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Show MAHLEY-CURTiS Proposition Will Be Handled by Salt Lake Puhlio Service Serv-ice Company, ENTIRE PROPOSITION HAS BEEN UNDERWRITTEN EAST Bond for $25,000 Has Been Filed With the County Recorder. J. S. Manl6y and L.' H. Curtis on Saturday filed in the office of tho Couri-ty Couri-ty Rocorder a bond for $25,000, aa required re-quired under thc provisions of the Mauley-Curtis light, heat and power franchiso granted by the City Council two months ago. , Tho bond is secured by the Utah Savings and Trust company and has been approved by tho Mayor and tho City Attorney, aud provides that actual construction work will bo begun by tho company within threo mouths. It is announced that within tho noxt ten days articles of incorporation of the company that is to take ovor the franchiso fran-chiso will bo filed with tho Socrotary of State. Tho company will be known as tho Salt Lako Public Service company. com-pany. Tho securities havo all been subscribed, for in the East, and one of tho St. Louis trust companies has underwritten un-derwritten the entire proposition. It is promised that tho conditions of the bond will be lived up to 'and active construction work on tho plant and lines of tho company will bo well along before tho expiration of the three months from date of the franchiso. From information gained by The Tri-buuo, Tri-buuo, but which can not be announced nt this time, it is known that' tho company com-pany intends losing no time in getting to work, aud will be prepared to supply sup-ply light to tho public as soon as it is possible to havo the plant in operation. |