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Show NOTTOE. Notice Is hereby given that tho assessment assess-ment of tho tax levied by tlio City Council Coun-cil of Salt Lake. City Utah, by ordinance passed July 2, 1!WU, upon tho property abutting upon all of lots 2, 3, v and 5 block ::2. pint "F," Salt -Lake City Survey' for the purpose of curbing and guttering with cement (said gutter to bo tnlrty (30i inchen wide) tho east aide of Thirteenth F.ast street from tho south sldo of First South street to the north side of Second jouth street. In Paving District No. 27. is tfompletcd. That the Board of Equalization and Review appointed by the (Jlty Council for that purpose, will meet at the office of the City Recorder, room 100. City and County building, on Monoay, July 23, IMC, and continue In session until Friday, July 27, 1006, between the hours of 3:30 and 5:20 p. m., and will hear and consider any objections and mnke correction of any tax which said Board may deem unequal or unjust. That during said tlmo. between the hours of 9 a. m. nnd 5 p. in., said list will be open to public Inspection at the office of tho City Recorder, Room 100, City and County building, Salt Lake City, Utnh. By order of tho City Council, dated July 9, 1P0C. J. B. MORHTON City Recorder. Curb and Gutter Extension No. 1. al2Sl NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. Free Coinage Mining and Milling company. com-pany. Principal place of business. Sa It Lake City, Utah. Notice Ik hereby given that at a mcotinc of the directors, held on the 5th day or July. IMC an assessment of '(4 cent ner shan- was levied on the capital stock of the corporation, payable at onco, to tho socrotary at the office of .the Companv TJandT Commercial block. Salt Lake Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on the 9th dav of August. 190C. will bo delinquent and advertised ad-vertised fo- sale at public auction, and unless payment Is made before, will hfi sold on the lnth day of September 1908 to pay the delinquent nup-ssment. to gether with the cost of ndvpitlxlng and expense of sale. J. E. DARMI3R. . Secretary. i2 and 73 Commercial block., Salt Lnko j City, Utah. " 7 ' y. LTKDS CHAPTER NO. 1, Or-XtsXff Or-XtsXff dor Eastern Star, Masonic hail. Staled mooting first Frl--ywffififos, day each mouth. A'islting mem-i mem-i bers will rt-ceivo ft cordial web Vy come. Mury E. Graham, W. Y M , Mary U- Wright, Secretary- MIZl'AH CKArTER NO. a, Or-jtj Or-jtj dcr of Eastern Htnr. Ma- ySN'S souto hall, ftrst Monday each .ATCWN. month. Membors of sistor jur-7re jur-7re isdiciions anil visiting members cordially invited. Khoda A. Ja Couoly, W. M.; Nancy Leather-wood, Leather-wood, socrotary. A. A. S, P.ITE The four co-ordinate bodies of tho A. A S. rltn of Free Masonry holds stated racotings tho third Thursday in each month nt tho Maionlc hall, cornor West Temple and Second So. Sojourning brethren invited. Joseph O. P.ywntor. 33 doir. V. M. Jordan Lodco of Perfection No. 2. S. C. Park, 32 dec. W. M. James Lowe Chapter of Koso Croix No. I. C. W. Morse. K. O. O. H. Commander Salt LaVo Council of ICadosh, No. 1. 11. N. Mayo, K. C. O. If. M. of K. Utah Cunslatory No. 1. Christopher Dlehl, 33 due. Register of all tho Hodfen. Z AUGEHTA LODGE NO. 3. F. anil A. M. At Masonic hall first Tuos-7?SC Tuos-7?SC day of ouch month. Members of sister lodges and sojourning brethren invited. Harry A. Knowlcs, W. M.; Moses C. Phillips, cecretary. WASATCH LODGE JiO. 1, F. and A. M. Masonic hall second Friday each month. Members of Bister lodges and Bojonxninc brethren in rood stundinc invited. Harrlo Wall Griilin, W. M ; A. J. Lowe, secretary. EL KALAXI TEMPLE, A. A. O. N .M. 8. Third Wednesday oi oach month, Mnsonlo hall at S p. m. All nobles sojourning Invited. In-vited. J. M. Marriott, potentato; W. L. Barnes, recorder. MT. MOBIAH LODGE NO, 2, 2. and A. M. Masonic hall second Monday each month. Members of slr.tcr lodges and sojourning so-journing members in rood standing invited. A. 11. Poabody, W. M.; Christopher Dichl, sucretary. UTAH CHAPTER NO. 1, It. A. M. Stated convocation first Wednesday in each month at Masonic hall. Companions cordially cor-dially Invited Chas. W. Morse, II. P.; Mose C. Phillipi, secretary. Independent Ordor of Odd Follows. FIDELITY LODGE NO. 17, I. O. O. F. Meets every Wednesday night nt 8 o'clock, I. O O. F. temple. Visitors wolcomo. N, II. Lconhard, N. G.; J. O. Smith, secretary, I. O. O. F. TEMPLE DIP.ECTORT. . . Subordinate lodges incut as follows: Salt Lake lodge No. 2. Friday. Knterjrico lodge No. 15, Wednesday. NAOMI RE3E1CAK LODGE NO. 1. Meets every 2nd and -1th Saturday evening of each month In Odd Follows' temple, Market struct. 11255!) JORDAN .LODGE HO. 3, I. O. O. F, Meets ovory Monday night nt I. O. O. F. temple. Visitors invited. K. M. McDonald, N. O. ; W. T. Hopkins, Secretary. al-137 LADIES OF THE MACCABEES Salt Lako City hivo No. -1, moots every first nnd third Monday, 8p.ni, I. O. O. F. hall. TRATEP.NAL O'RDER OF EAGLES Salt Lako aerio No. 07. Every Friday, 8 p. m., K. of P. hall. ROYAL ARCANUM S. "n. COUNCIL, ir17 2nd and Jth Thurday.?, .Tcniiing.-; blook. 0. K. Smith, regent. E. L. Jones, secretary. Knights of Py thins. CALANTHE-MYRTLE LODGE NO. 1. Every Monday, K. of P. hall. L. Ii. EDDY. O. O. N. W. SONNEDF.CICEU, K. of K. S. LINCOLN lodgo No. 23, K. of P., moots evorv Saturday evening, 0 o'clock. K. of P. hall. ROCKY MOUNTAIN lodso No. 3 Every Thursday evening, K. of P. hall. KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES Salt Lako City tent No. 2 Every Thursday, 1. O. O. P. ball. Visiting Knights invltod. FRATERNAL UNION OF AMERICA Evergreen Ever-green lodgo No. 151 meets 2nd and -tth Mondays at I. O O. P. temple. S. Chalker, secretary, box 70. FORESTERS OF AMERICA Moots let and flrd Wednesdays each month, Knights of Columbus hull. No. 21, W. 1st South. C. E. Whito, F. O. ' si 134. Woodmen of tho World. WOODBINE circle No. -11 moot every Tuesday, 8o'clock at I. O. O. K. hall. NOTICE OF ASSKSSMENT. RAYMOND-ILLINOIS MINING COM-pHtiy. COM-pHtiy. Location or principal placo of business, Salt Lake City. Utah. Notico Is hereby given that at a mooting moot-ing of tho directors of the iXaymond-lllinois iXaymond-lllinois Mining company, dulv held on the 27th day of June. 1906, an assessment assess-ment of one-half of a cent per share per month for three months was levied on the outstanding capital stock of tho corporation, payahlo to M. 13. Johnson at room 505. Atlas building, as follows-One-half cent per .inaro, payable Immediately Im-mediately Any stock upon whloh this assessment may remain unnmd. on the 30th day of July, 100G. will be delinquent delin-quent and advertised for salo at public auction, and unless payment Is made before, will bo sold on tho 15th day of August. 1900, to pay thu delinquent assessment, as-sessment, together with tho cost of ad-viM-llsIntT and exnenso of s.ili. One-half a cent per sharo shall bo payable on tho 10th day of August. Any stock upon which this assosamenc may remain unpaid on tho loth dav of Sen-tcmbor. Sen-tcmbor. 19CS. will bo delinquent and advertised ad-vertised for salo at public auction, and unless payment is mado before, will bo sold on the 1st day of October. 1D0G to pay tho delinquent assessment, together to-gether with the cost of advertising and expense of sale. One-half a cent per share shall bo payable on tho 2nd day of October. 100G Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on the 1st day of November, 190C, will bo delinquent and advertised for salo at nubile auction and unless payment Is mado before, will bo sold on the lfllh day of November 190C, to pay the delinquent assessment' together with tho cost of advertising and expense of sale. J. C. LYNCH. Secretary Raymond-Illinois Mining Co y22S NOTICE. i Notico is hereby given by tho city Council of Salt Lake City of th0 Intention Inten-tion of such council to make the following follow-ing described Improvement, to-wit- 'lo grade, gutter and curl, with cement and pave with macadam (said macadam pavement to be forty (iO) feet wide b tweon curbs and nine (9j inches thick) Twelfth East street from the south side of Second South street to the north shin of Third South street, in paving district No. 27. and defray tho abutters' portion or tne ooi and expense thereof estimated esti-mated nt live thousand two hundred and elKhtv mir'OO) dollars, or four ($4.00) dollars dol-lars per z:sut root of abutting pronertv there hPlnc 1320 feet abutting laid iml provemc-ii", oy a local assesament m,on the lots or nieces of cround wifhin .ML following describfd district, belnr the dls tilct to be affected nnd benefited bv said improvement, namely; All of lots "i nnrt 8. block 27. and all of lots 2 to H iJ," elusive, block 2. subdivision of block : plat "F," Salt Lake City survey. The total com of said Improvement lq estimated at live thousand seven hundred hun-dred and twenty-one ($5721.00) dollars of which sum the city's portion js four-hundred four-hundred and forty-one (M41.G0) dollars leaving five thousand two hundred ami eighty (JSSSO.OO) dollars to be raised bv local nssessmcnt. ' All protests nnd objections to the carrying car-rying out of such Intention must be nre-nnnted nre-nnnted In writing to the City Recorder on or beforo tlio 22rd dav of Julv, being the time set by said council when It will hear and consider such protects and objections as may be mado thereto ny order of tho City Council of Salt Lak City. Utah. Dated June 11, 1005. J. D. MO It ETON. t . . ' . . City Recorder. Paving extension No. 27. ajjl NOTICE OF SPECIAL- CITY TAC. To Whom It May Concern: Notico Is horcby Elvon that a special tax Tor the- purpose of constructing a. Sor on tho streets within the district bounded on tho couth by South lo'iiplo street, on tho cast by West street, on tho north by Third street and on tho west by Canyon road, in Sewor District No. 1, has boon levied and confirmed by ordinance of tho City Council, dated July The property hereby nnsossod consists of tho following described lotB and pieces of ground, to-wit: Fronting on Third slrent All of lots 1 and 2. block -1, pint "I": all of lots 1 and 2, lock 13; all of lot 2, and tho wost 110 feet of lot 1, block 41; tlio cast 110 foot of lot 2, and wost i -10 foot of lot 1, block ;r; tho oast 110 feet of lot 2, and all of lot 1. block IC; all of lot 2 and tho wost 110 feet of lot 1, block 4S; all of lot 2 and tho west 110 foot of lot 1. block ul; the cast 140 feet of lot 2 and all of lot 1. block 52; all of lotB 1 and 2, block C3; al of lots 1 and 2. block 51; all of lots 1. and 2, block ."5; all of lots 1 and 2, block u0, plat "D": all ot loto 1 nnd 2, block 2n; all of lots 1 and 2. block 2G; all of lot 2 and the west 110 feet of lot 1, bock ir. the east 110 feet of lot 2 and all uf lot 1, block 20; all of lots 1 and 2, block 'JO; al of lots 1 and 2, block 31: all of lots 1 and 2, block 32; plat "("; part of tho southwest south-west quarter of suction 33, township 1 north, range 1 east, Salt Lako baso and meridian; the east 10 feet of lot 7, and all of lots 8. 9 and 10. block 3, plat 'I' ; all of lot 3 and tho west 110 foot of lot 4, block 42; the cast 140 feet of lot 3 and west 140 feet of lot I. block 41; tho east 140 foot of lot 3 and west 140 feet of lot -I, block 40; the east 140 feet of lot 3 and west 140 feet of lot 4. block 39; tho cast 140 feet of lot 3 and west 140, feci, of lot 4, block 37: tho east 140 feet of lot 3 and west 110 feet of lot 4, block 34; tho oast 140 foot of lot 3 and werft 140 foot of lot 4. block 33; tho cast 140 feet of lot 3 and west 140 feot of lot I, block 32; the east 110 feet of lot 3 and west 140 feet of lot 4, block 31; the east 140 foot of lot 3 and wost 140 foot of lot 4, block 30; tho oast 110 feet ot lot 3 and west 110 feot of lot 4, block 29, Plat "D"; tho cast 140 foot of lot 3 and west 140 foot of lot 4, block 24; tho cast 110 feet of lot 3 and wost 140 feet of lot 4, block 23; tho oast 140 feet of lot 3 and west 140 feet of lot 4, block 22; tho east 140 'feet of lot 3 and wost 110 feet of lot 4, block 20; tho east 140 feet of lot 3 and west 140 feet of lot 4, block 19; tho east 140 feet of lot 3 and west 140 feet of lot 4, block 18, plat "G"; the east 100 feot of lot G, and all ot lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and fi, Victoria placo subdivision, subdivi-sion, block 17. plat "G"; part of tho southwest quarter of section 32, township town-ship 1 north, range 1 east. Salt Ijako baso and meridian. Fronting on Second strcot Tho cast 140 feet of lot 2 and west 140 feet of lot 1. block 40; tho east 140 feet of lot 2 and west 140 feot of lot l, block 39; tho cast -140 feel of lot 2 and west 140 feot of lot 1. block 33; tho east 10 feet of lot 2 and west 140 feet of lot 1, block 37; tho east 140 foot of lot 2 and west 140 feot of lot 1, block 30; tho ca3t 140 feot of lot 2 and west 140 feet of lot 1, block 35; the cast 140 feet of lot 2 and west 140 feet of lot 1, block 34; tho east 140 feet of lot 2 and west 110 feet of lot 1, block 33; tho east 140 feet of lot. 2 and west 140 feot of lot 1, block 32; tho east 140 foot of lot 2 and west 140 foot of lot 1, block 31; tho east 140 feet of lot. 2 aud west 140 foot of lot 1. block 30; tho cast 140 feot of lot 2 and west 140 feot of lot 1, block 29, plat "D"; the cast 140 foet of lot 2 and west 140 feet of lot 1, block 24; tho cast 140 feet ot lot 2 and wost 140 feet of lot 1, block 23; tho cast 140 foot of lot 2 and west 140 feot of lot 1, block 22; the cast 140 feet of lot 2 and west 140 feet ot lot 1, block 21; the cast 140 foot of Jot 2 and west 140 feet of lot 1, block 20; tho east 140 foot ot lot 2 and west 140 feot of lot 1, block 19; the oaat 140 feet ot lot 2 and west 110 feet of lot 1, block 18, plat "G"; tho cast 100 foet of lot 18, and all ot lots 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23, Victoria placo sudivlsion, block 17, plat "G" ; part of tho southwest quarter of section 33, township 1 north, range 1 cast. Salt Lako baso and meridian; tho oast L10 feet of lot 3 and west 140 feet of lot 4, block 17; tho east 140 feet of lot 3 and west. 140 fect of lot 4, block IS; the cast 140 feot of lot 3 and west 140 feot of lot 4, block 39; tho cast 5.5 feet of lot 3 and west 140 feet of lot 4, block 20; tho cast 140 foet of lot 3 and wost 110 feet of lot 4, block 21, tho east 140 feet of lot 3 and west 140 feot of lot 4, block 22; '.tho east 110 feet of lot 3 and west 140 feet of lot 4, block 23; tho east 140 feet ot lot 3 and west 140 fcoL of lot l, block 24. tho east 140 feet of lot 3 and wost 110 feet of lot 4, block 25; tho oast 140 feot ot lot 3 and wost 140 feet of lot 4, block 2C; the east 140 foot of lot 3 and west 140 feet ot lot 4, block 27; the enst 140 feet of lot 3 and west 140 feet of lot 1, block 2S, plat "D"; tho oast 140 feet of lot 3 nnd west 140 foot ot lot 4, block 9; tho cast 140 foot ot lot 3 and west 110 foet of lot 4, block 10; tho east 140 feet of lot 3 aud west 140 feot of lot 4, block 11; tho east 140 feot of lot 3 and west 140 fect of lot 4, block 12; the east 140 foot ot lot 3 and west 110 foot of lot 4, block 13, tho cast 140 foot of lot 3 a"hd wost 140 feot ot lot 4, block 14; tho cast 140 foot of w a nn ,..o. 110 fect of lot 4. block 15; tho "cast 140 feet of lot 3 and all ot lot 4, blook 1C, plat "G," part of tho southwest quarter ot section 33, township l north, rango 1 cast. Salt Lako base anil meridian. Fronting on First street The oast 1-10 foot of lot 2 aud west 140 feot ot lot 1 block IC; tho cawL 140 feet ot lot 2 and' west 140 feet of lot 1, block 17; tho oast 140 feet of lot 2 and west 140 feet of lot 1, block IS; tho oast 140 foot of lot 2 and west 140 foot of lot 1. block 19- tho cast 85 feot ot tho went 140 feet of lot 1, block 21; tho cast 140 feet ot lot and west 140 feet of lot 1. block 23- tho east 140 fect ot lot 2 and west 140 foot of lot 1, block 25; tho oast 140 fuot ot lot 2, and west 140 foot of lot 1 block 20; all of lot 2. block "1 plat VD"; tho east 140 foet of lot 2 ami west 140 feet of lot 1. block 10; tho east 140 feet o flot 2 and west 140 foot of lot 1, block 11; tho east 140 foot of lot 2 nnd west 140 feot of lot 1 block 12; tho east 140 feet of lot' 2 and west 110 fect of lot 1. block 13; tho oast 140 feet of lot 2 nnd 'west 140 feet of lot 1, block 14; tho east 140 foot of Int 1 rmil u'nei l.(n , .. . 15; thu cast 140 feet of lot 2 and all of lot 1. block IC. plat "G"; tho oust 140 feet of lot 3 and west 110 foot of lot 4 block 13; tho east 140 feet of lot 3 and west 140 feot of lot 4, block 12; the east 110 foot of lot 3 and west 140 foot ot lot 4, block 11; tho east 140 foet of lot 3 and west 340 feet of lot 4. block 10; tho east 85 feet ot tho wost 140 foot of lot 4, block S; the oast 140 foot of lot 3 and west 140 feet of lot 4, block G; tho east InO feet of lot 3 nnd west 110 feot of iot 4. block 4; the cast 140 foot of lot 3 rnd west 140 foot of lot 4. block 3; all of ot 3, block 2. plat "D"; tho east 110 feet of lot 3 and west 140 feot of lot 4. block ; the cast 140 fect of lot 3 and west 110 foet of lot 4. block 6; the east 140 feet of lot 3 and west 140 feot of lot 4, block 5; tho cast 140 feet of lot 3 and wost 140 foot of lot 4. block 4- thu east 140 feet of lot 3 and west 14o' feot of lot 4 block 3; tho east 140 foot ot ot J and wost 140 foet of lot 4, block " Fronting on Canyon road Part of the southwest quarter of iicctlon 31." township town-ship I north, range 1 oast. Salt Lake TlA?'' n11 oi lols 4 aQd Fronting on A street-All ot lot 4 and the north 110 feet of lot 1. block " all block 41, plat "D. I 7)n,Un,-" 0I,K street All of lots l and 4, block 32; all of lots 1 and I. block 25; all of lot 4 and tho north iB 1. block 4; all ot lota 2 !M all of lotr 2 and 3, block fl plat "D " rth 110 fCOt ' ifl Fronting on L BtrcotiuiH1 4. block-31; all of lots l all of Iot 4 and tho uorthH 1. block 3; all of loin all of lot 3 and tho noniTiM 2, block 27; the south 8oH and north 140 feot of M Fronting on M stroctAli,I 4, block 30; all of lot 4 iflj 140 feot ot lot 1, block "7. foot ot lot 4 and north nVB block 2; all of lots 2 and a W of lot 3 and the north lin'Mf block 28: the south 140 r J north 140 feet ot lot 2. blncl1 Fronting on N stroot Air 4, block 29; all of lot 4 and , feet of lot 1, block 2S; the . of lot 4 and north MO root 1 1 plat "D"; all ot lotn 2 all of lot 3 and the north r 2, block 0; tho south 140 frti north 110 feet ot lot 2. bloVv Fronting on O street Aii 4. block 21, all of lot 4 and' fect of lot 1, block 9; tho s of lot 4 and north no feet' S; all ot lots 2 and 3. block 1 2 and 3, block 10; all 0f l north 110 foet of lot 2, blori Fronting on P streoU-Alt: 4, block 23; all of iota 1 , all of lot 4 nnd tho north 1 1. block 7; all of lots ani all of lots 2 and 3, block 3 and Uic north 140 feet of jB Fronting on S stroot AllV 4, block 20; all of lots ll all of lots 2 and 3, block lSim and 3, block 14, plat "Q " 'Sk Fronting on T r.treot- MVM. 4, block 19; all of lots 1 Mi all ot lot 4 and tho northil L block 3; all of lotB 2 bmHI all of lots 2 and 3, block lM and tho north 140 toot ot lp Fronting on U street Alti 1, block IS; nil of lots 1 aaB all of lot 4 and tho north 'H 1, block 2; all of lots 0 tJM Victoria place subdivision 'H of lots 2 aud 3, block ISH nnd tho north 140 foot oH 1. plat "G," Salt LakecW abutting on both sides of IB between Canyon road anJB; on botli sldus ot Second luBl B and West Btrcets, oa llV First street, between streets; on both sides otV between Second nnd ThlriH both sides of A street, b'V and Third streets; on botB street, between First aadB on the oast sldo of L stB South Templo and Third stS, west side of L strcot, behrflt Third streets; on both sldeiV between South Tomplo aud!ft on both sides of N street, VB Tomplo aud Third strcotsjiB on O street betwoeh SouUnB Third streets, on both 8ld botween South Tomplo andlW on both sides of S Bf-cot.-flB aud Third streets; on bot street, between South TenB streets; on both sides otj tween South Templo and as tho same appear and niH tho olllclal plats of aaldB depth ot 25 feel back from'H Said tax Is payable In slzH tnonts and will become ddlH lows, to-wit: .H Ono-sixth of the total iuS tax so levied shall become tiH gust IS, 190G; one-sixth tfctH como delinquent August 18,iH thereof shall become dclloH IS, 1S0S; ono-slxth thercofM delinquent August 13, 199j thereof shall bocomo dcllnH IS, 3910; one-sixth thereof;! delinquent August 18, 1911,.jj Each of said installment first, shall draw Interest ivH G , per cent per annum frH of this levy until dellnqucnH or either of said lnatallmoH como delinquent, interest be at tho rato of 8 por ccH from delinquency until Installments aro fully pali'B All special taxes are paiaiB Ilco, room 302, City and CouS Salt Lako City. .iH FRANK A. H City Treasurer and Spcclal:H By R. S. WIMXH Sower Extension No. K&TM Date of first publication,;! Notico Is hereby glvenB Council of Salt Lake ClttM teiulon of such Councll'B following described ImpreH Constructing a cement iB (4) foet wide and four (OjH on. the west sido of Post Third South and Fifth SouM Sidewalk District No. 21, abutters' portion of the .H ponso thereof, estimated jH dred ninety-one and ?;B dollars, or G5-100 (S0.65JM front Soot of abutting PH being 1372 feet abutting mcnt, by a local asseesmM lots or pieces of srpunM following described distrjH district to be affected &igK said improvement. narntli 1. and 2S to 52, lnclU3lve,:B division Block 33. and all; 30 to GO. Inclusive. BlocJcjMI Subdivision. Block 28, FH Lake City Survey .Cm Tho total cost of said Is estimated at one thMjW four and 22-100 C51094.2Sj which sum tho city's porUgM dred two and 42-100 leaving eight hundred fM E0-100 ($891. SO) dollars tOJH local assessment. All protests and ODjeeBi carrving out of such htf presented In writing to tnW er on or beforo the 23raL 190G. being tho time fletiBT cil whon it will hear and BJ protests and objections S3 fm thereto. JL By order of tho City Lako Cllv. Utah. JH Dated May 21st. 1906. rism Sidewalk ExtenslonKgK Notice hosse3 m Notico is hereby glTen,j bids will bo received In P"jH by tho undersigned up t July 2G, for tho furnlBhlnSj for tho uso of the nli?W Utah, during tho cncampnM D. A. Russell, Wyoming. about nlno days, as f'l0P 1. Thirty-four horses saddlo and harness, square mouth gait, prompt action and gallop, from fifteen t? high; wolght not less 'bB 2. Twenty horses well "Hi ness, samo height as abort H not loss than 1200 pound-j 3. Fifty-six horses e?B saddle and answering '"'0.B ments as those speclfiecuM graph No. 1, except DC'H harness. hiB The color to bo eltnor black. vtiHr The horses will be sWB tion by an ofllcer of IW( ccpted thoy must bo dollr for at the armory, PierpoM city, unless otherwise they must be shod. -fl Tho undersigned TP3.TXeK reject any aud all bids. iK addressed to tho Comma First Infantry, N. G. U., iJB Utah. P. O. Box 65G. 1HE July 21, 190G. fflK |