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Show WILL ENTER A. A. U. CHAMP0HSK1P Coast Stars Will Show That 'Frisco Is Still on tho Map. SUITS WILL BEAR NAME OF DESTROYED CITY Team Is Strong, and Has a Chance to Win Championship Cham-pionship Pennant. A rccen issue of hto Los AnpcleR Time prints tho following: Tho strongest track toiim over organized on this coftRt will In all llltoiinood represent Snn Krnncisco in tho nnnunl A. A. U. nation-nl nation-nl chiunpionshlps, which tokos place , ftt the summer home of tho Now York Athlotic club, Trnvors Ielnnd, on September P. Al Coney nnd Frank O-Knne, both ardont enpnortcr of cloan omnteur nlhlotica, are porcotlngr tho plan to unnd. n icara Et. Vlth tho old of porminai friends and n numbor of puhlic-spirltod citizens, they vrlll finance the expedition, which will show broadcast that, at lnast athletically, the metropolis of tho Pacific Mope is very much The team will be known ns tho San Fran-cineo Fran-cineo track team, und the suits will have on thorn, in hlun and gold letters, the nntno of lhi,riie 'servicoB of Waiter Ohristlo, undoubtedly undoubt-edly nno of tho brst trainers in tho country, aro assured. Christie has named eight fttn-lotes fttn-lotes for the team, and perhaps two or thrco moro will bo selected. The University of California trainer has cront faith in tho pOhsihlllties of tho team bringing back tho red and cold championship pennant, which has nover left New iork until last year, whon the team reprosentinfr thn Ohlcngo Athlotlo club won tho notional honors. Tho mon who have already been chosen to compoto in the hie meet as members of tho local team, and tho events in which thoy huvo made their mark nro: Al Plow, hammer throw nnd shot put; Ollie Suedijar, 100-yard dash and broad iuinp; Andrew Ularner, ono-half ono-half and onc-milo runs; Billy Powoll, hurdles; hur-dles; Channing Hall, high jump; Norman Dolo, polo vault; Cornelius Connolly, two ond nve miles; Forest Stanton, 220 and -140-yard dashes. It is tho intention to start Aucust 15 nnd to arrungo track moets to occur whilo on routo to Now York In Donvor, Kansas City, Chicago and St. Louis. The athletes will bo kopt under strict training rules and tho toam that enters the games will have no oxcusos in lack of condition. Most of the world's champions who havo just returned from Athens will compoto this year in tho A. A. U. meet on Admission day. Among thorn uro: Archie Hnhn,( who in Groeco. for the second time, won the world's championship in iho 100-yard dash; Jimmy Lightbody, tho Chicago milor, who surprised tho world by beating tho English nmiicrs; Paul Pilgrim of New York, the quarter and half-milt) world's champion; Jilycra Prinatcin of tho Creator Now York,Iri$h Athletic association, asso-ciation, broad-jump champion of tho two hemispheres, and the great Martin J. Sheridan, Sheri-dan, who established ft new world'a rocord at Athens by scoring oightocu points for tho Ainoricnn toam. |