00 Nat. Bk. of Repub 207. 00i 209.00 Nat. Citv bank . . . . MS. 00! Nat. Copper bank 101.001 Ogden Stale bank 450. Ooj Se-iirltv Slate 155. UO 1,0.00 Salt Lake Sec. & Tr. . . I 110. 00 113.00 Flab Slate Nat ' 217. 00' 231. 00 ("lab, Sav. & Trust . . . 90.00' 95.00 Waiker liros .! 330.00 225.00 Zlnn's Sav. Bk. & T 115.00! -120.00 IMIFSTRIAL STOCKS. Amal. Sugar j 220. I'd Veineul Securities 101.75 Con: Wagon ! 1 10.50- 111.50 Con. Life Ins S7.50: 91.00 Guardian C. &- G. Co.. II. 50, 15.00 Home Fire Ins ! 3i'6.00; 309.00 Hotel Utah Op Co. 121.00 Independent Coal .... .92. .96 Inlc-rmountain Life 13.25 13.60 Lion Coal i 70.00 72.00 Mi. Stales Tele I 112.00 113.00 Ogden Pkg. & Prov... 115.00 125.00 standard Coal .20 Utah Fire Clay 72.50 76.00 Ft. ib-Idaho Sugar ..... 25.05! 25.25 Utah Gas & Coke pfd.: I 90.00 U. P. & Li. 1st pfd I loo. oo; 101.00 Z. I'. M. 1 .- ! 397. 00: '105. 00 Mlllcr-Cahoon -I ! 100. 00 BONDS. Alia Club 6s Jim. i-o Con. Ry. Power 6s. .j 99. "0- 100.31) S. I,. C. refunding 4s... 95.00: 97.00 S L C. St, wis Fx. 6s.. 72.50! 76.00 ( 'onimr-rclal Club 3s 20. 00 23.00 Linn Coal 6s 9.001 91 .00 Oalidalc 1st dist. 5s .... 91.001 92,50 fi I. & I. R. R, 6s...' ' l'l. 00 Sampler Yallev i',s 96.(0! 97.50 Utah Gas - Coke 3s. 91. 00' 92.50 Utah Llcht & power 4s. I 5.fu ,1 5s I 9-1.501 96. Oil Utah Power ,t Light 6s1 95.00 96.50 Ulah Capitol 4s j 99.30! 11.0.50 do 41, s 1 102.50 105.00 |