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Show pniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiw I WAISTS SMeBucfrCasYi 5VfeSeMbrCash Genuine Baffin Seal Coats 1 1 jj2 S n ( - 7 , U A We arc showing more stylos in lluftin seal coals tlian all the Other g Just as an Example We Will Place on Sale jS v t " 4 stores can show together. Compare prices a..d you will readily g ! 36 DOZEN (or 432) WAISTS Values $4.00 and $5.00, in crepe I i "VlL) -""1111k. ) 3VlJll 1. buy here. Velour coats in brown, navy, plum, Burgundy, j . j de chines, pongees and poplins, in plain colors and stripes. Sizes " rKj.'-j:."1 7' r j-- f , c-jsjjj green,' etc. g 1 ,Az:::'",:"nl::sz$i .65 Ly-aQB-gRu for less ut no. i f b Balance entire waist stock, regular $5.00 to $15.00, will average . MAMr,AV Lot No. 2 $15.G0 j . S a "5 per cent to 50 per cent mark-down during the Alteration Uir.IN Al 1U:U lVlUPLAY , , 1fl Cfl S m sale WATCH US GROW EVERY YEAR BIGGER Lot No. "' iBeiiis Medav Morning al 10:30 Sliarp. Boston Store I 1 ThIs Is a Com lete GROWING BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS. MUST ENLARGE AGAIN. MORE ROOM NECESSARY. Right now we have the largest Ready-1 of Merchandise to"ear Department in Salt Lake. And still not large enough. Every season we have had to discontinue other lines because this Depart- g 2 . -n t .j , ment needed the room. We have made a wonderful success in Women's Wearing Apparel arid all because we sell high-class good.3 FOR 3 S3 Bargains That Must oacu j u l u i ,1 , . rr . ' CAoH and cheaper than the other stores. a E Be Closed Out Entire- 1 g j Stored Grit Altera- 1 NO EXCHANGES Read BBIJ Item Oil TMS Page! No Telephone Orders j' ; tion Sale to make This page advertisement teems with interesting news and it is full of actual facts. It touches prices. Look for the items. Silk petticoats at ONE-FOURTH reduction! Muslin under- j more room for our the pocketbook. It means valuable savings. SWEEPING REDUCTIONS THROUGHOUT wear at the greatest bargain you ever had. And so 'on all emphatic bargains. J ri C mr,.rU-,rr THE STORE. You never saw anything like it a genuine, true sale. Think of suits being ,r . ,. . .. . , . , . . . . nur v, - , rhenomenal Growing You mustn t miss this sale. It means so much in point of economy. Certainly an extraor- s- s r j w n, sold at this season of the year at such prices! Tremendous bargains in coats, skirts, dresses. dinary opportunity. SAVE MONEY WHILE YOU CAN. Come Monday at 10:30. Extras Keaay - to - W ear le- Buy a beautiful waist at a bona fide bargain. Note the stocks which we are closing out! salespeople enough to insure careful, personal attention. Don't miss this chance of buying ?li partment. Look this Study the prices sweeping, startling reductions. Think of middy blouses at the closing-out cheaply. ' EjJ E list over. The quan- : . ! , '. j. tities are limited but D . H VI QS RECORD-BREAK- IDfPq7q 1 " adVerhS6d- illllim fllfP SI A ING SALES OF URLJjJllJ i $3.so Middies, $1.35 . Pr i III fNlll ill h- felf ttA OS itQQ 9 s' S 18 ATL-SILK MIDDIES RegLilar Jl II M Ajvk.M WkJ'& Jk 1 $kJ$&L$i N Bf.Oa 1 &l2A S" . 1 Koso68. $L33 dS Sa WsJ W V p.w? s J i' 1 oWoTib0, TighIy 409 Suits Which Sell From $15 to $95, and These Regular Boston Store Prices are $ 1 5.00j 3 S.YSj fl23.00 p4 s SOILED s'l.50 WAISTS will be inr .. -irn r .t t-j j- . . 5 c . ' Ss closed out ggc 1U rer Cent to 15 rer Cent Less lhan r rices at Uther stores. Without Reserve, Entire Stock of DRESSES Will Be Sacrificed. 3 cin r , c m t;n A Sale of This Magnitude Always Occurs in January Now, in the Height of the Lot l Values up to $12.50, all to go at ......$ 4.95 f. S is silk poplin dresses $10.00 Season, While Stocks are Complete and Not Broken. Your Choice. None Reserved. Lot 2-VaiueS up to $22.50, ail to go at $ 9.95 , 1 every dpss 1 2 values Broken lines and sizes. , Lot 3 Values up to $25.00, all to go at $12.50 ( velvet, onus, r: ; fin!"berecSdgreeu ango4o Velvets, gabardines, broadcloths, poplins, serges and all the popular materials in ev- Lot Values up to sso.od. aii to go at $15.00 (TT TZ S out at qjA.cJU j 1 j 11 1 1 , j 1 11 1 j r V Wool, up to $50, s Enure stock of silt petticoats wm ery color and shade all high grade and beautifully fashioned. Lot 5-VaiueS up to $35.00, ail to go at $18.75 ) Goes monday. be DISCOUNTED 20 PEB CENT. A POSITIVE, BONA FIDE HALF-PSICE SALE, FvEGAEDLESS OF COST. NO MAHK-UPS, all prices in lcgittoato, plain figures. Lot 6 Values up to $50.00, all to g'O at $25.00 ' Ask our salespeople, who will tell you that the sale is an absolute fa ct. It is one of those genuine bargain sales that seldom occur. I InnrmntUn Rarfflin " THESE ARE THE VERY LATEST STYLES ALL NEW STOCK. UnaeimUSlin OargaillS 72 EXQUISITE, EXPENSIVE SUITS, BOUGHT FOE THE FASHION SHOW Some of the finest suits ever brought to the city 1 H is pieces muslin undek- on Monday at HALF PRICE- ZZIZIZZZZZZZZIIZZZZZZZZIZIZZZZZZ ii sToofos 80Ued: TalnM6c $15.00 Suits Half Price $7.50 $40.00 Suites-Half Price .$20.00 p . . Ql sJ Tt 1 1 paces' "slin" 'undek- $25.00 Suits Half Price $12.50 $50.00 Suits Half Price .$25.00 WCaieSt MOW- D II T 1 1( 1 1 WEAR Slightly Boiled; values to y LIf & 1 Ktr8...... 93c $35.00 Suits Half Price $17.50 $75.00 Suits Half Price $37.50 Jnjy COATS at 1 S 15 PIECES 3VIUSLIN UNDER- These are only a few of the prices, but they serve to show the range. The biggest bargain opportunity of the year, of several years 5 StJ CrIS'"f" " E00oSslS8My 8ilC VeTrn Come Monday at 10:30. Tell your friends. N , . B . E out pVice 1.50 . i : . j You cannot duplicate this value m any y k j other store in Salt Lake. Silk velour g J Closing Out Brassieres IMPORTANT! 2 00 Stylish coats, French voile coats, fancy novelty g SasEssTi " ' tS Pleh fnf, coats, loose flaring models, the loose . oSut00Pricceosig .39c p ' , riUStl LOatS, straight lines and belted effects; fancy I modelV'ieres wi J36B.COH With Fur f linins; colIar and cuffs primmed with m 1 DfU DLAt, Collars, for $ i som p1- . 1 P f"EEEsst0vakiucsfupt W' cq Ollill FOeJS The cheapest coat in this lot ordinarily s $3.50; dosing out price 31.0b J ( will positively be sold at this sellsfor35. Your choice 1A S g : Do you remember the crowd at the Boston Store just a year ago? How ADVERTISED PRICE. Monday for Corset Bargains many Beacon Blankets were sold at 1-95J So many wanted them that gf ' " 24 KABO CORSETS, broken lines; .some were disappointed. Thev are here again plenty to go around; WOOl VGlOUr VlOto " oulTr$2:00;.C.1OSing 69c more large sizes, more oriental, Persian and Indian patterns than we trimmed with imitation beaver and imita- p S 48 LE EEVO COESETS, values up had last year. There will be no disappointments. Every blanket the tion skunk. The COats have good lines inS$out; g0d nm f StoC'3CQc; genuine Beacon brand, with the Beacon stamp on every one. They look j h rr,llorc nrA -,,11 moa T,,c -Q. Large collars, trimmed with blue fox. Most ?. m like $5.00 gold pieces to buyers. On sale Monday, 1 OC T ! ' f C?atS trimmed . with fancy linings g Entire Stock of 10-30 at ' 1 .3 a11 Sizes. While they last. . and other lumigs guaranteed for 5 years. S CORSET Positively None Sold to Dealers. Limit One to a Customer. none sold to dealees. only one to a customer. Come and See for Yourself S 1 ACCESSORIES 1 j 33 dII::1 PATTERN HATS Our Juvenile Department i OA! V HI3II!T,17 Contributes the Following Stirring Specials: 1 s SETS. KABO COESETS and H. & Km i 1 ii fcj Tliese items represent New York cost to us and are fea tured to help make the Big Sale a routing success r i tas ISENInY4Cn'TS' Cl8; JS. U& .'Wfi- BOYS' FLEECE LINED UNION SUITS 39c B ing out 0 DlSCOUnt , , BOYS' WINTER CAPS .. .i: : Uc S These exquisite patterns will delight every woman who sees them. They are shown in a va- -.-.tat t . T n x . . 5 : . , , ... , . i , j . rrr.- i i v, EXTRA SPECIAL Boys' Norfolk suits with two pairs of a O O El g riety of shapes and trims, including gold and silver trims. This is an unusual sale at this lined tg J S : Oir rttirf stock of season of the year. ' S IS -Ur enure MOCK or UNTRIMMED SHAPES LOWERED TO : 50c EXTRA SPECIAL Girls dresses. Sizes s O O g : regular lVIUoLllt UNTRTMMED SHAPES LOWERED TO $1.75 6 to 14 years ;pJ. J S DERWEAR, perfect, . ;H not soiled, divided in- ; g H to five lots; values up 7I7NN,, r07CCCC 25 beautiful evening dresses, every QTf?TQ We are going to do the same thing in our skirt department. I to $3.50, closing at - " i-illVJ lridiJJl-iO oue a this season's model, (lain- tJia We are going to show you a wonderful variety of plain black lH ' " tv as thev can be. Regular prices are from $13.00 to $35.00. You would pay and navy cloth skirts, also a big variety of plaid skirts, all new models. Mon- H 40c, 50c, 75c, 9oc, a't .least $25 to $50 for these dresses QQi PT, F.iiiin- day sale, 1Q:30. Your choice any skirt, . QQ1L f2 lC il fC S . $1.35 elsewhere. Monday, 10:30 OOVS STGT CIU llSCOUnt regardless of former price OJS Ter teilt Ull |