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Show The atrical There appears to bo a crowing Interest among tho managers in plays of rollglous import. According to announcomouts aa to managerial plans for tho coming season, somo of tho most (alonted and popular players play-ers on tho American Btspo will venture forth in plays which aro either directly founded on ulblical subjects or aro oatiroly religious in tholr aspect and bearing. It is with considerable con-siderable curiosity that tho outcomo of theso oxporlmonts will uo awaited, says tho Chicago Tnbuao. Tyrone Powor will appear in a play which has boon mado out of the Mario Corclli novol, "Barabbas," by tho authoress herself. her-self. Tho period is that during the life of Ohrist. Tho part to be assumed by Mr. Power will be that of Barabbas, tho" thief, n character which will bo found to be ideal rather thun traditional. Power will be remem bored as tho creator of a Judas of groat strongth and distinction in Mr6. Flake's "Mary of Msgdnln,' and in Barabbns nhould And a rolo equally euitablo and effective. "Mlipah,'-' which is tho joint produot of Ella Whoolor "Wilcox and Luscombo Scarollo, will bo prosontcd in Chicago iu Soptember. It tells in lyrio form tho Scriptural story or Esther, tho Jowish maiden, who roso from ob-ecourity ob-ecourity to bo tho brido of Ahasuorus, King of Persia, and later boaamo tho salvation of hor tribe. It will murk Mrs. Wilcox's first contribution to tho stage, and although tentative tenta-tive productions of the work havo bucn mado in San Francisco and Boston, tho metropolitan metropoli-tan verdict Is yet to bo passed. Tho cast will bo hoadod by Elizabeth Kennedy, who will apnoar as Esther, and Oharlos Dalton, who will bo tho king. Musio incidental to tho action has been written by Mr. Boarcllo, who is an English composer. Tho long threatened production of "Pilgrim's "Pil-grim's Progress" is definitely announced for no.tt season. Henrietta Orosmau is to create tho part of Christian. Amplo opportunity wnl bo offored in this case for a great scenic production pro-duction and Charles Frohman anticipates a success as pronounced as that achieved by "Ben Hur,'1 Wright Lorlmer has passed throo prosperous prosper-ous seasons presenting "Tho Shophord King," which Ir, in dramatic form tho story of David. As Mr, Lorimor has yot to onnear In Chicago and tho West in this drama, ho does not cxpoct to mako anothor production till tho soason following. For that time ho has in roadinesa a play founded on tho life of Daniel. Moanwhllo Edward A. Bradon, under whoao direction "Barabbas" will be produced, is arranging ar-ranging for tho presentation of "The Light Etornal," In which Martin V. Mcrlo picturos tho conllict3 botwocn the Christians and tho Romans in tha timo of Diocletian. K. H. Sothern and presumably Julia Marlowe Mar-lowe in "John the Baptist," in an announcement an-nouncement hold by tho Shuborfcs -for a lator date. Littlo is known of tho piny, its author or tho general scheme of tho production, but that Mr. Sothorn is to havo a Bibilical play of his own ha3 been told to his intiraalo friouds. It is srtiu that during his last engagement en-gagement in New York, Mr. Sothorn spent much of his leisuro time in tho book shops. The only volumes that interested him wore religious re-ligious and historical works. Ho has been engaged for months in Biblical research, and has already built up a library on tho subject sub-ject which would do credit o a theologian. Of courso, Mr. Sothern will have tho titlo rolo in tho now pluy whon it sees tho footlights. foot-lights. Another Shubert star apparently has a longing long-ing for a drama on a Biblical thomo. When Henry "Woodruff has exhausted the possibilities possibili-ties of Mrs. Young's "Brown of Harvard," he expocls to bo fitted with a rolo in a play which is said to bo strong and picturcsquo and Biblical in subject. Theatrical managers nro doing a rushing business under tho canvas at San Francisco just now. Two vaudeville "houses" aro doing a good business and tho old Bernhardt tent is now tho homo of melodrama. Augustus Thomas is to write comodlos for Lawrcnuo D'Orsay and Dustin Farnum. "Tho Golden Flcoce," by Henry Kirk, a young Californian, has beon accepted by Nanco O'Noil. Tho part of tho hcrolno was writton with a special viow to her capacities. Thomas W. Ross, not Xat Goodwin, is to bo tho star of tho now Cohan ploco, "Popularity "Popular-ity " Tho assigned reason is that a youuger actor than Mr. Goodwin is needed for tho part. David Worflcld is summorlng at Soabright, N. J., after his long season in "Tho Music Maslor." Tho run of tho Klein play will bo resumed at tho Bijou theater, New York, on Soptembor 7. Tho ongagemcnt will bo limited to four wooks only, nftor which Mr. Wartield will start on his first road tour in nearly two years. George Ado Is not going to mnrry tho "Col-logo "Col-logo Widow" after all. Tho story was good for advertising purposes, but in real lifo tho lady who Is to mako hlui hanny in Lucy Tag-gart, Tag-gart, daughter of the National Domocratlo committee's chairman, who is just now bo-fore bo-fore tho country as tho objec of Littlo Willio Hearst's kind attontion to Tnggart's incomo from gamblors at French Liclc. Thus it i3 coon that a politician's daughter somctimoo Inherits hor father's ability in capturing the good things. After tho performance It was ono of thoso rattling roof garden shows tho prettv now rocruit went up to tho managor for hla vor-dict. vor-dict. "Well, what do you think of mot" sho asked. "Groat I " cried tho monngor. "Yon mado & hit." "And how did I look," sho vonturod, aglow with inward triumph. "Stunnlngl You wore tha prettiest girl in tho chorus. Come out and have supper with mo." Tho fair roorult blushed. "I know hotter," sho caid. "What I "You dony that you're the proltiest ' ' "No I nol" sho broko in. "I know hotter than to tulto supper with you. But I'll go, just tho .same." Young's Magazine. |