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Show PLEASING PROGRAHHE FPU THE PIONEERS Fight With Imitation Indians Will Bo Ono of tho Big Features. Arrangements havo been completed for tho colcbrntloti of Pioneer dny, Tuesday, July 21, nt Liberty park. Tho programrao will begin nt 9 o'clock In tho morning with n snlutn by tho Nauvoo Logion nnd end in tho evening with u concert by tho Fort DouglaH hand, which will last from 5 to 7 o'clock. At 10 o'clock In tho forenoon tho pioneer pion-eer wagonB will parado around tho park nnd to tho camp which will he sltuatod on the west oldo of tho park- At 11 o'clock a programme will be obsorvod at the baud stand with tho music furnished by tho Juvenile band. Tho Invocation will bo offored by Hugh J. Cannon and the "Star-Spauglcd Banner" will bo sung by Charles P. Pike. Mnthomlhnh Thomas will dollver tho oration nnd romnrks will bo mado by A. J. Davis, president of tho City Council. A selection will bo given by a quartette, consisting of Claude Holt, Edna Evans, Ivy Evans and Sadie Brnby. W. W. Rlter will spook of tho pioneers nnd nt tho close of tho programme tho pioneers -will bo bnnrjuotcd In tho park. A prominent feature of tho day will bo a sham battle against a band of imitation Indians. Fifty covered wagons will ko Into camp In tho park early In tbo day. |