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Show Tho young man Is a visitor In tho clly nud at tho tlmo of his flrst visit to Salt-nlr Salt-nlr ho know few pooplo and at tho beach not a familiar faco was to bo soon. Ho spied, however, a group of rather protty Clrls and ono particularly appealod to him a certain ono with fair braids and pink gown. "May I havo tho next dance7" (of courso ho knew it was a risk, but tho danco with her was worth It). Sho assented and the two glidod from tha pavilion to tho scenic, whero breathlessly breath-lessly ho held on (of courso to tho bar In front). Well, when tho evening was over ho decidod that It had not been slow, after all, cvou if ho did not know many In tho city. Tho following week ho was invited to an evening affair and did not dream that when tho charming hostess hos-tess asked him to tako Miss to supper that fate was hanging over him. Tho hostess was summoned to the kitchen in hasto, where an animated conversation con-versation was going on botween tho ono with fair braids and her companions. "Oh, Mrs. 1, don't ask mo to serve in tho dining-room just now; I really can't, for ono of my 'gentleman' friends Is In there." "Now, remember, you havo met mo, but of course, as you know ao many pooplo, poo-plo, I suppose it will bo hardly possible for you to remember me." "Oh, yes, I shall remember; how could I forget." Now It chances that there aro resemblances, resem-blances, sometimes very striking ones. Next morning as sho sailed down town, cool as a cucumber, In gown of white, sho saw him standing watching her approach. ap-proach. Now sho thought, I will show him that I can remember. "Good morning, morn-ing, Mr. . I am so glad to seo you; vory warm, Isn't It? Going down town? Well, wo can lunch at C. What aro you waiting for? The man blushed a trifle, mopped his faco and replied: "Pardon mo an introduction." He of tho "shoulder straps," who Is bo anxious for al Interested to know ho Is engaged, would do well to advertise tho fact in a moro public fashion (If that wgto possible). Not long' ago at 'a danco ho scorned to bo onjoylng tho society so-ciety of a particular bollo, who, by tho way, Is a very Interesting girl, as sho made a teasing remark to him (which evidently ho thought was not tho way in which a "engaged man" should bo addressed), ad-dressed), replied: "Now, really, you must not say such things to mo, for I am engaged, you know." Two interesting announcements will probably bo made within tho next two months. Tho brldea-elect aro both popular pop-ular belles, though sad to rolato, will not mako their homos In this city, as tho coast sems to beckon them away In such a fascinating manner that neither havo said "No." Tho polite visiting hello who caught tho bride's bouquet nt a wedding of tho week may havo an announcomont In tho near future. They do say It is hard to tell whether It will bo "Tho Virginian," or one nearer homo. So tho young physician is soon to wed and a girl In Chicago. Well, thero will bo many congratulations from a host of friends In the city, whero two years ago thero was moro than ono maid who considered con-sidered herself Ue chosen ono, but' those day3 havo passed. Weddings and Engagements. Tho marrlago of Miss Clella A. Mc-Cready Mc-Cready and David Nelson look placo on Wednesday at high noon at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCready, Rev. D. A. Brown, of the First Baptist church, officiating. Only relatives and a few close friends wero present at tho ceremony, cere-mony, which was followed by a large reception. re-ception. Tho bride was attended by Miss Millie Nelson as bridesmaid, Claudo Williams acting as best man. Tho brldo was gownccL, in a dainty frock of whlto French mull over taffeta and carried a shower of brldo's roses and sweet peas tied with whito tullo. The parlors wero decorated with a profusion of whlto sweet peas, tho flowers being arranged In low bowls and banked along tho mantel Pink was used entirely for tho decorations decora-tions and appointments in tho dining room, a largo cut glass basket of piuk sweet pens formed the center ploco, with loose bouquets scattered over tho cloth. At the corner of tho tablo wero sllvor candelabrum shadod and filled with pink candles. Thoso assisting woro Miss Evolino Thomas, Miss Auuio Adams, Mrs, Elliott Kimball, Miss Boss Ofllccr, Miss Helen Burton, Miss Lucy Gaby and Miss Helen Shepard. Mr. nnd Mrs. Nelson left on tho C o'clock train for Portland and San Francisco, whoro they will spend six weeks. I o Another wedding of Wednesday was that of Miss May Prlco and Ernest TJrlon, which took placo at Uie residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ell Price. The ceremony was performed by Bishop Orscn F. Whitney at 7:30 o'olock in tho presenoo of tho relatives und Immediate friends of the young people, and was followed by a largo reception. Tho brldo woro a hand-somo hand-somo gown of whlto chiffon over taffota and carried, a shower of brlde'u rosos, hor vail was of old English net. Tho parlors wero prettily decorated with whlto rosos and oarnatlons, a screen of tho flowers being In front of tho bow window, whero tho ceremony was porformod. Tho dining room was decorated with pink swoot peas, a low bowl of tho flowers being in the conlor of the tablo with streamers of pink satin ribbon extending to tho four corners. Thoso who assisted during tho evening wero Mr. and Mrs. Ell Price, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo D. Suell, Jr., Miss Lulu Penrose, Miss Virginia Elmor, Miss Abble Herman, After August 10 Mr. and Mrs. Urlen will bo at homo to their friends at No. 1 Woodbine place. i Mrs. A. M. Walden has announced the engagement of hor daughter Louise to Guorgo James MacLaughlln of Rochestor. N. Y. An Interesting announcement of tho week was that of Miss May Schweitzer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schweitzer, Schweit-zer, of Honolulu, and Lieut. Rowland W. Case, Tenth United States Jnfantry, stationed sta-tioned at Camp McKInloy, Honolulu. Miss Schweitzer made her homo In this city for oevoral years and many congratulations will nnd their way to tho Islands. u Miss Efllo Louise Dahlutead and Adhnn II. McDonald wero married on Wodncsdny evening at tho homo of tho brldo's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Dahlstoad. Tho woddlng march was played by Mrs. W. D, McDonnld na tho bridal party on-torod on-torod tho parlor. Miss Emma Ilockner I was tho bridesmaid aud was preceded by A llttlo Malcolm Dahlstoad us ring boarer. Rov. Charles E. Perkins ,of St. Paul's church, performed tho ceromony. Tho room was effectively decorated with whlto rosos and sweet peas, an arch of tho flowers bolug over the doorway. Following Fol-lowing the ceremony an informal reception recep-tion was held. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald will be at homo to their friends at 533 West First South street. The marrlago of Miss Estolla Snow of this city nnd Harry W. Abbott of Denver took place July 7 at the homo of Mrs. Jennie Brodberry of Denver. Rov. Christian D. Relsncr of tho Grace Methodist Metho-dist church, officiating. Tho brldo Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Woods of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Abbott will make their home In Denver. Miss Elizabeth Fulton of Clarion, Pa., and Fred Wllkeu of St. Elmo, Colo., woro married at the Wilson hotel on Wednesday Wednes-day ovenlng by Roy. D. A. Brown of tho First Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. Wilken will make their futuro homo in Denver. Ono of tho protty homo weddings of the week was that of Anna Mario Ly-strup Ly-strup to L. A. Brooks, which took placo Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Susan P. Brooks. Tho mnrrlago was solemnized at 7:30 p. m., Apostle O. F. Whitney performing tho ceremony. Tho houso was very prettily decorated in green and white. Tho bride carried a largo bouquet of bridal rosos. While the young couple were receiving the congratulations con-gratulations of relatives and friends Mrs. W. T. Brooks and Miss Priscllla Paul served punch In the dining-room. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks will bo at homo after August 1 at 114 L street. |