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Show I GIRLS ARE IN LEAD Pourtoen Boys to Sixteen of Gontlcr Sex Born During Week. The weekly report of the City Board of Health for tho week ending July 21 shows that 30 births wore reported during dur-ing tho week 14 malos and 16 females; 19 deaths were reported S males and 11 Temales. Eght bodies wore Ehlppod hero for burial. Thero were reported 8 casos of conta-, conta-, glous and infectious dlBcac3, consisting , of 2 crises of scarlet fever, 1 case of diphtheria, 3 cases of chlckenpox and 2 i cases of typhoid fever. ' Five cases of smallpox, 2 cases of scar let fever and 2 cases of diphtheria remain re-main in quarantine. Tho 'report shows an Improvement exists ex-ists in tho health conditions over the corresponding weok of last year. Tho roport for tho samo week of 1905 showu fhat thero "wcro 11 caso3 of contagious disease 3 casos of smallpox, 4 casos of diphtheria and 4 cases of typhoid fever. |