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Show Oor . Self-Registering 1 , Home Bank H i "will start tho sav- H r , ings hah it for you. V You cannot resist B tho constant appeal B i of this littlo friend. YJ Salt Lake H. Security & Trust H Co. J. OBEU,NDORFER. STOCK BP.OIC-ER, BP.OIC-ER, 161 S. Main. Tel. Bell 732. Awaiting a Puipse It la a very common thlnf? lor rnonoy to He Idle, nwalt-Iiiic nwalt-Iiiic a particular purpose. When left at this bank such funds aro mado to earn interest in-terest during tho waiting period, pe-riod, UTAH EATINGS & TEH ST OO. No. 160 Main Stroet j instantaneous j j Bug Killer That Is what wo call our destroy- 1 a er to bed bugs, apts roaches and i I all garden Insects. It Is a non- ci poisonous liquid, used wllh a i j nqulrtor top, and wo guarantee It i I to kill and keep bed bugs away. 0 Price, 25c a Battle, j MYJM DRUS OH. f Corner Second South and Stale. 1 jj Tel. 552. AT HALF PRICE j Wo Will Closo Out Every Uncalled I for Suit. DANIELS, THE TAIEOB, 57 W.2nd South. E!eetroIgor Tho wonder of tho ane. A dry-cell body battery, glvlnu electricity wbll you Bleep, without charging, without vinegar or acid. No trouble. Put It on when you retire; It pours electrlc-i'y electrlc-i'y Into your body all night, bringing health, strength and vigor, good dl(jcs-tlon, dl(jcs-tlon, Rood circulation, freedom from pains und aches Electro-Vlcor will b n boon to yon. Try It. Send for our brxik. Finely Illustrated, Illus-trated, clvlnc nets ot Interest to men and women who want hrnlth. Wo eend Jt, n-nled. frco It you nend this ad, DR. S. T. HALL CO., 931 Sixteenth. St., Denver, Colo. DRUNKENNESS CURED nu-?aV a Pon'Uvo and pcr-Ctre&3T?f pcr-Ctre&3T?f manent euro for I MfiiifajL-M J& drunkenness and KfSSFqS, drug nddlctiona. BBSnni I filPTW branch" - Parent r-Jrt&!7Ssi House, Dwlght, 111. Correspondence confidential. con-fidential. KEELEY INSTITUTE, ZSi "W. S, Temple St.. Salt Lake City. "Utah. MERCANTILE INSTALLMENT COMPANY $1.00 a week. 74 W. 2d So. $1.00 a week. Clothing for len, "Women and Children. WHAT WE DO AND WHAT WE DON"'' DO. We don't ask any Wo elmply trust questions. you on your word. We don't ask you We warrant all for any security or our goods, any references. Our prices aro as You pay a small low as cash sloro sum at the tlmo of prices, piiiciiiio-s.. then pay Everybody's cred-us cred-us SI 00 per week. ' It is ood here. J. W. OURRIB, ASSAYER, 70 W. 3rd So., Salt Lake City. joining Binnica, Stock certificates, seals, reports, booklets. book-lets. Prospector's Manual (Copp's). 50c Tribune Job Printing Co, G. A. R. G. A. R. Excursion to Minneapolis nnd St. Paul via Oregon Short Lino und Union Pacific, August 9 and 10. Hound Irip from Salt Lako $35.00. Proportionately low ratos from other stations. Tickets good for return to August 31. See agents for further fur-ther particulars. City Ticket Ofllco 201 Main St. LoithoTid'a Insect ' Killing Prparatioi ! Mean death to all insects and 1 vermin. Non-poiaonou3 to hu- 1 man life and novcr stain wher- I '. over placed. Tho price of all of I tlicru i3 25 cents or less. I ; Bug shot for bedbugs. Insect powder for flics. B ; Mcsquitoreum to prevent mos- B ; quitos from biting. j Eoach food to kill all cock- B roacher, and ants. H Vonnino for lico. It kills them all and does it H j quick. I SCHRAMM'S 9 Where the Cars Stop, t The Great Prescrip- j I tion Drug Store. 0 P 8 ( WALKER BROTHERS BANKERS (Incorporated.) Established 1S59. Capital .?250,000 Surplus ,000 Absorbed tho Salt Lako Lake branch ol WclJs-Fargo & Co.'a bank. Safoty Deposit Koxcs for Rent. Travelers' Letter of Credit Issued, available In all parts of tho world. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. ESTABLISHED ISO. UTAH COMMERCIAL AND SAYINGS BANK W.M. F. AltMSTBON'O, Prealdent. BV RON GROO, Cashier. Commercial Banking In all Its branches-Four branches-Four per cent Interest on savings at- poclts, ACCOUNT3 SOLICITED. DESERET NATIONAL BANK UNITED STATES DEPOKITART. Salt Lako City. Cihh. Capital, S500OCO; Surpluu, $250,000. L. S. HILLS. MOSES THATCHER, President. Vlce-PrcsldtnL H. S. TOUNO, S. HILLS. Cashier. Asst. Cashier. Safe deposit boxef for rent. NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC A thoroughly modern savings department depart-ment conducted In connection with this bank. Safe deposit boxes for rent. U, S. DEPOSITARY. FRATK KNOX ....President .TAMES A. MURRAY Vice-President W. IT. ADAMS Cashier CAPITAL PAID IN. W.O.000. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. M'CORNICK & CO., BANKERS Salt Lake City, Utah. ESTABLISHED 1873. ESTABLISHED 3S41. 10 OFFICES. THE OLDEST AND LARGEST. R. G. DUN & CO., THE MERCANTILE AGENCY GEORGE RUST, General Manasor. Idaho. Nevada. Utah and Wyoming. Ofllco in Progress bldg.. Salt Lako City. J. E. COS GRIFF. II. P. CLARK. President. Cashier. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK An Exponent of Conservatism Combined Com-bined with Enterprlne. J. J. Dalv. W P N'oble, Vlce-prc3lr'.pnta. PRIVATE WIRE H0US1 I OF JASJ.POLLOCKK0.' XaxLkera and Brokcnfc 6 W. SECOND SOUTH SL rnstantnncouo execution of or4na fet otooka und bonds on Boston fltocst x chang-e, Now York Stock Exchange, San Francisco Stock Exchange, Chi-cacro Chi-cacro Board of Trade. Both Telephones S7J. ! FIRST OFFICIAL BAP 1 j Of nil tho surveyed claims of j : Fairyiew, Nevada. 1 j Wrlto or call for ono. 1 CHILD, "COLE 4 CO. BROKERS. a 100 Atlas Block, H Salt Lako City, Utah.- I umu,jm, l i - "h ymj. ii 1n- Hum Fo"th of July is Ovor I w Vm,t- In.v? y.ou ot tho Price? Wo will certainly "Fix If right. Q- M. LEWIS MERCHANT TAILOR. 66-G7 rm 9G3-zaLll!OCk- ,phn"a S1C NEVADA NORTHERN RAILWAY Curries-Cherry Creek-Ely f Daily lixcept SimdnjB. Leave. a i.. a.m Cobro .6-KDm 3 Currle:, .... ".A-Mv'm - S P-m-Cherry Crock . 3 00 p in tnt-?TiPnsscn,?rs from s,,1t T,ako City take 11 Mj p. m. Oregon Short Line train Sleeper from Salt Lake City to Cobrc. THE LAGoloi SALT LAKF. AND OGDEK RAILWAY. Tlmo Tablo InEffoct Mny 30, 1000. Salt Lako, Lv. 0, 0, 11-a. ra., 2. 4 C 7 a p. m. - 1 1, o vllfo."1 ,U tralnS rUa throusb to Kays- (sSy'sTxn?)15"0' 10:00 P-; LnRoon, Lt. 7, 10. 12 n. m nr. - nt 10:80 p. m. (Sundnv 0T30.) ' '' ' tundftyj nnd holidays special tltroiirh trsiu to Lieuoji nt 3 and 5 p. tn "'""K11 No 1 From O'don .1 Omaha St. Loulfg nud Duuver ... 4YnftJM No. H From siarynnuB Anthony, Idaho FnU 7 foot. I'ocntcllo, Ogden ( termediato points 4B B".San Prnncljco . . lM mcdlnto point? , nd 'M No. 12 Frnm Ocden Cnk'Mt oy. Malnd, vSft "bifSsM turmediAto poiat . " 4nl No 18 from Chicago.' oiM Opdcn and intomndlatiSBf No. 2 From Or(lcn PMl LouN, Kan.af "fciS Denver nnd San I'ni.i.y8! No 10-From Oll &StSW icy. ihitte, voArSlm rraucisco oaaM No. 5 For Osdrnf Oml. W No. 7 For Ogden." 'n'S h.t:e. San Fnd.eo tormodiato point3 . No. l l.vir (jgdc, oVhV'Mi cage. Danver. Kan,,"8' M Mu ?d. Pnrk City "nVim modinto points .. No. 17 For Ogden. 'orlW, No. 13 For OKdn,'p0BI IJlnckfonl Idaho FalJ. stlK thony, Maryvlll0 and uK muuiatn points No. 0 For Ocdon. 'OartiW b.-y. Iiuttc,, llcloaa, CB ban I ranciBco and intB diato )oints ." JW- City Ticket Odlce, 201 T Mi Telcphono 250. 'i Nolo. Tho train nutaben iH! Oropon Short Lino train numB apply to tho Sontheru PadBrfBl or tho Union Pardilc cast thB' YELLOWSTONK PARB' No. 10 For Ileber. ProrsK No. 19 For "ScilVn?. ' "K No. 112 For Ufngham....7M' No. 102 For Tarlc City No. 0 For Denver and BtSt No. 11 For Ogdoa No. 6 For Ogdca and No. 1 For Ocden and "VTdH No. 113 For IMngham No, 2 For Denver and SB No. 8 For Provo and TlnB' No. 13 For Ogdoa ...iJw No. 20 For Doaver and SB No. -1 For Denver and No. 3 For Ogdca and ARRIVE SALT LAKK No. 10 From Doavor tndTK No. G From Ogdon and iM No. 12 From Ogdca , ..'S No. 7 From Tintic and ftB No. 6 From Doaver and lV No. 113 From Bingham ..Hi No. 1 From Denver and IkV: No. 1-1 From Ogdoa No. 2 From Ogdon and'Hl No. 101 From Park Cily.:B No. 115 From Bingham . ..K iro. 9 From Provo, HobtfiH No. 20 From 6gdcn 'jB No. ! From Ogdea and'H, No. 3 From Dcaver andilH All trainn oxcept Noi. 1, 'SkBi and 20 stop at iutormodlatD'H, Ticket ofllco, Dooly blocbHl I- A BRN'TnX?Wt OURREN'T TIMER DEPART DAHjB- No. 7 Los Angulos LlmiletV No. 1 Los Angelcj ExprHMK 2fo. Gl For Stockloa and TIB" No. G3 For Ncphi and Saa'H No. 63 For' Garflold .....H No. 65 For Ncphi . No. 01 For Ncphi and LyosH? AUUIVE DAIhSi No. 3 Los Angeles Limited.'Kl No. 2 Los Angeles EsprMB? No. 02 From Lynn and NefBBJi No. 51 From Oarlleld 1 No. (JO From Nophl nnd SiaBw No. 6-1 From Nepal . No. 52 From Tintic and TB Finest Dininfr Car StrriCB,-Only StrriCB,-Only direct lino lo Los 'nfBBf noctions for Novnda mining H OITY TICKET OFFICE, 'Phonos 1030. J. VBJ DitnctPllr COLOEADO-UTAH 2ll ST. LOUlS-iBK Through car. Salt .Lake and Kansas City. Only BJ York, Buffalo and principal JM rates for summer travel. Eapecial nttoatlon to '""SBjift Tourist tleupcrs tbrourU iWfj, ton and other points witnMfMWL Two trains daily. Inquire at ticket officv iBJUj Salt Lako City. An ,a(dHk 0.'P. & T. A., liiM"'M Louis, JIo. Hf trains to mm TlilE TABLE IN EFFECSMj Going Leavo K'HfB Salt Lako. IbhS 10:30 a.m. flV 2 :00 p. m. 'BMlft 3:00 p.m. flV I -.00 p. m. fBM'lk 6:00 p.m. , 9m2 6:00 p.m. w 7:00 p.m. BB 6 :00 p. m 'Blv' 0:00 p.m. 9BVS'' '10:00 p.m. 3Ms Sunday last train leTBB 0:00 p. m. ...rdSIC Sunday last train leave flK P'Doppt First South JK FOR KOSJ |